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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. it sounded different, they were tagged "new", and they had different names :(
  2. high-frequency edges get dulled. try an a/b comparison with 6ie.cr there are more details in high frequency waves because they're smaller Dunno, I think it's more a placebo. I mean I can tell the difference between an MP3 file that's worse than 320kbps and a FLAC but at 320kbps there really isn't a noticeable difference for me. Maybe my hearing just isn't as fine as yours detail is lost. it's lossy compression. some people don't notice, some do. some really enjoy the fine detail in the high end that is not there in 320 mp3 i would pass a pepsi challenge in a/b comparisons with a high success rate. i can usually guess the mp3 bitrate.
  3. Mammatus - Mammatus good Dan McQuire - Phosphene River good
  4. i didn't mean it like that. i totally agree that voter apathy is a central issue. if anything, i was trying to illustrate why it's extra important for people to get out and vote.
  5. along with voter suppression, gerrymandering, and sophisticated disinformation campaigns
  6. high-frequency edges get dulled. try an a/b comparison with 6ie.cr there are more details in high frequency waves because they're smaller
  7. Pretty much. He likely 'should' be impeached for his role in campaign finance violations, but they're a touch to the grey area so it'll likely need a bit more than just what Cohen's claiming. If there were investigations into his business role while in office, there might be some meat there too. But the problem is that it's just Congress and their whims essentially. ...which also means of course that Congress could've impeached Obama for killing a fly on camera that time, if they wanted to. The wording for impeachment is purposefully slightly vague and open. The founders for some reason assumed we'd have reasonable presidents and congresses at all times. edit: lol at that flag in addition to that basis for impeachment that you mentioned, the number of violations of the emoluments clause are far too numerous to count. that would form a sound basis for removal, as well. and it looks like there was treasonous coordination with moscow. trump always acted like he was being installed, reluctantly, by a foreign intelligence agency. look at his mockery of disabled reporter Kovaleski. that's what someone does when the russian mob is trying to install you as president and you don't really want to get elected but you have to act like you are trying to. i was keeping a list of instances of trump doing things that could not conceivably be aimed at winning the election, but looked like ways he was trying to throw it. it had over 30 items by the time i stopped keeping track. it's coincidental that a mountain of evidence is accumulating that trump is compromised by moscow.
  8. lol the only thing for sure is that it is going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.
  9. oh. yeah. so we agree that the case for legal impeachment is there, and that it's just a question of the willingness of congress to impeach and sentence.
  10. actually i am curious how you would state what "the point" is
  11. The old acknowledging-a-treasonous-charlatan-shilling-out-the-country card.
  12. gonk steady one six of eight 9 chr0 nineFly all end What self respecting human would leave tt1pd off a list of highlights from NTS?!?!? tt1pd is more for autechre fans than for anyone, like a lot of these songs, which could maybe all be called highlights. i was trying to list songs that anyone could get into.
  13. gonk steady one six of eight 9 chr0 nineFly all end All End tho? parameter asked for highlights from the 4 sessions. of nts4, all end is definitely a highlight. it's a different kind of listen than the other nts songs so it is difficult to compare, but it is fucking awesome.
  14. gonk steady one six of eight 9 chr0 nineFly all end
  15. steinvord is designed to make watmm destroy itself
  16. yup, the savi rhankar track: That sounds nothing like anything on the Shortridge EP. It's too free flowing and doesn't do the start/stop cuts constantly. i agree that it doesn't sound like the other heorge tracks and is missing some of the characteristics it just appeared on savirhankar.bandcamp.com, and a watmmer was trying random beatles spoonerism bandcamp subdomains and found it. there was also aagicmlex.bandcamp.com, maulpccartney.bandcamp.com, and erianbpstein.bandcamp.com. maul and aagic i think were actually heorge. not sure about the others. there was nothing stopping musicians from making these and putting a song up just to fuck around. complicating the beatwife issue is the fact that, on the same album as savi rhankar, there is a song called thorstein hold which seems to pay homage to maelstrom. personally i think it's more likely that beatwife decided to make a track based on maelstrom, coincidentally around the time that he put up the savi rhankar track, than that he is steinvord. just noticed beatwife has a different track up at savirhankar.bandcamp.com now. a 10 minute ambient track
  17. probably the most dramatic part of former cia director brennan's extended interview on maddow tonight is between 3:56 and 7:00 of this segment edit: 9:36 in this one is good too
  18. i don't buy that heorge is beatwife
  19. i wonder if its heorge and/or bewwip the bass from rules the read appears in HG12 around 1:20
  20. strok's internal review recommended a demotion and suspension but rosenstein overrode that and fired him. this is big, folks. i want to like rosenstein. he comes out sounding on-point, often. but i remember that it was his blatantly coerced and disingenuous letter that provided the pretense for comey's firing. strzok has legal bills, and the government doesn't pay like crazy. he is a life-long public servant. the republicans wanted his head, to create a villain, despite the thorough and transparent inspector general report finding strzok clear of any serious wrong-doing. rosenstein is the one who can stop mueller. the republicans have been trying to get rosenstein, in order to stop the investigation, which has the potential to devastate the republican party for a generation at least. here we see rosenstein apparently bending. i would like to think that he wrote the comey letter under duress, and he chose to not risk his position, so he could keep it, in order to do good. i would like to think the same of the strzok firing, that he is taking away excuses the republicans can use to oust him, so he doesn't abandon mueller to a trump-appointed replacement. republicans filed a motion to impeach rosenstein a couple weeks ago, threatening to throw his own career under the wheels. that didn't gain traction, but the intimidation by the corrupt is looming over him. nunes was recorded saying, at a private dinner, that his colleagues support removing rosenstein, but can't spend the political capital without first confirming the supreme court pick. possibly strzok's firing would send a message to the fbi that rosenstein isn't in the mood for people who are going to make his job harder, by providing ammo to the republicans, and being discourteous to them in hearings ("i don't know if you mean this like being at the dentist"). even with those rose-colored glasses, it means the doj and fbi are straining and jettisoning parts.
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