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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. ugh... Our kitty got out once and it was a nightmare, same kind of situation. I hope he turns up soon. It's really stressful. Not sure what kind of area you live in but we have eagles, hawks, and coyotes in our community as well as a really busy intersection, made it SUPER stressful. Sending good vibes your way, go home kitty! edit: guess I shouldn't have said that about the birdos and stuff, don't want to stress you out more.
  2. my version was the canadian way of saying that
  3. I imagine they would say, "dude, you're singing out of tune, can you please sing in tune?" =/
  4. Good day all! I'm doing steptember again this year to help raise funds for cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a serious and permanent movement disorder with a range of signs/symptoms, often debilitating. Anything you can contribute will go towards helping those with CP live a healthier life (such as paying for therapy etc). My fundraising link is here - https://stept.io/5us3pqO

    1. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Although the steptember challenge is to walk 10,000 steps each day, I'm averaging approximately twice that amount - a liberty not afforded to those with serious movement disorders like CP. Any amount no matter how small, helps! Also donations are tax deductible.

    2. auxien


      i have no job and no money but i hope you raise some cash for the cause mate

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      =) thanks mr. Any little bit counts! My goal is $400 this year.

  5. yeah there's a review somewhere titled "It's Destiny, without the bullshit", which is really apt. No fat, just straight to the chase. There's some annoying issues here and there, and I'm not sure how I feel about it for casual pvp, but otherwise a vast improvement. I'm waiting for the PC port. Any idea why the shit they didn't come out at the same time? =/
  6. =O you're the infamous Houston air drop dick pic bandit! no but rlly, that's hilarious. I need to try it sometime I'm somewhere crowded.
  7. lol, that's a new one for me. Pretty cool actually.
  8. is this an HR reaction to an incident or... preventive? lol double, NO means NO! Thankfully I haven't been called into HR personally (yet). But I do have to watch like 2.5 hours of video about what is and isn't harassment. And then complete some silly ass quiz after each. Did you know that you can't tell a co-worker she has nice tits? I mean, if you like someone's shirt, you say nice shirt right? =/
  9. Why oh why did I not buy the rye? I like them both tbh!
  10. Bulleit bourbon or Bulleit rye? =/ is this an HR reaction to an incident or... preventive? lol double, NO means NO!
  11. faulty outlet or spiking voltage flashing your CMOS battery?
  12. so far Prey is AWESOME. Few things. It's difficult as fuck in some parts, I'm on nightmare setting and you basically die in one shot if you're not playing smart. Have to utilize surroundings (exploding cannisters, turrets etc) as much as possible. Graphics, why does it kind of look like Bioshock Infinite to me? Any of the development team the same? Or am I out to lunch there? I just finished Deus Ex MD and DOOM2016, so enjoying the relatively less linear playstyle of this. I never played system shock, but this is def nothing like Prey so I'm really surprised they branded it a Prey game. Any idea why? I play a ton of shooters, and so far this is a solid 9/10 for me.
  13. Currently playing Prey 2017 and Pillars of Eternity (oldschool baldurs gate DnD type of game, it's awesome). Did some minor overclocking on the pc this weekend, can't believe I'm getting 4.96ghz stable with air cooling. lol. Jacked up the video card about 15% as well, with only 2C increase in avg temperature under load. amazeballs.
  14. I've gotta get my sweaty palms on some then.
  15. how does one prepare "Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk"? Hows it taste anyways?
  16. Is hackney like... trendy yuppieville or something?
  17. ya probably. luckily: http://money.cnn.com/2017/09/08/investing/equifax-stock-insider-sales-hack-data-breach/ Apparently only basic personal info (name, phone number) was stolen in Canada.
  18. fack I use that credit monitoring shit too, hope my stuff wasn't stolen =/
  19. ssshhhh now, more burger pics and less chitty chatty. you tal a lot about your food creations, and yet no pics! are you the David Lynch of this forum? always promising, but just teasing. checks MDMs post for burger pic. irony much? checks own post.... sans borger.................. irony overloadddd
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