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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. 10 years later... this movie was great. just watched this 30 minute making of. didn't realize how difficult and innovative it was to pull off. they basically innovated a new method of cinema.
  2. That guy seemed extremely knowledgeable on the Russian aspect of this mess. I hope our governments have consulted or are consulting with people like him. yeah. he gets in front of government people. here's another one with pomeranzev, from 2019, also on disinfo. https://www.lawfareblog.com/lawfare-podcast-peter-pomerantsev-war-against-reality "the nature of propaganda has shifted as authoritarian governments move from silencing dissent to drowning dissent out with squalls of disinformation"
  3. the guy is astoundingly inept at forming good political takes, and perpetually demonstrates being taken in by deceptive narratives. the whole thing is an embarrassing self-own. it reads like he's one of these Wrong People Annoyed With Cancel Culture so as a billionaire he bought twitter. he's already preaching bothsidesism like he doesn't even know what it is. someone get this man a prescription and get him away from the significant info tool.
  4. would be good to have a "sent" view. there's no way to know if i already sent a message in a blackout.
  5. very interesting reporting on russian disinfo: https://crooked.com/podcast/are-russians-buying-putins-propaganda
  6. here's the rtr thread in question. not clearly titled
  7. imo, ITSAME is beautiful and it is a striking accomplishment. there's not really a moment in it that i don't love. exudes magic. definitely my favorite bwe release and i would say it is just generally a good music album.
  8. now i remember (and i checked his posts). white rainbow is guavid. whoa. rtr unmasked in my thread. it is an honor, sir. apologies for my specualtion. you seemed to lay the trap and i figured i should play it out. also i kind of thought it was []phex on a max system. bravo on the rtr catalog. i quite enjoy it.
  9. in my email i received: Hey fellow nerds, hope you're well. I've got a new mix out. Enjoy! Tell your friends! bogdanraczynski.bandcamp.com/album/mixes nyp!
  10. the theory i like is rtr = steinvord = tom & rich
  11. it's weekly... the first 2 episodes are not bad
  12. Estimates by Zelensky: Ukrainian military deaths: 2,500 - 3,000 Russian military deaths: 19,000 when a nuclear despot falls
  13. that tweet you mention is from the official better call saul account. cool detail about lalo
  14. just rewatched season 5. cool that it sets up season 6 to start with lalo hunting ignacio down in the mexican wilderness. wonder how they will do the timeline cross-over. i think season 6 is split into 2 parts, and walter and jesse are in the season, the question is how much. would be cool if a bunch of it overlaps breaking bad season 1.
  15. racist how people aren't calling putin the greatest terrorist of the 21st century
  16. i'm not counting on anything, and i agree that he may end up remaining in power. but, what would that look like? it would look like north korea or syria. that's the future for putin's russia. i think he was already very squirrely and that's why he made his awful move to invade ukraine. his main motive may have actually been to attack his own army. over a half dozen generals have been killed, most by snipers, many in that odd traffic backup that occurred outside kyiv, as they walked up and down the convoy. this amount of generals dying this early in a war is unheard of. a number of intel officers have been suddenly imprisoned. other generals and officers were fired. a shake-up and purge is occurring in the military, while sending them to die so that putin can steal ukraine's wealth. the military is the 1 actor that putin has to fear. if you were putin and you were worried about your military, maybe this is what you would do. we see that his military doesn't really want to fight for him. we know russia's economy was already horrible before he destroyed it. i think he stands on unsolid ground. but yeah dictators know tricks to keep the rats at bay. and yeah, disinfo works, in its own way. he is fearful. he has been isolating for 2 years. he sits 30 ft apart from his foreign minister in a meeting between the two of them. he fired hundreds of staff for fear of poisoning. invading ukraine has already backfired on him horribly. he destroyed himself and his country. why did he do that? this whole thing looks to me like putin's downfall. but maybe it will just be him turning into kim putin. don't believe anyone who tells you they know the future.
  17. i hope the russian people put a bib in putin's mouth and bind his hands so he can be kept alive to face the hague. maybe sleeping gas before entering would be a good strategy he may be the greatest terrorist of the 21st century
  18. is there a web link for that @beerwolf?
  19. that remake of cyg x1 is really good spaceopera also sounding nice both good loud the new sc ones are great, too. viva rtr
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