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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. the whole world is ufos we in the profane sphere are like a zoo
  2. throwing the globe's systems out of whack isn't a good idea there is no "normal" earth naturally returns to. what we set in motion will continually have chain reactions. it's just getting started. the habitat that allowed humans to flourish is (was) very delicate and happenstance.
  3. thanks! encoding pleased by the hour of free, dank zvld ambient flacs. always wanted more like those 2 quantum tracks from a couple years ago.
  4. oh wow "still" is my jam more posted, also downloadable in lossless: thanks zvld
  5. true gangsters make you fear them with radiation poisoning
  6. here's a podcast with a reputable journalist who wrote a book on trump's history of working with the russian mob going back to the 80s https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/uncovering-the-truth/id1635682479?i=1000575896725
  7. the radical dems have passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which is the most substantial climate legislation of any nation ever, or something. details here https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/summary_of_the_energy_security_and_climate_change_investments_in_the_inflation_reduction_act_of_2022.pdf
  8. your galactic center is so dense that the electron orbitals collapsed
  9. yeah, wrong term. period? posting from the period that utterly fucked the habitat.
  10. posting from the generation that chose to utterly fuck the habitat
  11. i kind of hate this show for how it has me addicted yet i know it's often boring and bad
  12. good lex episode with a us af pilot witness
  13. An asteroid that could measure more than 1,200 feet across—as tall as the Empire State Building—is set to fly safely past Earth later this week after being discovered just a few days ago.
  14. interesting blog post by timothy snyder on how putin's power is weakening. https://snyder.substack.com/p/putins-rule-is-weakening
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