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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. let's not get too BOC forum in here in a more practical sense we've seen him grow and expand as a musician. from pure ambient to forging his own path Agreed, don't think he planned this whole thing out. but what the hell is pure ambient? I've heard that term used, pure.
  2. man baby, maybe. but returnal is defs no regular baby. ya, it doesn't follow the infancy label as well as replica, although the song structures are much more simple than stuff off R plus 7 and GOD
  3. His last few albums almost feel connected in a way, like a child growing up. Replica is like an infancy, very simple, repetitive, but also dense. Rifts and Returnal can also fall into the "infancy" category. R Plus 7 is like kindergarten, much more complex than Replica but still very childlike. GOD is angsty, insecure teenage mallgoth phase. Beautiful watching OPN grow
  4. at least 2 moments in the album sound like straight up tribute/homages to oversteps, ill timecode the parts in each song next time i listen. Much appreciated, I've only listened to GOD once and it's pretty dense
  5. You guys going over everything with lawyers? Oh yeah, no worries. The lawyers from both sides and our lawyers are finalizing the contract and every party has to agree with the terms drawn up. That's why it's taking a long time. It seems like the law is kinda weird, your in Washington right? so the federal gov can come in anytime and shut it down, but they're not. Although the GOP candidates said they would do that if they get elected, so everything would change if Trump gets elected? I'm from Northern California and have a few friends who work for the medical marijuana dispensary and they claim everything is legit. Idk, seems like theres a disconnect between state of federal law
  6. The official "Get StephenG into OPN Thread" lol sorry, wasn't trying to shift the focus or anything. Naw, its all good. I wasn't huge on any of his albums first few listens but they grow on you. GOD is pretty accessible and I'm digging this on first listen, you'll probably like it
  7. I missed shotgunning a beer though- that was the best part. Lol, shotgunning a beer after that is so first world Also, you two know each other irl?
  8. There was an interview I think from around when Replica came out where he was talking about that Kid606 guy (Miguel something or other?) giving him shit about the Juno+looper setup, saying it was played out, and then he got to thinking about it and decided he was right. That guy sounds like such a smug prick and his music sucks too. Oneohtrix or Kid606? Kid606, I have a lot of respect for OPN. I just think Lopatin is a sensitive and somewhat insecure dude and was over-influenced by his trolling. I think it was fair criticism. Daniel didn't venture outside of Juno and delay pedal for years
  9. Ugh my office is moving to an "open" floor plan (well except the execs of course). They're shit. Sorry to hear that man. And yeah of course not the fucking execs. Meanwhile the execs are all, oh, you can move your desks where you want, as long as you're with your team, and it's in a "collaborative" configuration. Like, do you want me to "collaborate" or do you want me to get my fucking work done? Cos I work best when I can hear my own thoughts and not have someone asking for my help or validation every 5 minutes. I thought I was there to get work done and make them money, not be some kind of well-adjusted social butterfly. I can already tell I'm going to be completely miserable and my performance is going to suffer. Fuck this shit. I wouldn't jump the gun on quitting, sometimes things change after everyone gets settled in. Also, you might want to tell your coworkers what your needs are, or maybe try sitting with a quiet group of people in the corner, idk
  10. It baffles me when Muslim immigrants choose to go to Europe because they hate their country so much, and then get angry because Euope isn't their country. There must not be an Arabic tranlation for "beggers can't be choosers." Seriously, how can people who have experienced war and destruction and sacrificed everything for their own safety and the safety of their families be so offended by such dumb bullshit? Like when Brian Eno had to un-release one of his tracks because it had a part of the Qur'an in it. That's the sort of thing that even the most extreme first-world SJWs would have a hard time being offended by, and third-world immigrants surely must have bigger problems than that. You don't see Tibetan refugees in India protesting and refusing aid because they're being helped by Sikhs instead of Buddhists. That's just unbelievable. If you go to someone for help because nobody else wants to help you, you shouldn't expect them to change their entire culture and society just for your own comfort. perhaps the people in this video were being picky because they weren't in extreme need for food. i'm sure if they badly needed it they would have taken it. also i don't think their religion had anything to do with this. i bet any muslim would eat haram food if it was a matter of life and death. It's a one and a half minute video. obviously we're not getting the whole story here.
  11. How much you get the Nord Lead for?
  12. Scrambling to try to find a room in LA by the time school starts.
  13. To me Daniels music reminds me abit of FSOL (more specifically r+7) in regards to the unusual application of samples in the given context of the song. Dead cities (most of it atleast) and r+7 sit in the same sort of space for me, abstract but in a way that a child would view society not having been given the context of growing up within that society. Mind you that's not the only reason I like it but that's probably one of the more tangible reasons. This, the album sounds like it was made by a child, and that's a compliment. The album is very energetic, free flowing, open to new ideas, idk, its like all the best aspects of childhood translated into an album. Such a refreshing outlook
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