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Everything posted by Nebraska

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi8beYR1iBQ
  2. Nebraska


    jay z removed reasonable doubt from spotify.
  3. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/features/waxing-lyrical-david-lynch-on-his-new-passion--and-why-he-may-never-make-another-movie-8665457.html you're right about actors wanting to work with serious directors, the problem is getting those projects produced is very difficult today. you mentioned terry gilliam as someone able to get many films made, but it's a little more complicated than who's the better director. for one, lynch doesn't explain much about his films. the same frustration a lot of people have in trying to understand what just happened is the same frustration studio execs and producers have in trying to wrap their mind around what they're being asked to produce. this is why mullholland drive was never picked up as a tv show despite the tv execs claiming it was the best pitch they'd ever heard. i don't know how cronenberg or gilliam get their films financed, but i doubt it's simple for them either. maybe they know the right people or they're very good at networking. btw: this is the first time i've heard lynch might be really difficult to work with. i always heard (and read) he was really good to work for because he was so unorthodox eg. he gives actors only enough description to sketch the character and they have to fill in the rest. this is why i think his casting is always perfect. because those actors became those characters. can you imagine anyone else playing audrey horne besides sherilyn fenn? but i can see some having a problem his with artistic approach i.e. not telling you what and why certain things are happening or giving you enough backstory about your character. btw: you said you knew that actors "could probably be willing to fund a future work of his". do you know of any examples where this has happened before to any director? because if this were the case, i don't see why they'd wait until now to do so.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkqtQ61k58E&
  5. the reason it takes him a long time to get movies made is because he has a difficult time getting funding for the films (everything since lost highway has mostly been financed by studiocanal). also the current state of the film industry doesn't favor art because those films don't make money. they prefer to create a franchise (hence the remakes, reboots or 7 parts of the fast and the furious)
  6. http://jacksonville.suntimes.com/jax-news/7/115/146332/couple-arrested-selling-golden-tickets-heaven/ => http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/goldentickets.asp source: http://stuppid.com/ welp, considering the story supposedly happened in florida, i'm sure it's still true
  7. normally i'd agree with this statement, but i think lynch is creative enough to make it work. the main problem i had/feared was that the actors had changed too much to really make it work. also does piper laurie still act? i'm sure she'd come out of retirement to do the show, but would we recognize catherine still? also i think the format for twin peaks is extremely challenging for today's audience. even in 1992, 1 episode representing 1 day in twin peaks proved too much. i'm not sure if people forget that the show was cancelled because the audience declined. i'm guessing showtime didn't see any reasonable reason to offer a certain amount of money considering how slow the show was supposed to be- and how little explosions, murders etc would be offered to what would initially be a psychological thriller btw i was really surprised to see some of the most vocal people about the showtime/twin peaks revival. of all people, bill shatner is dying to see this. as for prometheus, yes, that was a rubbish film, but ridley scott is like a movie studios favorite director. he just puts out the product with not a care in the world if anyone will even enjoy it on time and on budget (usually blowing a majority of it on promotion) and just attaching his "from the director of gladiator and blade runner" to ensure eyeballs are locked in i really wish instead of doing a third season of twin peaks, lynch got the offer to make another tv show. or maybe make 'one saliva bubble' or 'ronnie rocket'
  8. http://jacksonville.suntimes.com/jax-news/7/115/146332/couple-arrested-selling-golden-tickets-heaven/
  9. well, let's look on the bright side. at least we've got the twin peaks ripoff wayward pines to look forward to
  10. pretty much: 7.5%. she slips down easy though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sET7Im_8_QM
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=42&v=61HnbXrjmuQ
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFf-mMxo8JI
  13. whoa! really good documentary. i loved the fact that someone finally explained what the hell scientology is all about. every video/explanation i'd seen thus far was vague and always used vocabulary in a way that made no sense, but when you watch this they pretty much tell you what it is and then you realize why they do that (not tell you what it is): as one character explained "if they gave you the whole story in the beginning, you'd say hang on.... that's rubbish". also, i kept thinking david miscavige looks like a cloned tom cruise sly stallone decides to go into a sealed tunnel to rescue a bunch of non-appreciative-argumentative dipshits from sure death (read as: typical new yorkers). about 2/3rds from the end the dipshits becoming maniacally close and suddenly can't stand when one of them dies. not your typical disaster movie in it's small scale of disaster, but typical in it's over-the-topness and unintentional hilariousity
  14. http://www.blossomingnoise.com/ https://soundcloud.com/blossoming-noise/exploring-therapeutic-encounter-in-an-ideal-st-cs
  15. r.i.p. robert z'dar (aka the chin)
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PODQakyz18
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHy6iNw12s
  18. captain tom hanks philips gets his ship raided by somali pirates and attempts to get them off. this is a paul greengrass film so he's hired his usual epileptic cinematographer then fed him crack and asked him to attempt to focus on a pin head. actually it's not that bad- and i liked the main somali pirate actor. he really did a good job (actually, all the somali pirates were good in their roles)
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7P2d0smB2c
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-dsUKoa8mU
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uvuRXQKSms http://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fort-lauderdale/fl-lauderdale-police-investigation-folo-20150321-story.html#page=1
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