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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Nothing wrong with these, I'm just telling it like it happened. I think the older I get, the more I appreciate the jammy stuff and Yulquen is definitely Amber's jammiest. See and I'm the complete opposite, I find the jammy stuff (especially else-q) meandering and pointless (for the most part, though there are a few top notch tracks there). Who (other than someone autistic and really into butt stuff cough* spi cough*) has 27 mins of dedicated attention for elyc6 jammin'? Crazy hey, it's like we all like different things
  2. sacrilege! no (admittedly cheesy) "Slip"? No "Montreal" or "Piezo"? ;o
  3. exai was great since then most of you are worse than aphex fanboys. everything since is "the best ever totally groundbreaking ehrmagerddddddddddddd" edit: said with love
  4. well, miller's sick of his job. I had to turn it off when he said "political genius".
  5. Is there a military base around? I googled "Loud noise Victoria today" and there was a bunch of reports from November about fighter jets. Dem afterburners
  6. That's what it sounds like. At least in Canada, that doesn't matter though - only one party to a conversation has to know the conversation is being recorded here. You can't place a recording device in a room you aren't in, but if you're in a room and recording it it's legal. Not sure if it's the same in the US though - if it's different that'd be a pretty stupid thing to admit, illegally recording people. edit: quick search suggests it varies from state to state?
  7. Many websites adjust for inflation. Tickets sold would make sense in general I think though, unless I'm missing something? Probably just a type of sensationalism, every film is THE HIGHEST GROSSING FILM EVER! edit: weird mr Joyrex I'm using Edge in this thread and spacebar works here, first thread so far. Just checked other threads and spacebar still doesn't work in them.
  8. agaiojghaoijhnao;nhanhaoik'hntae'onth'anha'nht'anht'ah
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