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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. look at that enormous martian volcano that's sprung a leak right there
  2. Small point....not randomly: purposefully targeted and assassinated for their religion. right. trump's reaction: "It's a terrible, terrible thing what's going on with hate in our country". anyone else feel like they're being trolled? trump chanted "lock him up" along with a crowd, about George Soros, 2 days ago. this was shortly after Soros, a jew, was sent a pipe bomb by a trump supporter. on friday, a reporter asked trump if he would tone down his rhetoric, following the bombs being sent to his opponents. he said “I could really tone it up” trump's reactions to the synagogue shooting and the pipe bombs give me the same vile feeling as when he came out assisting the cover-up of WaPo reporter Kashoggi's murder. it's clear as day that this is a morally bereft despot and it's wildly dangerous that he's ended up in the presidency.
  3. 11 people were randomly murdered in a synagogue this week.
  4. there have been a number of large protests. but what do protests accomplish? the perception of protests needs to be adjusted. it's not the 1800's anymore. there are better ways to get together and organize for change than a big dumb bull's eye mob we need to preserve the ability to have protests, but they are more symbolic and risky than they are useful, now. it's a lot of wasted energy. if 100,000 people are on the national mall for a day, that's 100,000 motivated people being unproductive for an entire day. imagine 100,000 people spending the day engaging with voters from the other side, instead of waiting in line to pee in a homogeneous mass. it looks more like tailgating than political progress.
  5. obama giving an incredible and animated speech in milwaukee today https://youtu.be/4A78ayclYjk?t=677
  6. everyone can see how trump encouraged this kind of thing to happen.
  7. You have me a little worried given you live deep in red country. I work in NW central Austin. That neighborhood in particular is fairly blue upper middle class folks: older liberals, historically the Jewish neighborhood of Austin, etc. I think the republicans in the neighborhood are a significant minority but few are putting Cruz signs out. I live in SE Austin and it's a Dem leaning area but I would bet the turnout is a bit lower since it's a lot of Latinos in rural areas. Austin is one of the most gerrymandered cities in America, the GOP calls it this weird liberal bastion, and demographic wise it is Democrat majority, but of the 6 reps only one, Lloyd Doggett is a Democrat. When I rented I was perpetually in some little finger of Republican district that stretched out to West or Central Texas. Even now my state level senator, a Democrat, is actually based out of Laredo. They basically took the historically Hispanic / Latino corner of Austin and lumped in with rural South Texas. The word "gerrymandering" comes from people's reaction to Governor Elbridge Gerry's redrawing of a district in Boston in 1812. It resembled a salamander. That looks like a salamander. Legit.
  8. i don't get the hype. the ones that look like peacocks are cool but if the others stopped existing i wouldn't notice. compare birds to crocodiles. would be cool if we could sacrifice birds for some purpose but they are completely useless.
  9. 1st rushup sounds like classic tuss. then the computerband track acts like an intermezzo, like 180db, between 2 sections of the album. the last 4 tracks are awesome. could have been an ep on their own.
  10. "It's not a witch hunt. It's not a witch hunt, folks." -DJT here's a recent video of michael cohen saying "Listen, here's my recomendation. Grab your family, grab your friends, grab your neighbors, get to the poll. Because if not, you're going to have another 2 or another 6 years of this craziness." He's saying it's going down. This is consistent with reports that Mueller is poised to make some moves as soon as the election is over. At this point, it's not unreasonable to anticipate endgame moves.
  11. in north dakota, native americans living on reservations cannot have street addresses. the USPS requires they use PO Boxes. the GOP-controlled ND government made it so in order to vote you need an ID with a street address. these people are roughly 10% of the ND population. they are supporters of Senate democrat Heidi Heitkamp. where are the people who say both sides are the same? the GOP looks like a hostile faction taking control by any means. it's not even hidden well. how lame that we don't get up from our chairs to stop them.
  12. the republicans are more corrupt so they are more likely to disassemble democracy. the Trump administration declining to counter ongoing Russian interference in US elections is... what is that?
  13. 10%... given no notice. they think they're registered, then they show up to vote on voting day and they can't it's a very clearly one-sided issue. the gop can't even use their disinfo smoke grenades. they stop poor people from voting and can't even claim that "democrats do it too." MIT found gerrymandering gives republicans 15% more representation in congress. if the advantage from voter suppression is similar then they should control 40% of congress or less. now they have the supreme court, and they want more power. are they going to right their ways? this looks bad.
  14. voter suppression should be more of an issue. if gerrymandering gives the gop a 15% advantage in congress, i wonder how much voter suppression gives them.
  15. so many great tracks released last year. talkin2u has been a big grower, as well as beatiful japanese people, 1st rushup and oslo. stride portugal, for me, was originally the stand-out of the new rushup edge songs, but the others ended up having more staying power. midi pipe 2c edit is one of my favorite aphex tracks. that and xmas eve t1 are maybe my favorite aphex tracks, currently. kind of cool how they were both released as asides. from the field day LP, quadraverbia and dx1+5 have made their way in to some of my favorites of the newer stuff, along with more obvious selections like 42dimensiont3 e3, ede 441, and opeldroom. adding in stuff like umil-25, serge fenix, oberheim blacet, and cheetah ep, and collapse ep, and there is a pretty significant new sound being unveiled.
  16. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    idk, they have different sounds. which is interesting, because both are enormous releases put out within only a couple years of each-other, and both were presumably made on the same set-ups. i've also been enjoying returning to elseq, post-nts, and it's like many or most of the songs would not fit on nts, and many or most nts tracks would not fit on elseq. elseq has like a drier, confined, mechanical feel, and the compositions are more direct. nts tracks have a more advanced sound quality, the compositions are darker and jazzier, and there are some new patches being used.
  17. i thought i had overplayed the houston track bootleg and would need to give t69 collapse (durichroma) a rest to let the other tracks catch up, but i am just continuing to appreciate it more. what a great song.
  18. For the first time since 1987, The Washington Post's Editorial Board is telling senators to vote "no" on a Supreme Court nominee. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/vote-no-on-kavanaugh/2018/10/04/23495e3a-c7f3-11e8-b1ed-1d2d65b86d0c_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.658f7509a286 The Senate Should Not Confirm Kavanaugh - Signed, 2,400+ Law Professors https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/03/opinion/kavanaugh-law-professors-letter.html Evan McMullin, ormer independent presidential candidate, CIA operations officer & House GOP policy director: "He’s since been credibly accused of abuse, misled the Senate and proven to be a contemptuous partisan. We must maintain a higher standard for our highest court." https://mobile.twitter.com/Evan_McMullin/status/1047880718108356609 Retired #SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens on Judge #Kavanaugh: “I’ve changed my views for reasons that have no really relationship to his intellectual ability or his record as a federal judge…I think that his performance during the hearings caused me to change my mind.” https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brett-kavanaugh-john-paul-stevens_us_5bb67a9fe4b01470d04fe12b We were Brett Kavanaugh’s drinking buddies. We don’t think he should be confirmed. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/we-were-brett-kavanaughs-drinking-buddies-we-dont-think-he-should-be-confirmed/2018/10/04/923cf6ac-c821-11e8-b2b5-79270f9cce17_story.html Yale roommate says Kavanaugh lied under oath about drinking and yearbook https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/03/politics/yale-roommate-kavanaugh-cnntv/index.html National Council of Churches calls for Kavanaugh's nomination to be withdrawn https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/409775-national-council-of-churches-calls-for-kavanaughs-nomination-to
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