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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i kind of hate this show for how it has me addicted yet i know it's often boring and bad
  2. good lex episode with a us af pilot witness
  3. An asteroid that could measure more than 1,200 feet across—as tall as the Empire State Building—is set to fly safely past Earth later this week after being discovered just a few days ago.
  4. interesting blog post by timothy snyder on how putin's power is weakening. https://snyder.substack.com/p/putins-rule-is-weakening
  5. so doj's investigating trump for trying to overthrow an election attorney general merrick garland: "this is the most important investigation the justice dept has ever entered into" "this effort to up-end a legitimate election, transferring power from one administration to another, really cuts at the heart of democracy. we need to get this right" "we need to hold accountable every person who is criminally responsible" in response to a prompt about prosecution tearing the country apart: "no person is above the law" "every american recognizes the truth of what happened on january 6 and in the area of time surrounding it" "i think that an important part is that we not downgrade or suppress how important that day was and i think the hearings did an extremely good job at reminding us and for those of us who didn't know, in the first place telling us how important that day was and what a risk that meant for our democracy" interview at 1:30 here i kind of think it's more likely than not that doj has the evidence
  6. SCIENTISTS PUZZLED BY STRANGE ROW OF HOLES ON OCEAN FLOOR Over the weekend, a team of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ocean explorers came across something seriously unsettling lining the Mid-Atlantic ocean floor: a series of holes dug into the sandy seabed at seemingly regular intervals, as seen in footage taken by the NOAA's remotely operated submarine. "These holes have been previously reported from the region, but their origin remains a mystery," reads a Facebook post by the team. "While they look almost human made, the little piles of sediment around the holes make them seem like they were excavated by... something." The bizarre holes were bored about 1.7 miles beneath the surface, right at the crest of an underwater volcano near the Azores. Clues as to what may have created the holes are scarce. The surrounding ocean floor was comparatively smooth. Besides, the depth at which the marks were made suggests that human involvement is incredibly unlikely. https://futurism.com/the-byte/scientists-strange-row-holes-ocean-floor ?
  7. this was 3 years ago? picked it up again and getting it. i thought it was 15 minutes because the pta video is but it's an lp
  8. we should really stop giving the actual shill ilqx a win by letting him derail the climate thread.
  9. i just don't view that stuff as capitalism. all those things can happen outside of capitalism. you say colonialism goes hand in hand with capitalism but colonialism has occurred without capitalism. i need to look into that. i think a lot of the problems in the US are the result of oil money in politics. if i were to point to one thing it would be that, not capitalism. get some sanity to congress consistently and we'll pass a lot of good legislation.
  10. ok so i think we agree on what my point was, here. believe me i know. oil power is the single biggest problem this planet has, and i just hope they don't break the planet too bad ok so right here you admit that you are unwilling to differentiate within something as broad as... american history going back hundreds of years? not willing to break that down at all? it's just all one thing? capitalism? you point to bad actors but ignore good actors. are there no good businesses or corporations? it's possible to split hairs. you can have the right and you can have people who misuse the right. that doesn't mean there's a flaw with the right. these are hairs worth splitting because frankly you seem to be conflating distinct entities. malicious greed is not a result of capitalism, it existed before it. crimes happening in a capitalist society does not mean capitalism is fundamentally flawed. you agree with me on that. the crimes happening are not necessarily part of capitalism. it's inaccurate to define capitalism by things that it does not require. wall street is not capitalism, it is wall street. the problems of wall street are not capitalism. capitalism is a right to own a business. another usage of the word is also for describing societies as more or less capitalistic, meaning relying on market corrections more or less than government planning. i'm a big lib who loves regulation, i'm not defending free market capitalism like what paul ryan and the tea baggers pushed. here's the trap: the more the left thinks they hate capitalism, the more a lot of voters are going to vote red because of it. i find it interesting that all of a sudden everyone was pushing this narrative on the internet................ i mean yeah. when i look at the problem of people cutting people's hands off, my mind does not go to "capitalism" i mean i think it's cool that bill gates uses his money to try to rid the world of malaria and stuff like that. there are good aspects. tons of things invented, etc. why ascribe bad things to capitalism but not good? we agree that eliminating the freedom to own a business is not the solution. human nature is fucked up and it was so before free societies and before the concept of capitalism. i'm still feeling the twinge that you're pointing at [everything] and calling it "capitalism." i appreciate you explaining your thoughts. i agree that the greed and immorality of human nature is fucked up. i think we agree that the freedom to own a business is not a flawed idea and that it can work and that we should keep this freedom. that was my main point. i won't act like i can fully fathom the wrongness of many acts from history. we're an ugly species. each individual is a mixed bag, some are pretty good, some are quite rotten. i just don't view a solution being doing away with capitalism. and i find it weird that all of a sudden everybody is talking about it. strikes me as some kind of a narrative thing. and it's definitely serving the GOP.
