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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. DJ BCM (Big Cock Master) hehe <3
  2. lol I could go for a cider or two Might just do that ;)
  3. Here's what I got: hi colleagues, confirming your colundi yule card + download purchase will be posting out soon but will e-mail you when actually posted take care colundi everyOne
  4. What a f'en dickhead. Won't even shake her hand.
  5. Np! I find gin and tonic alright sometimes, but there is a TON of sugar in tonic water (whodathunk it with how bitter it is?) so I tend to have the soda instead. A bit lighter. You can add a touch of lemon or lime concentrate to it too with the gin to change it up. =)
  6. So, you don't like the taste of gin? IE you'd be looking for drinks that cover up the taste? You could do Long Island Iced Tea? Enough other ingredients that gin isn't at the forefront. Or something called a Monkey Gland - Gin, Orange Juice, Absinthe, and Grenadine? I've had it and gin isn't at the forefront. I like the taste of gin so I'll have a gin and club soda (rather than tonic water). But you get the full flavor of the gin. For something more simple you could just do gin and cranberry juice, or gin and ginger-ale, or gin and orange juice (or grapefruit juice) are also very popular. Covers the gin up nicely.
  7. Not playing anything at the moment, but building a new PC. It's a beast. Hopefully ready by the end of the week, and I'll get a 4k monitor and maybe Deus Ex and a few other newer games.
  8. Just BARELY managed to get the top grade possible in my last class. It was really right on the line. I get a really good deal from my employer RE tuition, cash bonus for top grade.
  9. Meatloaf? Shepherd's (or Cottage) Pie? Mmm meatloaf is so good, I find it totally under rated.
  10. :( rip sweet kitty lol adorable Wait what! Korg has a sister?
  11. But to specify, not super complex rhythmic stuff. Textural ambient soundscape stuff. Why not? I've spent the last 10 or so years tripping on "super complex rhythmic stuff" and enjoying every second of it...?
  12. Squarepusher - Gong Acid. Terribly under appreciated track. Fantastic on acid.
  13. Yeah, it's actually quite good. Adds a creaminess and saltiness to it. Then add some nice dark brown sugar, it's delish.
  14. i like the complicated shit or funk type things or interesting techno. drone music for a minute maybe but mostly it's really dependent on the trip. at some point you jus surrender. Listened to SAW2 once on acid (actually think it may have been a 2-c-x of some sort), and my refrigerator kicked in humming. The hum of the refrigerator dropped off at EXACTLY during the part in CD2 track 2 where the hum changes. It was a mind esplodes type of moment. Me and the waifu looked over at the fridge from across the room and we had those magnetic strip word things you can use to spell stuff? They were moving around and spelling stuff for us. Weird thing is we were both seeing the same things spelled out? Picked up V snares Calvacade of Glee album and the cow machine parts were all moving too. Then we picked up Squarepusher's Hello Everything cd and all the hands on the cover were moving and playing the instruments on the front. It was really intense.
  15. These might sound like weird choices but these were all really memorable, maybe a bit predictable or mainstream but: Squarepusher - Music is Rotted One Note Autechre - Exai Aphex Twin - Drukqs V Snares - Traditional Synthesizer Music Brian Eno - Before and After Science AE Live - Ultrecht
  16. That's a great album, good find. "Clifford" was supposed to have a new album in what, 2015? I wonder what happened with it. Recent vinyl purchases: Ceephax - Volume 1 (thanks beerwolf!) Ceephax - Volume 2 (thanks again beerboss!) Ceephax - Megalift EP (courtesy of beer again!) Bonobo - Migration EOD - untitled Thundercat - Drunk Shoobadooby One - Elektrac All are at home on the kitchen table except Elektrac, I've sadly got a couple days worth of vinyl listening I've not gotten to yet. Still having turntable issues I've not been able to fix. Edit: Forgot, I also grabbed that smoking deal from Norman Records, got Luke Viberts - Further Nuggets for about $20. Looks like they've got some left but it says "hurry! Limited stock!"
  17. I've got some sort of lower lumbar injury or something. Pain shifts from my back to my hamstring to my glute.
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