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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Agreed, it's such a good release. Surprised it's not getting more hype.
  2. Wow, really interesting. Now that I think about it a bit more, the translation would be critical to tone/intent, flow of the reading, etc. Must provide for an extremely different reading experience from one translator to the next. Makes me wish I could read Russian to just go with the originals. I think the War and Peace I read was a P&V translation, but that was almost a decade ago. Thank you again, much appreciated. I feel a bit plebby not having thought of that before, sorry.
  3. Yeh, that cut piece is actually pretty funny. And I generally can't stand MDE for more than a minute. lol
  4. I'm back into reading for pleasure now, I took years off due to school (hard to read for pleasure after staring at textbooks for 6-10hrs right?). So I MAY just look into a kindle or similar now, might be worth the investment =)
  5. Negatory, no e-reader here. But perhaps I should invest! I don't know, I like the way a book feels in the hands, the grain of the paper, sound of turning to the next page. I'm lame, I know. lol. To be clear, I am not experienced with classic literature or anything, I just really enjoyed War and Peace, despite not remembering most of it, and felt motivated to explore that domain a bit more. Thank you guys for sharing the recommendations. =)
  6. Thank you for the advice, for whatever reason I figured they would be similar writers, perhaps because they gave each other accolades? Maybe Crime and Punishment isn't a terrible place to start, it's not too long.
  7. Robert Chambers? Unfamiliar with him, is it a similar vein (existentialism etc)? welcome back btw mr inactive Troony for-EVER
  8. Nice, thank you very much. In an intense moment of sobriety I remembered how much I enjoyed reading Tolstoy, thought it a good idea to explore Dostoyevsky as well. Amazon has Notes for $6, paperback. Ordered!
  9. Sorry, I realize this is a bit of a weird question, but is anyone familiar with Dostoyevsky's works? I was hoping to get a recommendation for one of his books other than "Crime and Punishment". I know that's uh, a bit of a weird leap from me reading Stephen King and Ken Kesey novels lol.
  10. lol strong coffee with a teaspoon of quality honey, and some half-half cream.
  11. I just place a lot of value in being transparent with people in my life. So I'd be taken aback or whatever if someone was intentionally lying to me. But what you've said is fair for sure.
  12. I would have a difficult time not directly calling them out as a f'ing liar.
  13. i guess russia wants it that way. hmm? Sorry, what do you mean?
  14. whatever happened to those isips or isis or isil punks or whatever they were called? Haven't seen Syria or ISIS in the news for well over a month.
  15. I did not dead tonight, although I have no reason to dead. I think that's good. ?
  16. What the fuck? Never heard of him, but damn he's good. Got a lil' bit of Wisp in him in the tracks I heard. Like wisp meets glass swords or some shit. Super well produced whatever it is. he opened for flylo here in Calgary when I saw him on my bday there, he may have been the show of the night tbh. Was dope enough for me to buy his newest album without listening to samples. I have faith.
  17. Video works for me. Talk shit get hit. So proud of my city. edit: http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/seattle-police-respond-to-viral-video-of-man-wearing-swastika-getting-punched/ f l o l lol nice
  18. energy drinks + alcohol can't be good... praying for u I survived. Lol that was my only drink of the night so not too bad. =)
  19. 1 monster sugar free "ultra blue" 9oz Smirnoff 100
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