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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hey, I think I'm in the same boat as you. Sounds like my situation exactly. Trying to bring blood pressure down, lose a bit of weight and get my brainpower back by laying off the sauce, have the occasional toke instead.
  2. I get major anxiety depending on the strain - not quite panic attacks but I have noticed schizophrenic type tendencies if I have high THC varieties (some family members have schizophrenia, they're old but still). For example I start to see physical shapes come together to look like eyes or something watching me, starts to make me nervous and anxious so I'll look away, something else will look the same, and so on, until I feel like I'm surrounded by shit watching me when really it's just a bunch of inanimate objects lol. But I realize when it's happening that it doesn't make sense and what I'm seeing is just because I'm stoned - so I guess in that regard I still have my sanity (IE I don't think it's ACTUALLY stuff watching me, but it's still enough to make me uncomfortable?). kinda f'ed up =/ edit: and sure enough the article refers to schizophrenia, just noticed that.
  3. I think it's suggesting to somehow turn the ketchup back into tomatoes? I think they're assuming you have a food replicator like from Star Trek or something.
  4. Oh that sucks. Rarely in the celebrity world do couples stay together so long, do they? He must be a wreck right now. Sad.
  5. Can anyone make out what the vocals in the background at 2:44ish is saying?
  6. I think it's the Sainsburys (UK supermarket) peanuts which have a picture of a bowl of peanuts on the front, and in the bottom corner of the bag it says "serving suggestion" lol As in a whole bowl is the suggested serving size? Or "put these peanuts in a bowl to serve them"?
  7. ^ I'll have to try it. It's been a solid year or maybe more since I've fungi'd. Overdue for a sesh. Nts sesh-ions mayhaps.
  8. It's unusually difficult to find a picture of a real human urethra via google images. It's mostly medi charts and sex ed posters.
  9. We made homemade mushroom swiss burgers last weekend. I should have snapped a pic as they were lush AF. Good buns from a local bakery, nice 1/2lb patties... garlic truffle mayo. :drools:
  10. I recently bought a bag of peanuts. It had a f'en warning on it "May Contain Peanuts". It better have peanuts in it, the bag says Planters 100% Peanuts ffs.
  11. lol.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46827555 Just scrambling to make it look he's delivered on some (however asinine) campaign promise.
  12. Are "southern rappers" generally the face tattoo kids of late?
  13. That's how I'm feeling today. Spread out, get cozy, let the greasy goodness digest. Throw on some tunes or a crappy movie. Embrace it.
  14. Will grab these tonight!! Thanks for sharing as always. You must be p busy just pumping all these mixes out! Do you ever sleep?
  15. Interesting - even reading the artist description I can see how your theory would make sense.
  16. ZF? =/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZF_Friedrichshafen
  17. if either of you find the whole set can you fwd me a copy?
  18. Adulting Pmuch ghosty. I've cut out a number of people over the years, not because they're bad people but people change as they get older, interests and values diverge, so on. It always sucks but such is life, I think? =/
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