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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. dont want to steer the thread into too much of a critical direction, but im curious to understand this statement. At first those kaoss edge tracks gave me the feeling you expressed above and 'i bite through it' felt like an artist retreading something almost too obviously and not adding too much to it. In a way i give more of a pass to R+7 because while i didn't like that album i still felt it was really different from what he had done before, this feels like Daniel smackdab in the middle of current electronic music lexicon instead of very ahead of the curve. So maybe you mean it in the sense that its an artist who has refined a particular style (which i would agree with). Its only one track though. prob too early to judge (last post) Ya, this track sounds very refined, like theres not much else you could do to the track to make it better. It's also reminiscent of some R+7 stuff but doesn't stick too close. OPN has always had a nice sense of rhythm without using drums and this track really showcases that sense of rhythm.
  2. The rug really ties the room together.
  3. I think it'd be good if everyone had a trip sitter instead of just having one person look after a group cuz some people want to experience the trip in different ways. It just might get kinda crowded if three people are tripping and three more people are looking after them, might be kind of a sensory overload unless part of the group broke off
  4. I still don't understand why it's faux pas to use ableton for recording and mixing. From what i know about both Protools and Ableton, it seems like ableton can do just as much and more than Protools. Maybe it's just a work flow thing
  5. Ya, i was exactly the same way. The experience just felt really heavy, like there was a weight on me. I was just sitting in a room jamming tunes. The controlled environment of a room is also super comforting. Unfortunately my friend really wanted to go outside and kept bringing it up. I wasn't really afraid to go outside but literally everything was perfect just sitting there and i didn't want to change that. Eventually went on a quick walk but got tired so we walked back, lol
  6. true, laptop and field recorder is like a match made in heaven
  7. That setup sounds dope. Enjoy it. More gear, more problems. Yes, less is more. Sometimes even just Ableton has too many options lol. It's all how you use it
  8. Glad you enjoyed yourself. When I take a lower dosage most of the time I just sort of feel like a real lively type of stoned. Nothing really profound about it. I can have very productive meditative experiences with marijuana given the right circumstances, it's kind of like my go to tool for working through things. It's not just about having visuals on higher dosages, it's about disruption, catharsis, and inspiration. There is a novelty to bending reality for a bit that is really entertaining and beautiful though. On the subject of dosages, fuck pachanoi man, bridgesii or bust. I think it was a bit more profound for me because I'm usually sober, i don't really drink often and weed kinda puts me on edge. I can imagine how a larger dose could change the feeling completely. I'm just afraid of getting to a point where i can't communicate with those around me because communication was the highlight of my experience.
  9. lol, the original intention was pretty boring. Roland has a knack for accidentally making great gear
  10. So I did a gram of psilocybin mushrooms this weekend and it was a really beautiful experience. Felt like I was 6 years old again, relearning how the world works, how the mind works, how we communicate. Listened to R Plus 7 and it was a perfect representation of how i was feeling, that childlike playfulness of the album sounded like mushrooms. There was a point where i was thinking, everything was perfect and there was nothing to do to make it better. It was such a wonderful feeling, i can imagine why someone would want to do it every weekend but I'm going to wait a while and see if another situation presents itself. Recorded the whole conversation I had with my friends and it's really great to relisten to it and sort of remind myself of what I was feeling the moment. That appreciation for the beauty of the world has kinda lingered even after a couple days. Even though I'm sober now, i feel like i have a greater appreciation for life and I got back into making music. I didn't really get visuals, only a subtle pattern on the wall that i knew wasn't there and thankfully it wasn't an underwelming experience. I doing mushrooms just for the sake of seeing visuals is going into it with bad intentions. Maybe higher doses will be in store for the future. Anyway, I'd be curious to hear your guys psilocybin stories
  11. Just finished The Shallows by Nicolas Carr. About how the internet shapes our minds, not necessarily in a good way. Highly critical of Google and how we are expected to behave on the internet (consuming as much information as possible without going in depth on one thing.) I feel like internet addiction is a very real thing, and many times i find myself browsing for hours on end without any goal or progress and my focus has been waining since using the internet consistently. Of course, I don't think the internet itself is bad, just how it is being used. I recommend this book, not very long.
  12. haha, I saw Morton Subotnick last year and the event info said he was the Godfather of EDM. Trying to promote the show for a younger audience no doubt
  13. that's some heavy dosage adieu, you should be watmm's resident shaman seriously all in favor say 'aye' (or 'high'?) Psychedelic machismo ≠ good shamanism telling someone to take 4 grams for their first time on shrooms and that they just need the right 'headspace' to trip right is imo terrible advice. i wasn't basing my nomination on his high dosages but rather just his general shaman-ness it was a bit of a non-sequitar that i should have clarified and yeah first-timers should prolly just take like 1/2 gram (in my imo) 1/2 gram used to land me on the ground laughing for 3 hours until my face and ribs hurt Well this isn't exactly my first time. When i was 16 i did shrooms three times. First two were just body highs, cool but a little disappointing cuz i wanted to trip. Third time I went balls to the wall and had the lions share of a bag me and my friend had. Didn't go into it with the right mindset, didn't do much research on psilocybin, went to an unfamiliar location. One thing led to another and I ended up in a hospital bed with nurses telling me I was streaking in public. This might seem weird that I want to try shrooms again but it's 5 years later, I'm 21 and I feel like I'm in a much better headspace and I have the opportunity to go into this trip with good set and setting. I just really wish i knew how much i took last time and what sort of species it was. I know I must sound stupid for trying it again but last time I was 16 and had a "I wanna get fucked up" mentality.
  14. Anyone who has experience with psilocybin mushrooms: What's a safe dosage to get a decent trip, more than a just a body high. I realize there are many different types of psilocybin mushrooms and different tolerances.
  15. my dad just said he doesn't want to hear from me anymore, but other than that this has probably been the best summer of my life so far (close race with that summer when i was three where i basically just played by the ocean every day) Your sig takes a new meaning Ya man, i guess just keep doing what your doing. Feel free to come over to california where it's warm and doesn't rain
  16. I feel like you're really well adjusted for this extended outdoor escapade. Any issues crop up?
  17. ATM for me LP's Confield Draft 7.30 LP5 Exai Tri Repetae Untilted Quaristace Chiastic Slide Oversteps Amber Incunabula Ep's Garbage EP7 L-event Anti Ep Move of Ten Anvil Vapre Cichlisuite Envane Making this makes me realize how much I appreciate all their releases. It's hard to put stuff on the bottom
  18. I work 7pm to 7 am 3 or 4 days a week on a rotating schedule. *bitchslap* Jesus! what do you do?
  19. Aye, and then go wild with automation on the cut down jams - (well, at least they did circa 2004) it looks like they have some sort of beat or noise structure at the bottom that is heavily manipulated with automated fx and a midi melody line at the top that gives the whole thing some sort of coherence. I have seen these screenshots before but they never made sense to me like this. anyone know which track this is? Isn't this off of Draft?
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