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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Shit sorry man, my div, thought you'd finished it ;{ Without spoiling further, it has some superb reporting, the separation in agendas is kinda what i was alluding to. Don't think Wolfe ever believed in the potential psychedelics may have had in the same way an advocate like Kesey & the Pranksters did, but he def had a good time. The irony eh. Dr Hunter Thompson's "Hell's Angels" is similar but far more scathing. If you can filter the odd pining exchange between Burroughs & Ginsberg (of which there are a few), you get a real sense of the wonder, logistics & mythology of the compounds involved in The Yage Letters. Burroughs was pretty solid w/his previous anthropologial research into the various cultural contexts of mind-altering compounds in the Americas. Def not Castaneda & a world away from contemporary DMT eulogies. The headfuck that is Robert Anton Wilson's "Illuminatus! Trilogy" might float your boat, but it's marmite for most, love<>hate. Vineland follows up some of the themes around the subject in Wolfe's book. Prob one of my favourite books on the legacy of & fall-out from the '60's. All good! Nothing spoiled heh. Thank you for your responses, lots of the context is lost to me (being born in 89'), I can only base it/try to understand as much of the context as possible from reading (I mean, I get it - but the magnitude/essence/feeling of what was happening is so well captured in some of these books). I did some "google research" today after you name dropped a few authors here and found a ton of books I probably otherwise wouldn't have found out about. I didn't realize (never really thought about it tbh) there were so many counterculture books published that were actually accepted as... I don't know, literary achievements (not the right term but I can't think of a better one ATM?). I've now got about 8 books queued up following EKAAT. Hunter S Thompson is a given, but tbh I thought he was really one of the only authors in this... vein?... Ignorant, I know. But yeah, I've got my next couple years of reading charted out I think - next up will be the Illuminatus material. Thanks again!!
  2. Ah, you've read it then! I've not that impression of Wolfe as of yet in the book (about halfway). It almost seemed like he was high with the rest of em' half the time? I was under the impression (from the preface) that it was all written from first hand accounts + him going through the "pranksters" archived material (video etc). If he's not actually blasted, I think he's written the book very convincingly. The Yage Letters sounds very interesting based on the wiki alone, might check that out - thank you!
  3. Last novel I finished was Ken Kesey's "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". I'm now reading "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe. The latter is a non-fiction first hand account of the growing psychedelic/acid movement... probably easiest if you google a description but holy shit... It reads nothing like a non-fiction book, it's absolutely bonkers what Ken Kesey was doing, and sheds light on all of his other novels if you're a fan. It's a bit of a difficult read IMO but it's seriously enthralling. By "difficult read" I mean it changes points of view fairly frequently between very descriptive and stream of consciousness (while drugs were taken); it can be hard to understand what exactly is happening unless you've imbibed and have been in that state of mind yourself before... It's really hard at some points to believe it's non-fiction though with all the crazy shit they do. Can't recommend it enough. I'd suggest reading those two books in that order tbh. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Electric_Kool-Aid_Acid_Test
  4. whew.... I was worried for you. Glad it worked out. btw does that say "Overall Cum" in the bottom right? lol Yeah I'd like to pretend that crop of "Overall Cumulative GPA" was intentional but alas, just a happy accident! I thought it was a cheeky and clever allusion to how happy you are you didn't get completely shafted with the school closing! "How are you doing Lada Laika??? ah... overall cum!!"
  5. whew.... I was worried for you. Glad it worked out. btw does that say "Overall Cum" in the bottom right? lol
  6. Vancouver and Seattle were great. Going to take me a while to work my way through all these though lol.
  7. Oh ok, that's a bit different. I thought you meant like MMR, tetanus, etc lol
  8. If that's a regular doctor, like an MD, regular pratitioner of medicine etc... she should have her license and everything revoked for making that statement.
  9. If it's a solid opportunity it might be a nice change!
  10. No-one is leaving Canada for the US. I mean, obviously a few people are. But that's kind of a false parallel you've made.
  11. Heck yeah! Looking forward to it. I have a week of vacation here, plane rides etc, to work through as many of them as I can. Should be good ;)
  12. In a lot of places emergency response times and dispatch are in rough shape.... time to respond to calls is a common metric I think? It's in the news here every year or so.
  13. I love fiber optic internet lol. 19 new chre' sets, less than 1 minute to download them all =/
  14. I'll grab you one like the newman guy on Jurassic pork ?
  15. After a really shit start to 2019 (work stuff) I'm off on vacation and headed to a nice resort in Dominican. Time for unlimited booze, bad decisions, and 30+ degrees weather. <3
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