  11. thanks for explaining but i don't see how capitalism requires exploiting populations. bad things are done by people motivated by greed so we should not allow people to be motivated by profit? why not just police wrong-doing and allow people to be motivated by profit? the expense you blame on capitalism, i think we could get into how nothing has only one cause. i could blame my problems on prehistoric butterflies or something but maybe that's not a useful line of causation to focus on. i think there's a terminology problem in discussing this topic, so i will say that when i refer to the word i mean the idea of facilitating productivity by allowing people to own their businesses. i think that's the main idea. i genuinly don't see how it makes sense to blame the idea of facilitating productivity by allowing people to own businesses for whatever bad things humans have done, even if they were powerful corporate actors. problems of power do not mean we should eliminate the right to become powerful. communism just consolidates power to an extremely narrow subset. again, i genuinely don't get blaming all kinds of things on the idea of facilitating productivity by allowing indiduals to own businesses. humans are dumb all over and it's hard to find things that aren't mistakes. what i see is a trend of people blaming all kinds of things on a freedom that has brought us the prosperity of the modern world. longterm data pretty clearly places our time as better by most key metrics. of course there are major problems in the world, i just don't think it makes sense to exclude capitalism from a society. i'm for more socialism but i just get bummed out when people think the enemy is the right to own a business. i think the terminology is vague. USA is socialist despite being capitalist. bangladesh has capitalism despite being socialist. am i for more socialism? yes. do i view capitalism itself as a problem? no. maybe in other people's minds they have their own definition of capitalism where it also means malicious greed or something. i am not pro malicious greed.
  12. Yeah, that is basically how I see it. Regulation can exist in a capitalist system. Even socialism can exist in a capitalist system. They are not mutually exclusive. The socialism of Bernie Sanders would not end capitalism in America. Bernie's socialist America is still capitalist. It just has better social programs. Of course there are always multiple definitions to words, but one of the core, Elemental definitions of the word capitalism is the simple right of the individual to own a business
  13. freedom to own your own business lol interesting how you forgot to mention how this freedom is accessible proportional to one's wealth. so yes, you are COMPLETELY right, capitalism IS freedom for the bourgeoisie. that's the problem. It costs about 250 bucks to register a company. But you don't care about accuracy you just want to run everybody around in circles because you're a propagandists. Eat my asshole
  14. capitalism is literally freedom. it's the freedom to own your own business. griping about capitalism is just the latest trick narrative that people are falling for. the sleight if hand is conflating all the troubles of the world with the leading social system. nice shiny idea. zeffo's a bot. he's here derailing climate topic for whatever supervisor or research he/they are up to
  15. article on organized disinfo campaigning by oil industry going back decades https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62225696 it's hard to know exactly what the modern deception ecosystem looks like because major players include shady internet posting operations that are by nature kept covert. there must be networks of people who know where to procure such services, which operate in secrecy. cambridge analytica got blown up but there's no reason to think it was the only one. it's not. enterprising journalists could perhaps dig up how political operators find these services
  16. that article estimates 5,000 years for the ice to melt, if it all melts. but if things continue to follow the worst case scenario side of the projections then within 100 years the sea level rise will be threatening real cities. watch dhaka, bangladesh. they're already living in a flooded city much of the time. within 300 years, many large, previously inhabited areas may be submerged. maybe this is why florida is the way it is. it rose from the ocean floor and will return to it
  17. not great that we're seeing climate destabilization accelerate noticeably. we have been beating our projections consistently.
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