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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Do you have a pond nearby your house p'haps mr pete? I have an idea.
  2. looks like an opn cover Correctumundo: On a Hilltop Sat the Moon is the inaugural release on Amon Tobin’s newly minted label
  3. lol it's funny you posted that. We left the pantry open for one minute last night, and our little cat (usually shy and hiding) broke into a whole fucking bag of catnip and basically destroyed the whole thing. When we walked up on it it was hyperventilating and staring off into space. 30 minutes later pissed all over one of my speakers while still staring into space.
  4. If the rest of the album is like the opening track I understand why ninja might not want to release it. It's good but it's not a decade of waiting for a new Tobin album good.
  5. this why can't all the idmz guys just release albums like good ole' regular chickens. Bleepstore this, piecemeal that. get off my lawn
  6. I was talking to a girl the other day and she said that the city was going to make outdoor cats illegal and i thought she was crazy I'm not sure where you are how it works! But yeah in Calgary it's not legal. Actually, I should clarify - like you're allowed to go outside with your cat if they have one of those harness things on. But here is the bylaw: Under our Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, cat owners must ensure their cats: Have a City of Calgary l​icense. Remain on the owner's property. Do not disturb the peace by howling or crying. Do not damage others' property. Do not scatter garbage. Do not chase, threaten, or attack a person or an animal. So honestly unless catto is under your direct supervision you're technically breaking a bylaw. Cats aren't going to just respect the fence like sir doggo lol once they're free they're gone, exploring!
  7. Outdoor cats are illegal here + there are coyotes and large birds of prey everywhere. Coyotes are snatching dogs out of backyards even. Ladder idea is cute though. I'd love to live somewhere where that's the norm!
  8. Not sure how the game works. Does that legitimize his street cred or will he take it rough in prison...or?
  9. For a second I thought you meant the guy that produced seinfeld mastered that album. I'm tired.
  10. f(plaque) = f(lim) h-->0 (f(x+h)g(x-teeth))/f(gingivitis)
  11. Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this. We've gotten some snow but nothing crazy by calgary standards. The cold though - doesn't bother me at all but with windchill we've been seeing -30 to -45 for 10 days or so? It's looking pretty nice for the next week or so, only -20ish. You're in Van right? Parents on the island sent me a picture, they got hammered with snow (Parksville area). i'm in victoria, it's pretty crazy. Ah yeah, I knew that sorry. I'm kind of enjoying the snow tbh. I like the cold too.
  12. Half way to work i hear they will stop the buses soon so i turn around.. Waiting for the bus in the freezing snow for what felt like 30 minutes. I'm not used to this. We've gotten some snow but nothing crazy by calgary standards. The cold though - doesn't bother me at all but with windchill we've been seeing -30 to -45 for 10 days or so? It's looking pretty nice for the next week or so, only -20ish. You're in Van right? Parents on the island sent me a picture, they got hammered with snow (Parksville area).
  13. Ah yeah, that makes sense! lol I don't know why I immediately jumped to the conclusion that means the album is out Friday. I'm really curious what this is going to sound like. Deep down I'm hoping those BPMs posted earlier were wrong but if the first track is coming out on v day that makes me think it's going to be Tobin slowdance style...
  14. Good catch, I didn't notice that - Interesting if that's the case? I haven't seen word of it on ninja, which I guess I'd expect for an april release from one of their biggest artists, no? It makes me even more curious about the album. Especially if those slow BPMs are legit. As much as I enjoyed Dark Jovian I really hope this isn't an ambient album... but its looking possible.
  15. I'm envious. Usually after 30 days I miss the creature comforts, whether that's my own bed, a regular fucking shower lol.... my fav pizza place, etc. I can't imagine 192 days.
  16. ^ It's kind of scary how much personal info can be made so accessible, so easily isn't it? If you check the wrong box on gmail, social media, or even when making a purchase (they can forward your email and other info to other suppliers etc) your info is out there. In the day and age of massive hacks it's kind of worriesome. I just kind of accept that anything I put online will be accessible if anyone truly wants it. =/
  17. Prob didn't help I was playing material from squarepushers forthcoming album =/
  18. awe ffs lol. Not even up for an hour? >.< New FWP - I can't even share my stereo FWP on the interwebs because werp sucks
  19. lol These are the Days of our Lives, Kebab Edition
  20. My main listening room for music, there's an annoying vibration coming from what I originally thought was the pot lights but when I inspected further is coming from something inside the ceiling (probably something loose on the ballasts for the lights?). Excuse my foot lol but you can hear it happen a few times in the first 10 seconds or so of this. Granted its only for when shits really loud + low bass but it's annoying me. I'll have to tear apart my ceiling or have mega OCD every time there's a bassy track. I tried it on some of the bassier AE_LIVE parts though and it was aight ;)
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