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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. this is how i felt too- but i think because it's science fiction (my favorite genre) and because it was hyped as having realistic science representation and great sfx, it forced me to stick through it. another thing i noticed is in many of the scenes where the sfx was being used, i still couldn't see things clearly, especially in the scene where cooper wakes up at the cooper station and looks out the window- the scene was very unfocused to me.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxz-Qt9mMqk
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ0fY0zX1Q0
  4. florida bans the phrases 'climate change' and 'global warming'
  5. wow, for me, i think season 2 is actually slightly better than season 1. i really love the mystery of the signal from jupiter asking for cooper, the windom earle character etc. i know lynch wanted to prolong the mystery about bob but was forced by networks to "reveal" it sooner, but i kinda wanted something else to happen besides the "what happened to laura palmer" storyline mainly because of how soap opera-ish the series was. i know season 1 was really popular and many people stopped watching once the bob mystery was revealed, but for me, i was like just starting to think "now let's get this show on the road"
  6. this is a great drunk film to watch. the first hour or so are a ripoff spoorloos but with truckers, then later it turns into the small town-deranged hicks with even the cops in on it type of hollywood crap.
  7. http://www.pedestrian.tv/news/entertainment/david-lynch-says-twin-peaks-reboot-might-not-go-ah/d208320a-0a34-491d-b3db-e882b16489e3.htm
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOkeMKPqxWo
  9. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1193589543/back-in-time-a-back-to-the-future-documentary
  10. unwatchable. seriously- WTF? as soon as i saw the hipster/gq cover model wannabe officer murphy i turned it off. plus WTF was that beginning about? they have a bunch of ED209's roaming iran with journalists, terminator type "robots" and stealth nighthawks? and how annoying was samuel jackson's opening news ramble? great documentary about glen/divine- slightly touches on some of the other "wonderland actors". btw is it just me or is mink stole gorgeous?
  11. http://i.imgur.com/m1dr9xD.gifv
  12. this is such a great idea- can't believe it didn't happen earlier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eIRP68PQvo
  13. https://youtu.be/UCp1igC1MK8?t=13m23s looks like this whole project is a con
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v2mvO7Yq48
  15. check out klinikal skum, particularly his first 2 albums pulsating and miasma i'd also recommend for you blood stereo's your snakelike king which is a remarkable exercise in ambient, field recordings and noise
  16. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Legend-of-Zelda-The-Minish-Cap-Big-Box-Set-VGA-90-Club-Nintendo-Game-boy-Advance-/321667917076
  17. the real world- with vampires. watched this with a bunch of friends and i was the only one not enjoying it. great production design but that's about it
  18. patricia norris, costume designer and david lynch's favorite production designer (responsible for the look of blue velvet, twin peaks and lost highway)
  19. supposedly this is one of the things the owner is supposed to agree on, considering the copyright will be retained until 2103, and since they'd be one owner, it would be pretty easy to file a lawsuit against him/her. but do you honestly think someone would leak an album they spent +5 million on? the 15 second sample they "previewed" sounded pretty bad to me, and after their last album, i really cannot imagine this being any better. also, cilvaringz is a very dated producer gop can't help (unless they can physically get the 1 copy because the digital files have *cough* deleted) but anonymous is legion
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