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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Yeah, I'm expecting Ford's demise in some way or another, but it would be amazing if he was still around in Season 2 (if it made sense), still pulling the strings... Speaking of which - where do you think this is going to go in Season 2? Surely MiB, Maeve, Dolores, Ford, Stubbs, and Arnold's stories cannot all get wrapped up in the final episode? I suppose it could... but in an hour? I always wondered if subsequent seasons would explore the other "-worlds" hinted at in the 1973 movie (Medieval World and Roman World), but if Ford is somehow removed, who is going to mastermind the park (unless Arnold is revived and becomes the head director). Certainly not that prick Sizemore. MiB is a board member - I wonder if the board and it's true motivations will be explored (perhaps by Maeve and her army) in the next season?
  2. Fucking Ron Glass, goddammit 2016, leave my childhood ALONE
  3. Yep - Pokemon Stars is rumoured for a late 2017 release on Switch. Finally a Pokemon game with decent screen resolution!
  4. incorrect, it's a miracle I have meatloaf recipes that shit all over that one from a great height.
  5. I'm not so sure about that - he gave a voice to racism to come out of the shadows and be counted (literally) - what would stop politicians from saying what they really think now that the standard has been lowered?
  6. Same as you post a regular image - just use the image button and paste in the URL ending with .gif Oh, it's a GIFV file... http://i.imgur.com/C6RSmyP.gifv Yep, just paste in the URL of the image - no need to even use the image button in the toolbar! Also: LOL
  7. You and I must have been separated at birth! 10000000% agree on the Japanese audio - I actually forgot to install the Japanese DLC voice patch, and I started the game and those cringey english voices came on... I quickly fixed that! And yes, Tama's "the-" crap makes my brain hurt too. Absolutely LOVE Serafie's Japanese voice: https://youtu.be/n8g5ZSwSBcU?t=2691
  8. I bet it's some puzzle that if you reconfigured it it is a big pound note
  9. For me, when my GAS acts up, it's usually due to Burger King or some other horrible fast food I shouldn't have ate...
  10. 10 USD for a fucking endless runner? Cmaaaaaaaan, Nintendo! And Breath of the Wild being delayed stinks of either: A blatant cash grab to keep the Wii U artificially alive by delaying the ONE GAME people will probably buy a Wii U or keep their Wii U for A blatant cash grab to force people to buy the Switch to play Zelda, because by then new Wii U stock will probably be depleted considering production is ending in November. If BotW was a Switch launch game (or better yet, a pack-in although an action RPG as a pack-in might not be the best choice), I would feel a lot better about its prospects. The rumoured price, along with Zelda getting delayed is making things look shaky for launch. The price of the Switch had better damn well include a game (and a good game, none of this Nintendoland bullshit the Wii U was plagued with), otherwise it's going to be a hard sell for the non-Nintendo faithful (aka the majority of the gaming public). How can Nintendo do something so right (the NES Classic) so easily (limited stock notwithstanding), but do things like the above? Apparently, there are problems with localization of Zelda, hence the delay. And there will be two SKUs for Switch, like Wii U; one with minimal internal storage and no game, and one with more storage and a pack-in game. Bitroast, I didn't see your hidden pictures before, that might be a Switch dev kit, so I'm guessing the spoiled son of a developer who just got his ass grounded for life, lol. Seriously? Localization issues in 2016, when simultaneous releases between EU/US/Japan are the norm these days? Not like Nintendo doesn't have the cash...
  11. Agreed - Move to Funny Pictures Still funny tho
  12. 10 USD for a fucking endless runner? Cmaaaaaaaan, Nintendo! And Breath of the Wild being delayed stinks of either: A blatant cash grab to keep the Wii U artificially alive by delaying the ONE GAME people will probably buy a Wii U or keep their Wii U for A blatant cash grab to force people to buy the Switch to play Zelda, because by then new Wii U stock will probably be depleted considering production is ending in November. If BotW was a Switch launch game (or better yet, a pack-in although an action RPG as a pack-in might not be the best choice), I would feel a lot better about its prospects. The rumoured price, along with Zelda getting delayed is making things look shaky for launch. The price of the Switch had better damn well include a game (and a good game, none of this Nintendoland bullshit the Wii U was plagued with), otherwise it's going to be a hard sell for the non-Nintendo faithful (aka the majority of the gaming public). How can Nintendo do something so right (the NES Classic) so easily (limited stock notwithstanding), but do things like the above?
  13. Great game - getting close to the Platinum, but some of the trophies are so friggin' hard... but still a fun old-skool FF game. Oh, dear - I was worried they'd price it in line with PS4/XBONE. 330 CAD will probably shake out to 299.00 USD - unless some of the info they will release on 17 January will make it more enticing, I'm afraid the price point may not be alluring enough to attract buyers (Beyond the Nintendo faithful). I was really hoping they'd go for 250-300 range USD. Still, time will tell! wow... already near plat? how many hours have you dropped in? re: switch... that seems pretty reasonable especially if it comes with a game of some sort. probably won't get one for a bit though Don't recall off the top of my head, but probably getting close to the 50-55 hour mark.
  14. Good lord... Giuliani is being tapped for potential Secretary of State? BAD IDEA
  15. Great game - getting close to the Platinum, but some of the trophies are so friggin' hard... but still a fun old-skool FF game. Oh, dear - I was worried they'd price it in line with PS4/XBONE. 330 CAD will probably shake out to 299.00 USD - unless some of the info they will release on 17 January will make it more enticing, I'm afraid the price point may not be alluring enough to attract buyers (Beyond the Nintendo faithful). I was really hoping they'd go for 250-300 range USD. Still, time will tell!
  16. Before With Teeth came out, when it was originally going to be called BLEEDTHROUGH (sic) Trent posted online about how he wanted the album to be "fifteen hard punches in the face", referring to the 15 tracks. He wanted to "avoid that Pro Tooled sound of perfection". So then With Teeth came out with that Pro Tooled sound of perfection. And it was rubbish. Let's be fair, aside from his soundtrack work Trent hasn't put out anything of much cop since The Fragile. I'd say since The Downward Spiral, tbh
  17. Just paste the YouTube URL in, ya n00b
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