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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. legowelt just announced that he's going to release rising sun system's tomorrow. imo, this one sounds like it's going to be pretty amazing. also, check out that killer artwork https://soundcloud.com/legowelt-official/rising-sun-systems-something https://soundcloud.com/legowelt-official/rising-sun-systems-i-was-born-in-a-valley-of-freaks https://soundcloud.com/legowelt-official/rising-sun-systems-nightwind-floppy-disc https://soundcloud.com/legowelt-official/rising-sun-systems-paradoxa https://soundcloud.com/legowelt-official/rising-sun-systems-croissant-with-stravinsky
  2. once upon a time in shaolin will be available publicly after 88 years http://www.forbes.com/sites/zackomalleygreenburg/2015/03/02/wu-tang-clan-set-to-release-secret-album-in-88-years-give-or-take/
  3. a pretty good story- it's not quite as brilliant as it would have you believe- but the real alan turing was a fascinating human being. cumberbatch is a fine actor, but i felt like the dialogue was somewhat limited and banal, often resorting to silly hollywood-esque color. 7.5 encrypted crossword puzzles out of 10
  4. this film had terrible casting eg. james franco as hugh hefner, the kid from the oc as harry reems, sharon stone as the mom- basically everyone seems miscast including the main girl who is too pretty to be linda lovelace. also, the movie plays once, then repeats everything again (so you can see it from linda's perspective): so it begins to drag. a big fat meh
  5. i'd like to hear something more contextual. that's personally the kind of noise i enjoy- but more importantly, noise isn't about what i (or anyone else) likes. it's about what you like. i think the moment we describe noise, we begin to define it, which goes against what noise should be (at least how i think about it). perhaps some people are completely fine with saying "that's noise". i'm more comfortable about questioning it. as an example: one of my favorite noise performances was by the gerogerigegege where they promised a concert by the beach, and when everyone showed up, they threw copies of their (at the time) new record into a pit and lit them all on fire then left. when asked why, they said "no answer. this is the gerogerigegege"
  6. leonard nimoy is outta here the entire (original) mission impossible team is almost gone.
  7. documentary about how the ed snowden leak came out- whilst it's quite remarkable what this guy risked to get this info out, the film seems to be acknowledging and encouraging people to both react to the leak and (perhaps) more whistleblowers to come out. so why did i still end up feel like everyone involved was being played blind as defectors?
  8. I honestly think this is one of Nic's best. it is, mainly because it's also one of the best surreal dark comedies ever made. I don't think the director intended it to be a dark comedy (I think he had no idea what he was doing) but it turned into this giant WTF with Nicolas Cage as the actor. this commentary says it all interesting because the writer, joseph minion, also wrote 'after hours' which is the only good scorsese comedy (i think kings of comedy was considered a terrible movie). also one of the producers (besides the writers at the time girlfriend) was barry shils who lives just a few blocks away from me :)
  9. I honestly think this is one of Nic's best. it is, mainly because it's also one of the best surreal dark comedies ever made.
  10. Nebraska


    the campaign ended- but for humor, you can always count on the pono player kickstarter comment page where people's souls are rediscovering music
  11. koos van den akkar (sweater designer for alleged rapist bill cosby) didn't make it till the end of the year. he will be missed
  12. linklater didn't win best director- damn it boyhood didn't win best film. WTF? *angrily shakes fist*
  13. a classic piece of cinema right here. despite emanuelle in america being more popular, this one (considered to be one of the rarer ones) is, imo, a vastly superior film. the story is the typical women being kidnapped then used as sex slaves for crazed dodgy mob boss type dudes who get off on hearing screams while they pound away like madmen and laugh maniacally, plus some picturesque globetrotting with karin "perfect" schubert
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