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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. Thanks for being reasonable and (very) honest about your view of it. I'm well aware of what all's going on and why he would want to distract from that, but I don't agree that it's the case, or really should even be considered as a thing...keep your eyes open, of course, I'm not saying that it's not possible ever, just that I've seen literally nothing that would suggest this. Specifically I don't even think that Trump's the kind of asshole who would risk setting off a war, killing civilians, etc., because it might help him on the news cycle for a week...He's a shitty person in a lot of ways, but he's not struck me as that type of shitty (could be wrong here, of course). For one, he's not prone to doing distracting in the news cycles...I don't honestly think he's 'tactical' enough to do that sort of thing. His success is because he hits people in the face with things, be it things they want to hear or shit he totally just made up...but trying to distract from a scandal by cooking up some big international attack with May, Macron, etc.? Naw. That's just conspiracy theory area and I'm quite surprised to see really anyone here (ITT, other parts of the WATMM wildlands, well...) going in for that, even half-jokingly. I didn't mean Trump may have been motivated to do the strike to displace news headlines, exactly. I meant that the military action may have looked appealing to him because it would draw out support for him from congress and Americans at a time when the added support may make a big difference in what his future looks like.
  2. Mattis. Arguably Kelly as well. Just so you know, Mattis was against it.
  3. ^ i think people are saying that because of the timing. yeah, it is speculative. however, republican senators are publicly telling trump not to fire mueller or rosenstein, sometimes with ominous overtones. republican congress people are telling mueller to make his report of the investigation public. paul ryan is resigning, along with fleets of other republican congress people, following years of frustration about trump. trump's long time personal lawyer had 3 of his locations raided - the kind of thing that doesn't just happen. that kind of thing is always a precursor to major developments. the fbi is closing in on him for money laundering, obstruction of justice, and collusion with russia. trump, who was in negotiations over talks with mueller, is now saying he will not talk with mueller. that may actually speed along what mueller is doing. comey put out his book, which undoubtedly is meant to prime the public for serious discourse, i.e., surrounding impeachment and removal votes. i totally appreciate your point about the causation not being substantiated. if we set aside whether or not it is conclusively proven, i think we can appreciate that a person in trump's situation would go for an easy strike against a clear bad guy, as an attempt to shore up support among voters and congress people. this should be considered seriously, as these things are unimaginably dangerous. world war 1 began because of a web of alliances and runaway consequences to rapidly escalating military decisions, beginning with something seemingly not very major.
  4. autechre make me hopeful about the future of humanity
  5. i would actually prefer that they take 12 years and crowley themselves out and meander until they've captured satisfactory monsters, as opposed to just peeling off an album like so many bands do. no one else is going to do it.
  6. he did try. he told white house counsel mcgahn to instruct the justice department to fire him, but mcgahn said he would resign instead, so he backed off. that's one of the reason's mueller probably has obstruction in the bag he probably has collusion in the bag, too. there's a quid pro quo out in the open - the pre-meeting email to junior promising dirt, veselnitskaya alluding to sanctions (adoptions / magnitsky act) in the meeting, then flynn talking sanctions with russian officials during the transition and lying about it to the fbi. looks like mueller signalled that he's not going for indictment, for the president. undoubtedly because of the legal questionabillity of prosecuting a sitting president. that was the significance of the news that trump is classified as a subject and not a target. people had been wondering if mueller would go for indictment or would hand his findings over to congress for action. the same day that news came out that trump is classified as a subject, news also came out that Mueller is preparing a report as part of his investigation. so he has signalled his endgame. his findings will be handed to congress, and there will be a report. likely there will be 2 versions of it, one public and one classified. 67 / 100 yeas in the senate are needed to remove from office. it's going to be an interesting year
  7. jesus lord there are 3 more of these? l3 ctrl...
  8. this soundcloud upload sounds better than the mp3, which seems to clip or something at times https://soundcloud.com/lampevening/autechre-nts-radio-05042018 ^^^^ i compared the stream rip i did with the download of the sc track. the sc track has less clipping. probably because SC re-encodes uploads sc: nts:
  9. confirmed the session1 mp3 is a legit rip also that life is meaningless
  10. what wav you talkin bout? This wav from reddit, once volume matched, sound identical to the 128 Same for my analog looback 24 44 capture. all sound the same to me thanks. there's a mega link and i was told it came from a watmmer maybe my playback software is why the session 01 mp3 sounds not as good to me :/ is there a program that will chart a diff of PCM or something?
