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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. The Imposter 9/10. Interesting documentary about a guy taken in by a family after pretending to be their missing child. Explores how people choose what they want to believe and give themselves tunnel vision by not looking at the entire picture.
  2. Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp A Butterfly Holy shit. Amazing stuff! Beautiful hip-hop. 9/10
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_cyRlBCx8o
  4. I'm amazed that people still buy cable. You're watching 15 minutes of commercials for an hour long program... and your paying for it....
  5. Me and my brother on the bay bridge. Never occurred to me how much my brother looks like Richard D James
  6. "I will DROP THE BASS" said shakleton and he used an bongo.
  7. You should try layering more elements in this. I like the melody but some nice chords or other sounds in the background can really enhance it and give it context. And actually the "mistake" sounded kinda cool, you could use that in an interesting way to exaggerate a note
  8. Got some issues with writer's block and procrastination recently. Been trying to force it but that doesn't help much
  9. Ugh it's brutal right now.Lost an hour of sleep yesterday, have to get up early as shit tomorrow, and it's 1 am and I can't sleep at all; thanks Obama.
  10. HAHAHA, thats reddit to a tee edit: shit, that's me...
  11. I also invited a chick to a date. It was supposed to be on last friday, but she said that her uncle suffered something and all the family would go to see him, lel, so cancelling the date. She said also that "for other day" and that "talk later" and I'm still waiting her to talk to me. You should hit her up, its been a few days. don't wait for the girl
  12. Don't have time to make music recently because I have to write like a fiend for school. Wrote 3,000 words the past week and have another 1,000 to go for scholarship paper due tomorrow.
  13. I've seen one of these at my college, is this like a music production center?
  14. I always wonder how these moves play out in real life because they're essentially going in slow motion but real life is much more quick
  15. Watched Tree of Life again the other day. Still very beautiful movie but forgot how religiously preachy it is and that kinda turned me off. It almost feels like the movie expects you to go into it believing in God. Still, a lot is left up to interpretation and really the core of the film is about the loss of a loved one and how people handle grief, remembering the person
  16. As in, you made some music, kinda want to share it, but you're afraid people won't like it? nah I'm over that ;), is just makin it viral u know, getting shittons of people interested etc, takes effort - I'm lazy Lol, same. Also, 500 pages of FWPs
  17. Ironic how that happens. Worked with a guy who literally lived a block away and was always late
  18. I honestly think this is one of Nic's best. it is, mainly because it's also one of the best surreal dark comedies ever made. I don't think the director intended it to be a dark comedy (I think he had no idea what he was doing) but it turned into this giant WTF with Nicolas Cage as the actor. this commentary says it all
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