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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. coincidentally, graham is under scrutiny for having taken russian money. also, around the time he changed his tune on trump, he stated that his email was hacked by the russians, leading some to wonder if they have compromat on him. his rage-filled outburst on thursday, throwing off any hint of respect for the accuser, was really quite shocking. was lindsey graham able to ascertain the truth of the situation to a degree of certainty that rendered any possibility of their putting an attempted rapist on the supreme court negligible? how abominable and utterly reprehensible would it be if lindsey graham would be okay with putting an attempted rapist on the supreme court, and would angrily demand that his colleagues vote to do so? it is noteworthy that, during his tirade on thursday, he threatened to use the tactic of manipulating assault accusers against the democrats. how embarassing for the senate gop, who all seem to be shrugging in deference to the whole, that this is their voice
  2. 9 chr0 is incredible. regarding BBQ, its kind of about the chord progressions, and the background pads are actually the center, which you don't realize until like 3 minutes in. it's kind of more akin to tri repetae stuff when they were doing more deliberate tone moods. but it's weird and counterintuitive because of the prominent plinky plonky stuff
  3. i don't get how you can't get nineFly *puts ninefly on*
  4. when people ask for an fbi investigation into their allegations, they are saying "put me in jail for up to 5 years if i'm lying" these are people who have been consulting their lawyers.
  5. trump will not hold his wrists out to be cuffed. he will go down with a fight. as the special counsel investigation closes in on the president, it is not unlikely that rosenstein or sessions will get the boot. when and if this happens, it will be a key point in time.
  6. [_] Disagree[✓] Strongly Disagree I think the durichroma mix is perfect. The transitions are better and the little bonus acapella plinky plonky bit is lovely. Also makes for a better contrast when the rhythmic thumpy bit kicks in and all the little hairy fellas on the back of me neck start their tingly parade . oh yeah. "durichroma" = "time duration"? i.e., "full length"? i hope some warpsters weren't like some of the people posting they don't like the middle section, and preferred the abridged version for a single. that third part of the middle section is great and was missed from t69 collapse. the extra bit in the last 3rd of the song definitely fills it out and gives it a nice epic feel.
  7. Manafort is the 8th known person to plead guilty in the rigged witch hunt. George Papadopoulos Rick Gates Paul Manafort Michael Flynn Richard Pinedo Alex van der Zwaan W. Samuel Patten Michael Cohen Following the ouster of Soviet-loyalist Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, who Manafort worked for, Manafort had money problems. He was in debt 19 million to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin. At this time, Manafort sought a position in the Trump campaign, offering to work for free. Manafort asked Russian intelligence operative Konstantin Kilimnik how they could use the Trump campaign chair position to "get whole" with Oleg Deripaska. At the same time, he was taking out numerous fraudulent loans in order to cover his extravagant living expenses, apparently counting on a huge windfall in the future. Manafort was in the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya, in which a connection was drawn between election help and Russian sanction relief. Manafort was maybe the senior-most member of the Trump campaign present. He likely could speak to what Trump knew and directed before and after the meeting. So, Manafort flipping is big. Reportedly, now Cohen is cooperating with Mueller, too.
  8. great tunes. that newer aphex sound that is like sailing on the ocean in the future on lsd, this is post-that. kind of martian, and casually wielding masterful confluences of techniques to produce really well-crafted sound sculptures. goes well with beautiful japanese people, xmas_evet1 n, and midi pipe2c edit, +3. mt1 t29r2 always stands out, but they're all great
  9. once it's done they may as well wait another couple years. just tell everyone that exists
  10. that pitchfork interview is good looks like the NTS sessions were performed live. pretty crazy
  11. i like going to art school art shows because the artists are right there and i get to watch their enthusiasm, self-esteem, and sense of security get demolished in front of my eyes as i expound on how their trope-using work breaks no ground at all. it's so satisfying walking away knowing that they are absolutely gutted, and that i may have successfully stopped them from continuing to make art that i don't like. i'm sorry but somebody has to do it. these people would just continue making art that i don't like, oblivious, if i didn't. it also sends a message to their friends and family that, if they were thinking about making art, i better like it. i have been gifted with the ability to immediately know what is good. i cannot squander it.
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