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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. republican majority leader paul ryan pushing massive tax cut, 99.6% of which goes to the richest of the rich. my brain is all fucked by the liberal media, can someone please de-spin this?
  2. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    eastre really benefits from monitors or nice headphones those main chords are like an accordion from purgatory i start elseq at eastre and let it circle around from there. nice way to ease into it
  3. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    this is such a trove that comparing among the 5 is super subjective gotta stick up for 3 though. 3 as a standalone work is tremendous.
  4. i want to understand. what is it that hillary is doing that you see as corresponding to her accepting financial industry money? is it that she doesn't want to break up the banks as much as bernie does? Well... The best case scenario is that they want give her money to improve her chances of winning because (they have the impression that) her winning would be profitable to them (on average, compared with the alternatives) by at least as much as they donated to her (in actual tangible profits or in other utility, like power or deregulation) That is how essentially investing works And this is an investment So the most charitable interpretation is that she won't feel politically indebted to the banks, and that she is merely expected to benefit them incidentally with policy based on her inbuilt, unshakable values Now, that is assuming that's she's the most virtuous and rational human being ever to walk the planet If your uncle bought you a car for your birthday, would you treat him any differently afterwards? Would you do him a favor if you asked? Or even if he didn't ask, but you know he wanted/needed something? so that's the corruption you're so upset about in regards to hillary. pure speculation based on something she does which is no different from 99.9% of politicians and you're trying to say it's equivalent to the actual concrete corruption of republicans sabatoging financial reform and climate agreements while coincidentally raking in dough from the financial and oil sectors
  5. i want to understand. what is it that hillary is doing that you see as corresponding to her accepting financial industry money? is it that she doesn't want to break up the banks as much as bernie does?
  6. She's a proponent of the Dodd Frank financial reform, unlike the republicans who have obstructed its implementation and would like to repeal it.
  7. >routinely accepts large sums of money from wall street >no one is in jail from the housing crisis >proof how was that up to hillary though? are you a bernie supporter? one of the interesting things bernie said this year was that the republicans in congress know the facts on climate change, they just dont want to loose their funding. thought that was interesting from someone who's been working at the same place as those people for decades. i found a chart on political contributions by sector notice the energy row and the financial one! from open secrets.org anyway, what's the hillary vote that you are comparing to the gop 2015 vote to undermine the paris agreement on climate change?
  8. you can at least make a decent case. accepting money alone is not enough. by that definition, if you ran for president and elon musk liked your positions and gave you a million dollars, then you would be corrupt. if she were actually corrupt then you could point to something like her accepting large sums from fossil fuel interests and then voting to undermine the paris agreement on climate change like the gop did in 2015.
  9. i just asked for an example of her being corrupt. the closest thing to an answer to that was bob's saying she aided and abetted in the widening of wealth inequality. not sure how she was supposed to fight that as secretary of state, or how she aided and abetted in it. i will be happy to get into bengazi and whatever else but first can we agree that there are no examples of her providing special treatment in exchange for money?
  10. i'm seeing a lot of red herrings an no quid pro quos.
  11. + clinton and trump r both corrupt fakers. lesser of th2 evils? how long are we to hold on to tht empty void, lie? brainwashing does nt mk clean brains.. what's so corrupt about her? dont just say she takes money, that would make me embarassed to be engaging with you. there has to be a compromise for personal gain. quid pro quo. give me your best one.
  12. there should be prolonged protests for climate legislation. waiting for the corrupt to not be corrupt is really not an option on this. we need legislation. cenk hits the right points there, the trends are alarming, corrupt politicians paid by oil interests are the obstacle, and the real danger is the martial-socio-political fallout of destabilized climates, which right now looks likely to undo modern civilization as we know it. 50 years from now if this is still an issue, that's beyond fucked. we can't even act like they have 50 years to get this together, that's way too long.
  13. here's a recent maddow piece on polling related to trump and black people that's pretty funny
  14. regarding juno, here is where you can f5 yesterday was the first close approach with cameras on. they're downloading and processing the images. there are like 4 cameras taking different colors, and the thing is spinning so assembling the images is actually pretty involved. they put this one out, but we should be getting some from about 100x closer and less blurry
  15. this is really nuts spotting rocky earth-sized planets is rare, having one be at the temperature for liquid water is huge. the fact that its the at the closest star system is crazy. smaller planets are spotted less but thats probably to do with the fact that they are harder to spot, so maybe that explains it being coincidentally close-by. still quite significant in its implications.
  16. the age when a crazy old racist orange guy tramples over one of the political parties, and that party still controls the majority of the house and senate i saw an article on politico the other day titled why hasnt the republican party collapsed? not a very good article but a good question. it got me thinking about it. it's not even the gerrymandering, that just gives them an extra 15% maybe. its because there's a slow turn around in consensus and it lags behind reality by 30x the speed
  17. it takes a special blend of unhappiness and ignorance to make a vocation out of "judging" art haha
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