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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Nope! Learn to type like a normal human and type full sentences and then submit. Where specifically is this happening?
  2. Playing a bunch of stuff - trying the "small bites" method (playing many games a little bit at a time): Jedi: Fallen Order (PS5 patch makes it soo much better) Ghosts of Tsushima (goddamn Kurosawa movie, innit) Demon's Souls (beautiful game... best PS5 graphics so far IMO) Resogun (classic twin-stick shooter)
  3. I vote MIXL2... he's smarter than all of us combined Thread is unhidden now... you can all storm the capital because I said so Well, you've got the doddering old man senility down pat!
  4. No worries - anyone, at any time can ask me what happened to [insert WATMM fuckery here] and I will do my best to address it.
  5. It was an email, but w/e: So, do you want me to unhide the thread, or leave it hidden?
  6. We rarely delete threads... you may think that, but it's not the case - mostly it's the OP deleting their own threads (which they have the right to do). Mods normally lock threads unless asked by the OP or someone involved provide a valid reason for doing so. Fuck off; I'm 47 - and probably a lot more cognizant than your likely drug-addled mind LOL - you asked me personally to delete the thread! (it's hidden by the way)... I'll post the PM convo as proof since you can't seem to recall this yourself in a moment.
  7. My point (which I really in retrospect didn't make very clear) was to say instead of saying "this is better", perhaps provide more constructive criticism as to why you didn't find the OP's submission agreeable.
  8. This is super impressive stuff! Really interesting process behind recreating these classic tracks too.
  9. I really don't think it's appropriate to render an opinion on someone's work, and then say "but these deserve more attention (as much as I like lovekrafty).
  10. Amazon is using it for training new drivers and delivery persons
  11. For me, it's just convenience - I haven't bought a disc version of a game in some time, and I really don't see that changing. Plus, unless I really want a game right now, I usually wait for digital games to go on sale (for example, i got Ghosts of Tsushima when it was on sale on PSN for 39.99, which I feel is a fair price for a AAA game like that. Plus, I think Sony's shown they will support several generations of games before they phase them out, and it's all going to go digital eventually anyway - how often do people buy (or even can buy) a physical version of a PC game these days?
  12. DfN Highlights (for me): Meeting some of you guys and not being killed for being me Watching Aphex with Tycho, and getting to see and talk to him and his bandmates again Meeting Steven from WARP and hanging with the other WARPLords Having others suffer Houston's wacky weather with me Aphex Acid in the rain! Lowlights (for me): Not meeting Richard despite WARP's best efforts Not hearing more of OPN's set While exhilarating, walking in the cold after being soaked by rain back to my car wasn't too fun Not getting a vinyl at the show (but eventually getting one later) So overall a great experience; too bad it's likely to never happen here again.
  13. Finally managed to get a digital PS5 at retail cost, so back goes the Costco bundle and 680 bucks back in my pocket... Also playing The Messenger - great little indy game! Good sense of humour too.
  14. Let an AI judge your (questionable) taste in music: https://pudding.cool/2020/12/judge-my-spotify/
  15. Was quite a memorable experience, with the exception of not getting to meet RDJ...
  16. Then it sounds like CDPR is getting what (the investors) deserved... a plummeting stock price due to shoddy work caused by investor pressures. Too bad the devs will ultimately suffer with layoffs and furloughs.
  17. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2020/11/25/treasure-hunt-dallas-record-store-owners-million-piece-collection-valuable-items/
  18. So... I finally managed to score a PS5 from Costco, a bundle (ugh) and the disc version to boot which I really didn't want. Haven't opened it yet, as I am holding out hope I can get a digital one and save myself 240 bucks and just return the Costco one (yes, I have thought of selling it) or if the shortages/demand continue (my friend just got a digital off Walmart yesterday that won't arrive until 12 January), I may end up just keeping it and convince myself to buy a UHD BD movie to watch in full uncompressed glory.
  19. "He's no good to me dead" Ironically, today is the day Disney+ announced another Star Wars series, "The Books of Boba Fett" to air sometime in 2021.
  20. You can add Jeremy Bulloch (the actor who played Boba Fett in Empire and Jedi) - he died today aged 75.
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