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It's interesting that it has a huge community support over 10yrs ranging from mathematicians and scientists and I've only just found out its free (doh) :rolleyes: kinda like the Linux of the music software world.


With an obviously steep learning curve is it worth getting into or is it for more a doodle toy for serious math heads and number crunchers?

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yeah -- it's pretty wonderful. i've been playing around with it for a while now. as a computer scientist, it's worlds more intuitive than max.

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ok so a little box has popped up with a shit load of code inside!


where do I go from here or can anyone please point me in the direction of some nice presets to get me rolling?


I'd say start with the tutorials attached to this post, if you have any specific questions not covered in the tutorial I can try and answer them though.


Or maybe if you're nice and anyone is interested I can post some patch examples... possibly.

BitBongo SC Tutorials .zip

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ok so a little box has popped up with a shit load of code inside!


where do I go from here or can anyone please point me in the direction of some nice presets to get me rolling?


I'd say start with the tutorials attached to this post, if you have any specific questions not covered in the tutorial I can try and answer them though.


Or maybe if you're nice and anyone is interested I can post some patch examples... possibly.


anything please to get some sound so I can actually get my head around a UI of sorts?


right now this is whats coming into my mind






Nord G2

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What you're thinking is probably the truth, but in the long run the fat guy on the floor probably ended up doing something amazing in the long run, and well Yasmine Bleeth...






SuperCollider takes a lot of work, and you're not going to get anything out of it right away, but you can do incredible things with it that you can't do with anything else if you're willing to put in a lot of time and effort.


All you have to ask yourself is, are you really interested in composing sounds completely from the ground up, and creating your own instruments, effects, blah blah blah, or do you just want to play with knobs and pre-prescribed patches and components etc etc?


Neither of the two approaches are wrong, it just depends on how far down the sound nerd hole you want to go.


(also, SC is free and a Nord G2 isn't)

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What you're thinking is probably the truth, but in the long run the fat guy on the floor probably ended up doing something amazing in the long run, and well Yasmine Bleeth...






SuperCollider takes a lot of work, and you're not going to get anything out of it right away, but you can do incredible things with it that you can't do with anything else if you're willing to put in a lot of time and effort.


All you have to ask yourself is, are you really interested in composing sounds completely from the ground up, and creating your own instruments, effects, blah blah blah, or do you just want to play with knobs and pre-prescribed patches and components etc etc?


Neither of the two approaches are wrong, it just depends on how far down the sound nerd hole you want to go.


(also, SC is free and a Nord G2 isn't)


there's the ground up then there's messing with code although the way SC allows you to do this while the engine is running is a bonus although I'm thinking I may stick to my G2 at this point


Yasmin used to be soooo scrumptious, at least Pam's matured to a decent MILF

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It's not that hard once you get your head around it, it's just like picking up anything else it takes time.


I can't program anything else for shit; you just have to get used to telling it exactly what you want it to do.

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you could end up spending tons of time and end up producing nothing good at all as well so if you are going to make the jump you should probably not be on the fence at all and be ready to spend tons of time on it, and not get the instant gratification you do playing around with vsts and loops

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Guest sickboy

it is good

here is a shitty acid patch i made in it years ago

it tries to be different every time




{ var lk = [0,3,7,9], jx = [3,4,2,4], n, ox = 10, qw, cx, oi,z,w, faz, mp;

var fa, ffa, ra, eca, era, fsa, xc, fxc, rq, ec, er,xcs, o,e; mp = { |n,alk|

alk = alk ? lk; { midicps(jx.choose * 12 + lk.choose) } !n }; faz = [ mp.(3)*

2.midiratio, mp.( 3 )*1.midiratio, mp.( 2,[ 0,3,9 ])*5.midiratio,mp.(1)*1.midiratio

]; fa = faz[[3,0,3,1,2,2,2,2, 1,1,1,1,0,3]].flat; n = fa.size; qw = Impulse.kr(ox);

cx = PulseDivider.kr(qw, n); oi = Stepper.kr(qw,0,0,n-1); fsa = { [0,0,0,0.02,0.08

