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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I'm somewhat surprised the repubs initial response wasn't trying to weave this into some sort of conspiracy theory of the left trying to impact elections?
  2. I've come around to it. At first I found it rlly boring (maybe relatively so given the rest of the tracks on the EP are uh, high octane or whatever) but it's great.
  3. I got in a fight with the sidewalk saturday night after imbibing a bit much at a halloween party. Sidewalk: 1, Stephen's elbows and legs: 0.
  4. Mine probably not so much the esoteric stuff you were looking for. But Ikutaro hits me right in the feels and 32614 gets me party mode.
  5. Titanfall 2 was pretty good. The campaign was fun, not a ton of depth to it and a little bit short. But the multiplayer is really good, that's where it's at.
  6. I grabbed them both free off of Origin, they're in the basic "Vault" games you can download for free with your subscription (which I found pretty deece). Totally regret sinking 80hrs into ME now. DAI has a few little quirks but overall, the characters actually have somewhat of a backstory, and the battle is much more satisfying (being able to pause/issue commands and use the tactical map). Also more difficult. I know it's a few years old now but I'll probably take DAI through to the end.
  7. After playing ME Andromeda and then playing Dragon Age Inquisition, I can see why most thought MEA was a massive piece of dogshit.
  8. You are aware that this is a survival mmo and nothing like the old Fallout games right? I'm not even interested in trying it, that genre is not for me. No! I didn't know that. I made an assumption based on screenshots and one gameplay video. It looked really similar to 3 and 4 except for the battle component. I won't be getting it anyway, like you it's not a genre for me.
  9. I don't really smoke so I'm in no rush. It's nice that it's legal now though. Some of the highest per capita use in the world here.
  10. Here in Alberta you can order online and have it shipped right to your door. The advertised quality (not sure if it is actual quality) is comparable to black market stuff, 25% thc, some high CBD varieties. I registered but will not buy online quite yet. Only thing I'm worried about is legal purchasing here somehow restricting my travel to the US, not sure if it's scaremongering or what but I've read it can. =/
  11. srry to all I've been an insufferable cnut to, embarassing.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus
    3. Brisbot


      first step toward growth is admitting and accepting your faults

    4. Brisbot


      At least that's what I was told by my life coach... ;)

  12. They need to breath new life into the series the way 2k did with bioshock.
  13. Hugh Mughnus


    "Secret Code: XXTN014. " lol it's def legit, it's got the secret code in the email.
  14. buggers! so I guess you'll be having possum for dinner?
  15. Ah, thank you. That's not too bad, just about the amount of time I can invest in a couple months.
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