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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. alien reboot a remake of the first alien movie, with the rock, vin diesel and michelle rodriguez as ripley. production design by kanye west
  2. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/276667448/jodorowskys-new-film-endless-poetrypoesia-sin-fin
  3. did anyone vote louis jourdan? coz if you did you'd be ahead with 200 points
  4. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/goodmorrowpictures/bruceploitation-documentary this actually looks like it would be really interesting, but it doesn't seem like it will be sucessful
  5. lady gaga (plane crash) lil wayne (birdman assassination plot) burt reynolds (natural causes) joan van ark (reincarnation) mohammed ali + harry belafonte + clint eastwood (trilogy of celebrity deaths) george lucas (stress related) madonna (blood disease related illness)
  6. http://youtu.be/zXCFABnp0wk looks like instead of making this a fun/stupid b-movie they went more for the late-night-cinemax low budget crap with pornstar angle. disappointment is imminent
  7. jeb bush just wikileaked himself http://jebbushemails.com/home not really a first world problem, more like a first world confusion
  8. not sure how i feel about this. i'm a big thunderbirds fan, but one thing i feel made the show was how it was so imbedded in 60s culture. i also read it wasn't going to be puppets anymore? besides the mission-impossible-esque storyline, what else made the thunderbirds so iconic? can they really deliver this level of awesomeness? http://youtu.be/Y5zVq0wTNfM
  9. watched this and yes it's pretty bad- mostly because it's too cliche and the story is very silly. also, mila kunis and channing tatum just don't sell their roles (regardless of the fact that most of the dialogue is written very unbelievably- kinda like star wars/anime hybrid). also the sfx wasn't all that great mostly because it didn't matter. there's a scene where there is a battle in the air and you just see these tiny dots flashing lights at each other with over the top music and i guess you're suppose to be on the edge of your seat- but how can you when you can't see what's happening to warrant any kind of suspense? conclusion: this was pretty bad
  10. ^^ lawwwwl. just watched that. gave me a good laugh
  11. "to hear music the way its creators intended, with the emotion, detail, and power intact." ponomusic "beats would allow people to "hear what the artists hear, and listen to the music the way they should: the way I do." beats headphones what's next? they'll begin selling us producer ears that we can graft ontop of our own ears so we can have "an ear like your favorite producer. hear exactly what they hear" btw: ponomusic sounds too much like pornomusic. personally, i like the sound of mp3 more so pono loses just on cool sounding basis i'm reading comments from the suckers that gave neil young money for this toberlone bar. turns out around may, pono music was supposed to go online to customers who help fund the kickstarter. currently (june 18th) no live pono music. everyone else has been buying $1,000 plus headphones and high recorded players and amps in anticipation of the high quality pono http://appleinsider.com/articles/15/02/02/neil-youngs-400-pono-hi-def-music-player-loses-to-apples-iphone-in-blind-audio-test http://youtu.be/6VQUFCCcQ4A
  12. not even sure what's happening anymore because i found out there is a reloaded version of this documentary which is exactly as explained above except.... it has different scenes from the original and the version i mention above.
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