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Is there a sequencer ...


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I sequence my music by drawing notes onto a piano roll with a mouse


All the sequencers I have used recently (Reason, Ableton, Reaper) will only let you view the piano-roll for one track/channel at a time.


If I could view multiple piano rolls at the same time (stacked vertically on the screen) then it would be easier for me to adjust melodies and harmonies that are in different tracks/channels.


(I spend a lot of my time in the Reason sequencer switching between different tracks to work out the intervals between notes played by different instruments - it would be much better if I can view several at the same time)


ideally said tool would also have re-wire so I could then use it to drive Reason.


Please advise,

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In Cubase, you can open as many MIDI editors as you like and arrange their windows as you see fit. I imagine this to be the case in Logic as well. Cubase is cool because you can edit multiple parts in the same window and switch between them with the little parts list. Very handy, indeed.

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If you're using Reason, use the Matrix pattern sequencer to create the melodies and harmonies, then edit them before sending them to the track.


innovative idea, but the Matrix can't do chords (ie each Matrix device is a 'monophonic' sequencer), so although they are stackable, I'd lose more than I was gaining usability wise.


i think reaper might let you do this, but i'm not sure because I don't use it as a sequencer.


i tried it, and as far as I remember it couldn't do it, but I don't have it to hand right now

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innovative idea, but the Matrix can't do chords (ie each Matrix device is a 'monophonic' sequencer), so although they are stackable, I'd lose more than I was gaining usability wise.


Ah, I thought you were referring to a lead melody for one device, then a harmony on another.  Polyphony is a bitch.  Hmmm . . . I'll think about it more.  I know there's a way to link multiple Matrix sequencers to a single device, which might also help.

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Ah, I thought you were referring to a lead melody for one device, then a harmony on another. Polyphony is a bitch. Hmmm . . . I'll think about it more. I know there's a way to link multiple Matrix sequencers to a single device, which might also help.


I don't think I could seriously use the Matrix to sequence a whole track, its so limited compared to the main sequencer. I'd be pulling my hair out.


OK it sounds like the major DAWs are what i need (cubase, logic, protools etc)


Still holding out for a freeware one though ...

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Guest Wall Bird

I should probably mention that Pro Tools sucks when it comes to easily editing MIDI. Logic is far superior, and it even has a score editor. Editing scores are way easier than multiple piano rolls, if you can notate music. I cant speak for Cubase, though.

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If I could view multiple piano rolls at the same time (stacked vertically on the screen) then it would be easier for me to adjust melodies and harmonies that are in different tracks/channels.


(I spend a lot of my time in the Reason sequencer switching between different tracks to work out the intervals between notes played by different instruments - it would be much better if I can view several at the same time)


always wondered about this, good point!

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Guest welcome to the machine

If you're stuck on pc then cubase is the key, you can multi part edit as mentioned earlier and you can also show mini key editors (but you can stretch them to make them bigger...) on the midi track in the sequencer/arrange/project window, with full editing functionality.


the button to press is the little midi editor looking button above and too the left of the midi channel number on the track name panel.



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isn't there a way to use more matrices at the same time by merging the cv cables with a spider cv merger?


edit: just gave it a shot, but no luck, all it does is raise the pitch, no polyphony

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Guest hahathhat
If you're stuck on pc then cubase is the key, you can multi part edit as mentioned earlier and you can also show mini key editors (but you can stretch them to make them bigger...) on the midi track in the sequencer/arrange/project window, with full editing functionality.


the button to press is the little midi editor looking button above and too the left of the midi channel number on the track name panel.




thanks, was just browsing this thread and now i got something to show for it! :)


anyways, when you have two overlapping piano rolls and open one, cubase will show the overlapping notes at like 50% opacity. i always wish i could do this to a greater extent -- like, use colors that blend properly so you can see multiple layers. when they overlap, they do so intelligently... for example: layer 1 blue, layer 2 yellow, if they overlap you get a green note. maybe be able to "crossfade" between two chunks of midi, just for a quick peek if you want to work on one part while referencing the other.


i'd also want to be able to do this for CC lanes.


honestly, this all goes back to analords for me. i noticed he'd have some 3-part acid harmony, but it wasn't a polysynth...he was tweaking velocity, cutoff, etc for individual notes in the chord. i found that inspiring and immediately went to try it out, only to be annoyed that i couldn't stack midi AND CC lanes intelligently...


anyways, yeah, wttm's suggestion is a goodun. ALMOST what i want, closer than i had before.

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If you're stuck on pc then cubase is the key, you can multi part edit as mentioned earlier and you can also show mini key editors (but you can stretch them to make them bigger...) on the midi track in the sequencer/arrange/project window, with full editing functionality.


the button to press is the little midi editor looking button above and too the left of the midi channel number on the track name panel.




yeah, that looks like what I'm after.


the more i think about it, the more essential this feature seems to be.


Will 'Cubase Essential 4' do? Or do i need the more souped up versions?


(I'll probably just use Cubase to drive Reason and VSTs)

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Logic will allow for you to:


open up seperate piano roll windows for each midi region you create.


double click in one piano roll editor which will make all other midi region events from other tracks appear in one window. (double click to show all midi events in all regions and double click again to see only the events on that particular channel or region)


otherwise, Pro Tools and Cubase will display it more according to what you are looking for. I think energyXT will do the same also.

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Guest welcome to the machine
Logic will allow for you to:


open up seperate piano roll windows for each midi region you create.


double click in one piano roll editor which will make all other midi region events from other tracks appear in one window. (double click to show all midi events in all regions and double click again to see only the events on that particular channel or region)


you can also then go to 'view' and notes as region colours or similar then the notes will appear as the same colour as the region they are from, rather than velocity so its easy to tell them apart

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