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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Aren't they supposed to reserve a certain number of ltd editions for exactly that type of scenario? Like 10 copies in a back room until all are delivered to account for issues (damage while in transit, etc)? God forbid they should put an incredibly simple business practice like that into effect?
  2. Tric is gun have babby? Congrats on that too!
  3. Where the audio recording of the interview is unclear, ellipses or a notation that the recording was unintelligible are used. I mean, the orange goon is a moron but it seems their use of "unintelligible" was due to poor audio recording?
  4. Got professional help with my resume and cover letter. Wasn't expecting much but I'm actually very happy with the results.
  5. I only just started smoking last August, I'm not a lifelong smoker or anything like that. But you recommend Champix? I might give it a go. My doctor would def be on board as she knows I have high BP etc.
  6. well, if anything, I'm glad my downwards spiral into heroin and cumming furiously (probably into fire) was good for a laugh lol
  7. I was thinking of going full circle and maybe taking up heroin lol Heroin AND cumming.
  8. fwp... I'm smoking too much. I seem to replace one vice with another. In my early years it was hard drugs, replaced that with weed. Replaced weed with alcohol, finally kicked the major drinking habit about a year ago, and now I'm smoking, about 8-10 smokes a day. ffs
  9. Share the tracks! I want to hear Squee tracks =)
  10. lol Was she a celebrity though? I've never heard of her. I've never even heard of happy days. But if she was a celebrity for you that's all that matters ruby <3
  11. life altering, the worlds a far lesser place now (srry ruby, don't think many of us grew up watching happy days lol)
  12. His music doesn't really sound like he uses all that equipment. Not dissin' or anything, it just doesn't sound like all that hardware gets used, or that he could easily make it with some software.
  13. I suppose you're right. If it was a simple answer we wouldn't be where we are with them today I guess. I just wish all the children would play nice.
  14. Question (Chen may have some good input on this)... Does anyone that actually lives there believe for even a second that DPRK has military might comparable to those countries on the world stage (US/Russia/China/India/France etc etc), or believe they're as glorious a country as the propaganda always implies? I've read a few books that Chen recommended on NK and it sounds like most of the people know it's a shithole. I'm trying to better understand the disconnect between their media and how they present themselves and the reality of how shitty they have it. Why hasn't there been a major coup? It seems obvious to me that a cooperative NK would benefit so substantially economically and otherwise.
  15. Same The greatness just doesn't quite compute and you wonder why. Sometimes I come back to artists YEARS later (3+) and it clicks but that hasn't happened with Actress or Burial yet. There was an actress track a few pages back that I liked but that's the first. Tastes change over time I guess. There was once a time where all I listened to was jungle or dnb. =/
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