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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. That product would only make a little sense from a branding perspective if they used the spelling "Catsup". Why is hello kitty ketchup even a thing? =/
  2. v2 dead link! Would you get more hits/comments if you kept all your stuff to one thread?
  3. Tomato sauce... pureed tomatoes, touch of salt and sometimes a dash of lemon juice, and then some oregano, thyme, rosemary. I keep mine simple, mostly because that's all I know how to do. =/
  4. optical semaphore telegraphy line for me as trade conservative socially liberal boneless pizza <3 marf
  5. lol sounds like a guardian headline "Think your kids are lefty dems? Check their preferred phone brand, you'd be surprised!"
  6. Yes And the last few pages have been so fucking good. Everyone pat yourself on the back and have a Hot Pocket of your favorite flavor. Boneless pineapple pizza hot pocket.
  7. Pear is delicious on pizza. With gorgonzola and basil pesto, fresh arugula on top.
  8. Oh nice!! Beer and online dating site monkey sex binge week incoming?
  9. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/83680-the-idm-man-urban-legend/ lolol
  10. What's the litmus test for pseudo intellectual douchbaggery? Like, when are you crossing the line?
  11. probably just to give an illusion of moisture to the probably really dry meat? the coocumbah I mean
  12. lol edit: dlo is nice though? Or did you just mean it looked like him?
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