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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. cassidy hutchinson's testimony today was nuts. from 1:08:50 to 2:55:00, with a 15 minute break. well worth the watch the january 6th committee hearings have been momentous and well done, but this one has been maybe the biggest for me. a lot about the inner circle and some dark stuff.
  2. we're already in a very dark place. we're there. people are ready to vote out biden and let desantis get in there because the disinfo works. information has been electrified so that the masses are afraid to touch it. just buffalo being herded off cliffs, with a narrow window of hope. the next 4 months, the next year, the next few years, the next 5-10 years are very important for this country. i've been waiting for the gop to age out and we need to make it happen. maybe dobbs will be the decisive turn, we will see.
  3. a new ecosystem came into being (the new info realm) and we get to live through the primitive, primordial early days of a world shaped by human minds. last time it took 2 million years to learn what lessons we did.
  4. lools like we did 200 ft in 20 years and have another 200 ft to go. i think team america can get it done in 10.
  5. some of the best of richard's output. originally emerging as pre-release syro fakes, if i remember correctly (i may not), and something to do with soundcloud. https://m.soundcloud.com/richrud-d-jomes later published to the internet archive. https://archive.org/details/RIchrudD.Jomes check out final exit
  6. in the sc dump thread, when the dump was ongoing, many people said that, for many of the tracks. the modern destruction of reality may be good for techno
  7. just read the wapo article and lemoine's google doc. great read. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/11/google-ai-lamda-blake-lemoine/ this is passage of the turing test. we are now up against the question of what is consciousness. i do not discount the possibility that we could manufacture something that could be sentient. scary stuff, honestly.
  8. ok thanks i'm like 4 hours through so far
  9. did no one ask about opensourcing a version of the rig? ...
  10. this is why it matters that people police their local info sanitation. it's all connected. we probably saved the world with our shitposting.
  11. the house january 6th committee hearing is starting soon. feed:
  12. sine said likely release: next year soonest
  13. are you guys looking forward to thursday's January 6th Committee hearing? the committee is finally showing what they found
  14. david lynch needs to hear this. it sounds really good.
  15. "Scientists at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution announced today that ribonucleic acid (RNA), an analog of DNA that was likely the first genetic material for life, spontaneously forms on basalt lava glass." there's that https://phys.org/news/2022-06-scientists-breakthrough-life-earthand-mars.amp
  16. idk, just about everyone said "wow never would have believed it's aphex" during the sc dump. sorry to troll on the internet. this unseen person has some nice techno and i notice mr jams tropes.
  17. ??? https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/afus01-unseen-series-i https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/afus02-unseen-series-ii
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