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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Still gets cached by user's machine even if they don't open the spoiler... sorry.
  2. I think something is wrong with your Chrome (or an extension you are using) - I am not getting that at all. Try accessing WATMM via Edge or Firefox and see if you see the same cert error, or disable all addons. You might also whitelist WATMM in your adblocker.
  3. https://www.arturia.com/store From Engadget:
  4. https://www.tree.fm/ Nice background sounds
  5. Probably my favorite AE era was the early 2040's when they decided to do a series of "retirement" live shows online only to announce at the end that Rob had perfected the brain/computer interface he developed in conjunction with Tesla/Elon Musk's son.
  6. Wow... really sad to lose someone (anyone) like this... my condolences for his family and all his friends, IRL and virtual. Very sad news.
  7. Then likely something Apple/webkit related
  8. Over 60 children witnessed a UFO in the daytime in Zimbabwe in 1994...
  9. I don't see a setting for unfollowing after a period of time... are you finding content being unsubscribed automatically?
  10. That's not really something you should be saying, especially since you have zero insight into their lives...
  11. That's interesting - But could the blind character (Chirruit) been played by anyone else but a martial artist (and yes, I know there are non-asian martial artists, but I guess my point is perhaps they chose Donnie because he fit the type of character they were creating and wanted to portray and not because they were boosting ticket sales in China. Also, Beskar is the heaviest metal:
  12. That's a valid point... it gets into a gray area of "is the content you post on a public forum still your content or not?" I do think if the thread or post is deleted, the associated content goes too...
  13. God made cows, man made burgers from cows, so therefore burgers are a gift from God.
  14. Er, no - that's not how this (or any forum/site) works - the real issue (and I've complained to the forum software developers about this) is what is uploaded into posts as pasted in content is counted against a user (if there are limits imposed) and whatever upload limit(s) there are by the forum administrator. I understand from a development standpoint why they did this, but it creates the problem outlined here - if a user deletes uploaded content used in a post, it is replaced with a broken image. In some cases, that can totally ruin a potentially valuable thread (e.g., pictures of a rare release). I'm planning on moving the forum's storage to Wasabi (think Amazon S3 but far, far cheaper) but haven't had the time to do so, and server backend stuff is not my strong point, so I generally have to get help with some of these things.
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