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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. (juss trying to keep the photek trend goin'). =) the 1993 emix was A Guy Called Gerald IIRC.
  2. Track was released in 1995 but from what I recall it was on mixes as early as 1992, it was even in a 1993 BBC essential mix. Really cums in my ears around the 3:40 mark. lol
  3. Spent all day preparing a 3000 word report/case study for class. But now I have a week off until my next classes start. =) Exhausted from how busy it's been but looking forward to a couple days of rest.
  4. Most likely pulled either at Richard's request or this was a mistake by someone in marketing/distribution that didn't know better. Hopefully it (re) appears on the Aphex Twin Store. I have an unplayed copy if anyone's interested... Field Day as well wow - I was going to say I'd buy them but then I saw the prices on discogs lol.
  5. Proof or it didn't happen. PM sent I've been smashing my F5 button for now less than almost 6hrs now. I member you saying pm sent and here I see pm sent but no message in pm. What do?
  6. weird, my message was deleted? Didn't seem to inappropriate lol. I asked earlier if ET's glow finger was warm. =/
  7. Why is the title of this thread possessive? UFO's what?
  8. I imagine Seattle to have been somewhat similar in its vibe? I've always heard Vancouver and Seattle compared to each other.
  9. Tobin AMA today https://www.reddit.com/r/electronicmusic/comments/b45hma/i_am_amon_tobin_new_album_fear_in_a_handful_of/?utm_source=Amon+Tobin&utm_campaign=464deac6db-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2_14_2019_23_21_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_34686534f6-464deac6db-5323187&mc_cid=464deac6db&mc_eid=57c9e16465
  10. There were a lot of strung-out arseholes at the actual show, but the ending sounded even better in person. Remember when we left the Vancouver show, right outside of the exit there was two people sitting on a mat or mattress shooting up? lol Shawn and Bob hightailed it onto their bus really quick. ah memories lol.
  11. Technically that's correct. But "cries" in this context is shrieking or exclamation, rather than sobbing or weeping. I immediately thought of pepe
  12. They might be able to advocate for her due to the condition of the kitties. I hope it all ends well for her!
  13. Hmm... you and I know Canadian law and all chances are she's going to catch shit for it even though it's completely the right thing to do... =( How does it work in BC, will the SPCA or anything help?
  14. I hope she took pictures etc before cleaning them up to defend her case....?
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