  11. my lazy ass thanks you, can't wait to play it againHappy to help my ae virtual friends in those good times !! :)I’m not a pro and i did it on the go so don’t kill me if its not well cut is this a cutup&recode of the 128 kbps file? or were you using a different source (320 kbps)? mp3 could be cut without having to recode, right? creating an mp3 from a stream without the original file link is not necessarily easy. if the link isn't accessible (they're typically hidden these days) then i have to worry that someone recorded and reencoded. there is a wav of a different capture about... anyway at least NTS is looping it so we can get the source mp3 PCM eventually
  12. where'd that wav come from, spi? donnervan? I A/B'ed the session 01 mp3 with that wav and there's a definite difference
  13. does this remind anyone else of the beatles
  14. tight ass mix pasta ede 441 opeldroom madma with nastya midi pipe2c edit+3 rozzbox atlantis growth inst
  15. you're making me feel a lot better about things, ignatius
  16. good point. it does stand on the shots and the ambience alone. it kind of incorporates a vibe from malick and kubrick
  17. i thought it was pretty cool. i was looking forward to it for a while. what you need to know about silence is that scorcese read the book in 1989 while riding a train in japan and immediately knew he wanted to do something with it, but didn't know how it would be possible to adapt it. he spent decades trying to figure out how to do it. studios and good directors do the "one for you one for me" thing and this was definitely a scorcese movie that was for him. it's 3 hours long and paced like a novel about faith. it has an unusual story and kind of a removed, alien approach. definitely a very unique atmosphere for a film. you want to set aside the 21st century a.d.d., sit in a dark room and try to absorb what he is shedding light on.
  18. I'm curious how many are holding off from saying stuff publicly because of primary politics. The GOP is on level with despotic political parties and one-party dictatorships in terms of conformity and pressure in terms of operating policy and rhetoric. In Texas on the state level PACs and super-conservative lobbies have literally ousted very, very conservative lawmakers for not falling in line.They have endless resources, money, and a Rolodex of patsy candidates to run (which is easy when the party touts inexperience as a positive thing). If it wasn't for the constitutional oversight of the government's legislative, judicial, and executive branches we'd be fucked. It's exactly why Trump and cronies are chipping away at these entities. There's no shock when Bannon called himself a "Leninist" without sarcasm. McCain has been historically outspoken but he and the other handful who speak out often are in "safer" districts because they are popular as incumbents. The other senator from AZ is pretty outspoken but he's retiring soon. I would bet Paul Ryan and McConnell are constantly biting their tongues and waiting for this administration to bow out for a variety of reasons, and they are concerned primarily with staying in office. I think it used to be common for a healthy portion of both parties to be independent minded, centrists, etc. but that's really only something the Dems do now. Ironically it's part of their weakness. It's also why the GOP maintains such absurd policies and focuses on things like voter suppression behind the scenes via redistricting and voter ID laws. The political expediency may come when he is more of a weight than a boon for the party. The republicans may all turn at once, precipitated by some news event. My concern is that we are cornering the president with the Mueller thing. The most dangerous kind of person is one who fears for his life, his freedom, or the well-being of his loved ones. What is his out? What happens if his upcoming meeting with Kim Jong Un conveniently goes badly? Congress will support a president at war a bit more. War distracts people and the news. If he doesn't do it in NK, Syria is the worst powder keg quagmire in history. The Russians vs the west, Turkey vs The Kurds, Assad vs his people, Isis vs everyone, Israel vs Iran, these are just a few of the tensions at play in this narrow battle zone. Nice that the clown president inherits that. And then what? If he does what basically every president does and starts a war, then we have to worry about his authoritarian leanings. These are dangerous times. It reminds me of Dan Carlin's Death Throes of the Republic.
  19. Cool to see some Republicans continuing to move against Trump, like McCain saying "An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections" regarding Trump congratulating Putin on reelection after being emphatically instructed by his national security advisers not to. Still only a few, though.
  20. yeah i will concede that i don't know what was going on in Trump's mind. if you want to argue that i cant prove that, that's fine, goDel. i mainly brought it up because of how remarkable i found tillerson's comments to be.
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