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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Joyrex


    I honestly hope we can get there... the biggest issue is fossil fuels are still too cheap to harvest, make, distribute, etc. (and profit from) compared to renewable sources. I kinda had hoped when they predicted we'd run out of fossil fuels 20 years ago (about now) would have actually happened if it weren't for fracking, which is like the root canal of refining and processing fuel...
  2. Joyrex


    And when your EV reaches the end of its life (or the battery capacity becomes problematic) I guess we can hope by then we won't have a new problem on hand of what to do with all those toxic batteries from all the first generation EVs...
  3. I never knew about this...
  4. Joyrex


    We have that in the US (in most states) as well - I have been using an electric provider since 2004 that produces 100% renewable energy via wind and solar. The reality is though, while choosing a provider that creates renewable energy does some good, the reality is the owners of the transmission network can't separate out the renewable vs the fossil fuel-based electricity, so you're still using "dirty" electricity in some capacity. Only until the majority of electric providers are 100% renewable will we have true "clean(er)" energy. And yes, electric cars (once we get to that tipping point with renewable energy) do provide an option, and as more and more people and car manufacturers move to electric, that will help - but right now, we're polluting more by making electricity than what fossil fuel vehicles produce and that was my point.
  5. Joyrex


  6. Joyrex


    Pollution from power plants to generate electricity has caused more damage than cars have
  7. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk7oRaMP07hen1It-4i9kGA
  8. Yep, loved it, even though I think Nintendo made the right call and turned Doki Doki Panic into SMB 2 USA, which still stands as my favourite Mario game. This (and the SMB one) are just nostalgic collectors items or good gifts for people. The SMB one is easy to find and is on sale for 10 bucks off almost everywhere. Once the unsold stock gets depleted, it might rise in value for Mario's 50th anniversary.
  9. - Looks at total playtime on Control - Yeeeaaaahhhh...
  10. I don't know if Richard still has a penchant for DIY equipment, but who knows...
  11. Nobody... because there aren't any fuskfjolasjfeflisefjlj!lhk3rkhw3rhk3nhf! graphics cards... ?
  12. That, or the huge influx in users triggered an alert in the bunker...
  13. Resuming my Resident Evil 7 playthough... not going well
  14. He was last on here in September 2014!
  15. Hot take: I don't think any label (now or in the future) can ever be "the new Rephlex" - labels themselves have evolved and changed since Rephlex, and I can't see any label being able to do what they did (and how they did it) anymore in the current music industry environment. Even WARP has evolved long past what it used to be.
  16. I think he's retired from being the band's (hell) interface for the band...
  17. As mercurial as Tom is... I don't know if we would have gotten an answer...
  18. Stunning LEGO Typewriter: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/typewriter-21327?p=21327&cmp=social-orux4d-SHOP https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/set/assets/bltd23745b51e42ac5e/21327_ShopperVideo_45s_16x9_WoText.mp4
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