].choose }!div(n,8); xcs = Select.kr( Stepper.kr( qw,0,0,fsa.size-1 ), fsa); xc =

Lag2.kr( Select.kr(oi, fa), xcs ); ffa = { rrand( 20, 90 ) } ! n; ffa.size.do({ |i|

var pn = [2,4,8].choose; if ( 0.2.coin, { ffa = Select.kr(Stepper.kr(cx, 0,0,pn-1),

{ rrand( 4, 90 ) } ! n) }) }); fxc = Lag2.kr( Select.kr(oi, ffa), 0.04); ra = {

rrand(0.05,0.5) } ! n; rq = Lag.kr( Select.kr(oi, ra), 0.04); eca = { [-4,-1].choose }

! n; ec = Select.kr(oi, eca); o = Saw.ar(xc) + Pulse.ar(xc * 0.01.midiratio,1-rq) +

Pulse.ar(xc * 0.04.midiratio,LFTri.ar(ox/n).range(0.1,0.9),0.02) + Pulse.ar(xc *

24.midiratio,LFTri.ar(ox/n/4).range(0.5,0.2),0.05); era = { rrand(0.4,0.1) } ! 4; er

= Select.kr(Stepper.kr(qw, 0,0,3), era); e = Env([0,1,0],[xcs/8,er],ec); e =

EnvGen.ar(e, gate:qw); fxc = fxc * [1.02, 0.98]; xc = xc * [0.99,1.01];

z = RLPF.ar(o, (fxc * e).midiratio * xc, rq) + (RLPF.ar(o.neg, fxc * (60 * e)

.midiratio, 0.4) *0.05) + (RLPF.ar(o.neg, fxc * (65 * e).midiratio, rq/2) *0.01)

* e; z = (z + (PitchShift.ar(z,0.01,0.25,0.01).distort * 0.4)).distort; w = z+ LocalIn.ar

(2).distort; 10.do({ w = AllpassN.ar(w,0.4,{0.03.rand}!2,{0.2.rand}!2) }); LocalOut.ar(

LPF.ar( w*0.9,1000 )); (w *0.2 ) + (z * 0.7) }.play


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Monday 13 December 2010 – SuperCollider group Christmas party. Thanks to the generosity and culinary competence of its members, we consumed borscht, humous, onion cake and tiramisu, along with several bottles of wine and a few obscenely large glasses of Bison vodka, then listened to the worst pop music we could find on youtube (Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Smurfs, Cylob etc.) Not before I had forced a conversation about code obfuscation upon my colleagues, of course.


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this is actually very relevant a thread to what i came here to ask.



i'm preparing to embark on a very deep programming experience, whereby the entire final piece of music could be processed within minutes, but where the procedures leading up to its creation will take months of work - including learning software.


i don't know the point of coming here to ask too much about things i'm already afraid to accept, but here goes:


supercollider vs. Max MSP vs. Reaktor core?


what's the difference? and is there any easy way to figure out what the hell i'm doing? i had Max for a year and I couldn't figure out very basic things - like how to play in MIDI and how to route audio from one place to another...


my basic idea is to generate a 20 minute piece of music based on an almost endlessly intricate web of "rules" which should sort of spiral off into these tiny minute rules... I don't even know if the processing power of my computer would be able to handle it in the end. But still, it's all based on "chance." I just don't really know where to start in figuring out how to carry out this idea..


and I think the reason I failed to learn MAX in the first place was that I had no real ideas in my head about what I'd do with it once I'd figured it out - now I do and I'm wondering if there isn't an easier way or a pre-existing program that will do what I want it to do.




the other option is doing the entire thing by hand and by rolling dice - which i'll probably do regardless. still i'm wondering if there aren't tools that i'm not aware of already. otherwise this post is complete bullshit and i'm sharing my excitement but still I'm curious because I have 400 dollars to blow from Christmas

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