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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. almost as retarded as having an opinion on newly released music is wanting a t-shirt tbqh. You sure you've let the music sink in enough to want some merch? I mean, it's only been a few weeks. How could you possibly know you like the music enough to want some merch? =/ I'm honestly finding it laughable how you could want some related merch without enough time for the NTS sessions to sink in. Happy you've been able to make enough criticisms of the new material that you could invest in some merch in this short time frame. Crazy how you like it enough in such a short time frame that you're plugging merch now. Is it possible you've made a critical assessment since the first sesh was released? Sound familiar? /point made. You can get off your listening high horse for those of us that have heard the first couple sessions, and don't enjoy them as much as you. No need to tell people to fuck off or call them retarded. Just saying. Unless you're doing the same thing in an OPN thread, then godspeed homie.
  2. Same. I'm putting it up there as one of their best albums. I get what Dlo is saying too though, especially his comments RE "remade ideology".
  3. how did you have time to call all the VW dealerships in Ireland? Didn't interfere with.... life? =/
  4. Any chance of them providing modified work for you? Light duties etc. =( Get better soon!
  5. no worries man. we all know you're canadian anyway... :/ I love Confield! lol cornfields not so much, scarecrows and such.
  6. :shrugs: Exai was better for me, I go back to it more.
  7. I think I've only listened through it 4 or so times tbh.
  8. While NTS might not be their most accessible release to date, have you ever heard of this little album called Confield? I find Confield much much more accessible than the NTS sessions thus far.
  9. I'm going to have another listen through tonight and see if I change my mind.
  10. heh I was a little harsh last night, after a few wobbly pops. Boring is not a fair word to describe any of this. apologies fair thread-goers. I stand by the rest of what I said but take back the word boring. that was just rude.
  11. Yeh meng. Doesn't seem too alien a concept. Some people like getting shit on for their sexual giggles, after all. Not too hard to imagine some liking diff erectronic muziks. :^)
  12. Oh absolutely, I'm not saying it's bad or anything. Just "different", and not what "I" love about Autechre. When I compare it to tracks like Tac Lacora and M39-Diffain, Rekson etc, the sessions don't hold a candle. Too comfortable in these long grooves. I have similar criticisms about most artists so I basically chalk it up to individual taste?
  13. Yeah man, with a few exceptions. Tbh session 2 blows session 1 out of the water. I'm just finding that each track kind of just settles and for 5ish+ minutes, it just sits there. I'm ADD I know, but tbh not enough happening in most of the tracks to keep me fixated. That said, fully respect what's happening on a technical level - I don't expect any other artist to be able to produce this output. IMO their concept or medium (live produced output based on their complex MAX/MSP programming) isn't doing service to their creative vision. They're constraining themselves with the process and the end product doesn't do them justice. They can do so much more (Exai and L-Event being a prime example IMO).
  14. Really? 15+ minutes of extremely similar variations per second within each track? It's almost the definition of boring. Like ffs after 4 minutes of the same little tweaks and twiddles you expect it to get on already and have some sort of progression. So far I think xflood is the only track with enough going on to qualify it as Autechre.
  15. beerboss seems pretty exciting to me tbh. And fuck judgemental people calling anyone else boring.
  16. I have a hard time sleeping if I work out later in the day (2-3hrs before bedtime type of thing).
  17. for posterity https://autechre.bleepstores.com/
  18. waifu messaged me thatit's bonkers she said it's savage. Now am really hyped.
  19. Fuckin brutal. Has just been non-stop bangers so far. Feels a lot more experimental. Truly feels like new ae. I love it. well we're only 45 min in an already on track 6 or so (?). shit's loaded with events. dope, am hyped. might take a half day at work. It sounds exactly like OPN f uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lol
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