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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Never fun. Did they at least cater a decent lunch? My company usually brings in a good lunch. Doesn't make up for hours of line item budgeting but meh.
  2. lol that's the accompanying salad. Green stuff to push it out, as they say.
  3. I think aside from a melty cheesy pizza, burgers are my favorite comfort food. Maybe I just need to look harder for them, but I don't think there is anywhere in my city cooking up savage burgers like yours. Tend to make most of mine at home.
  4. fuck bcm do you eat anything but burgers? lol I'm not complaining these are all food porn pics youre posting. Looks awesome.
  5. mmmm... From that wicked mixed box you got at Christmas? Unsweetened greek yoghurt with fresh strawberries here. Also 100g chicken breast and 200g unbuttered mixed vegetables.
  6. I listened to IO a few times today, and I swear with 32 seconds left it says "my name is richard"....?
  7. Just enjoyed this chicken cordon bleu casserole thing. Was delicious. Oh and a honeycrisp apple.
  8. thx guys, feels good to not be on the edge of a stroke at any given moment lol.
  9. I sometimes do that if the crust is "meh". If you have 4 slices that "meh" crust is like 300 unnecessary cardboard-y calories. Breakfast: 1.5 scoops of this
  10. Good going! Do you take medicine? Thanks!! Negative on the meds! I went to the doctor last summer, I had an episode where I suddenly felt weak and cold, took my blood pressure and it was 184/119 (maybe 115 I don't recall), a "hypertensive emergency" he called it. The first thing the doctor wanted me to do was go on 2 different blood pressure meds. I'm only 27 so that didn't sound right to me, I read once you're on blood pressure meds you're kind of on them long term. Focus has been diet and exercise =) Filing this in the "win" folder.
  11. I've been fighting high (like really high) blood pressure for a long time and got some ALMOST normal readings today - 126/91
  12. Sorry to hear that, crap I was really hoping that might be an avenue that would work. Here, you have to pay for dental/have benefits that cover it, but if you go to the emergency room it would be covered under public health care. What state do you live in?
  13. so it turns out even a root canal won't save me. they said there's a chance that would work, but I've let this get so bad that they just want to pull the entire thing and do something called a bone graft (sounds pretty unpleasant) in case I want to get a replacement put in later (which i probably will, since this tooth isn't at the complete back of my jaw and i'm gonna look pretty goddamn ghoulish for a while...). I can't afford dental care, that's why I've been putting off any visits. they said this is probably going to cost a few thousand dollars *tears* and i suck at being calm at the dentists office anyway. i am really not looking forward to this. but my mouth hurts like hell already and it's just going to get worse. feels like i got smacked with a pipe wrench. my teeth are already crooked and if they pull this one out the rest are probably going to move around (right?)... so braces are probably in my future as well. goddamn it all i seriously have NO money for this, and i'm trying to move to a new city, which is already clearing out my small savings. also i am mortified by the idea of all of this. i suck so bad at being an adult. :( sh1t. I was hoping it would turn out better than that. Do you have any options at all to subsidize the cost? Actually a thought, is it not serious enough, infection wise, that you can go to the emergency room? Edit: sorry, I forget where you live. Are emergency room visits billable? Here you just pay for the ambulance ride pretty much.
  14. prob a ground loop hum! google it. annoying first world stuff. maybe through everything away and listen to silence. It's weird though as it only happens through my headphones, the monitors are fine? But yeah you're probably right, I have been having issues with the turntable as well so... ugh
  15. wife had one recently, scary stuff but the meds they offer now and techniques/equipment they use is pretty advanced these days, lot less daunting than the past I was shitting myself when I got a surprise root canal (I knew there was one planned but I guess my dentist had some cancelled appointments and suddenly during a different treatment said "hmm, we might as well start that route canal now") It was actually a piece of piss, I nearly fell asleep in the chair. heh, not mine. Apparently mine was super infected. After about 8 shots of local freezing agent it was still hurting like hell, the infection was disabling the freezing. He said if the next shot didn't work he'd have to put me on antibiotics, etc. lol, when I went to get my painkillers from the pharmacy, I thought the girl was just being cute with me, smiling etc. Turns out it was because my face was covered in blood and half my face was drooping, looked like I stroked out.
  16. hmm for some reason when using headphones through my amp (hooked up to computer) I hear tons of weird audio artifacts, almost like a quiet fax machine? If I hook the headphones directly to the computer, no issues. If I use the amp with speakers hooked up to computer, no issues. =/
  17. Oh, FUCK these people. I can't stand them. They're completely oblivious to everyone else trying to shop, those of us there that already know what we want, that want to be in/out of the supermarket?
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