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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yes/no for me? I'd kind of like to see what it'd be like if he used breaks again ala his older stuff but kind of mish-mashed with his newer style. If that makes any sense? I don't know =/ I'm pretty pumped for this regardless.
  2. Jesus tapdancing CHRIST. Finally! He's been saying he had a new album ready since 2014? https://forum.watmm.com/topic/81999-amon-tobin-tba/
  3. Are you familiar with these "joggers" pants sir? Also half "lol" half "sorry" - Curry Influenza. Been there, not fun. Good weight loss program though.
  4. It's all cowboys in jeans here meng! Or something lol. Maybe I just don't get out enough.
  5. =/ I've never seen anyone wear pants like that lol. Must not be a trend in Alberta. They def don't look comfortable for jogging.
  6. I've never heard the term "joggers" before. Googled it and it's like sweat pants er?
  7. nice try MISTER pretty sure what I'm looking for is mono bridged, but not sure exactly how the impedance works. I'm dumb, but I figured it out. Should be good now.
  8. I figure it's like a normal dream but you're in Japan? With lots of anime characters floating around and weird but delicious food everywhere. And used panties vending machines dotted around.
  9. Hey guys, I'm a little bit confused as to how I should be setting up my system here. I've got an opportunity to buy a second power amp identical to my existing one (speakers can handle and would sound better with the extra power). Confused about bridged vs running in parallel.... what do? Would I simply be hooking up left channel to one amp and the right channel to the other? noob question
  10. DJ I still have 3 fucking more hours at work before I can go home
  11. ^ removed for "violating youtube's terms of service" Now I'm really curious Nebraska!!! What was that video?
  12. I do miss discord stories of your internet dating shenanigans
  13. Any chance you know of a good guide or resource for Singapore? Me and waifu are discussing maybe going on a trip there for our 30th birthday this year...Enjoy all of the amazing food and some of the night life. No anal sex though. That’s over the speed limit, you know. lol no promises :^) Any chance you know of a good guide or resource for Singapore? Me and waifu are discussing maybe going on a trip there for our 30th birthday this year...Enjoy all of the amazing food and some of the night life. Go and check out the night safari - eat the street food - and be prepared to spend a lot of money if you're going to bars. It's fucking expensive to drink there. As to specific guides - I would just say check out the usual places - trip advisor etc etc. Better to go to a bar and chat up some expats to find out the unique places to check out. Awesome, thank you! I kind of figured RE expats and locals, they'll know where the good stuff is at ;).
  14. Any chance you know of a good guide or resource for Singapore? Me and waifu are discussing maybe going on a trip there for our 30th birthday this year...Enjoy all of the amazing food and some of the night life.
  15. Use it as a tactic to further turn his voter base on the dems, as he can convince them the shut down is their fault entirely? IE "look as soon as the dems got in they started blocking my promises blah blah blah I was prepared to build a wall it was going to be a great wall, the greatest wall even" Or something?
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