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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. So far I'm liking Rifts, it's not bouncing around as much as say, R+7. I'm only 45 minutes in though. (3hr album???) Why are the digitals for GoD coming out a day after the physical? =/
  2. Surely I'm not the only person this happens to? no but you're the only one who constantly posts in the threads of things other people are enjoying / you are not enjoying with the same ' i dunno guys, i dont think this one is doing anything for me. ' posts over and over again. First of all, I clearly said I'm enjoying the preview tracks. Second, the only posts I've made are in response to others that are engaging me, asking me why I don't like it or otherwise making recommendations. That's how a forum and two directional communication, such as conversation works. Feel free to prove me otherwise.
  3. Did you see the most recent South Park on Yelp? Fucking great it was. They're getting sued for it though lol. Nah. http://www.snopes.com/south-park-yelp-lawsuit/ The new season has been pretty ace though. The continuity has really refreshed their format imo. I should have known it was false. South Park has a good legal team. Yeah, this season and the last have been really good. I enjoy that there is some continuity between the episodes, like in last season the lorde bit coming on through more than one episode you know?
  4. foil raised a good point though you're sort of just trolling us at this point! No not at all. I'm legitimately trying to enjoy it. It took me about 5 years to get into Autechre too so there's that. Eventually, usually, an artist just clicks with me and I get it. Sometimes it takes a specific album and then I'm able to go into their back catalogue and it makes sense. Surely I'm not the only person this happens to? Why would I waste my effort in some elaborate "stephen doesn't like OPN" troll lol? craziness
  5. Did you see the most recent South Park on Yelp? Fucking great it was. They're getting sued for it though lol.
  6. I just keep trying because I respect most of your opinions and find it odd that it could come so highly recommended but me not "get it", so I figure I'm defective somehow. That's why I keep trying lol. Going to buy Rifts later today as everyone seems to recommend that one.
  7. look at who got signed to rephlex over the years, i think he makes music that he likes, so it makes sense that vaguely similar or inspired music he would also enjoy. he has never come off as an elitist to me, quite pragmatic when it comes to music choices. i guess im just trying to put myself in his shoes, like at a certain point wouldn't it weird you out just a bit? Or maybe he's relaxed in a sense because his countless imitators really never nail the true spirit of his sound Or maybe he just likes it because it's good music, and doesn't put it into a historical context and relate it to his own work and others since that's relatively pointless. Or something.
  8. No Richard Devine CD is worth $40, especially if you only think it's 'alright'. He won't even get any of that money! I've paid that much for CD's before! Very rarely but yeah, I have.... Seriously though look, they're $45 USD + shipping off discogs! http://www.discogs.com/sell/release/458030?ev=rb
  9. motherfuckers are fairly common though imho tbqh afaik coarse salt and some butter on top of the steak I hope?
  10. How so? All the tunes in R+7 were rather straightforward and focused, it's not like it was Warp's Mr Bungle edit: imo Americans, He She, Inside World, and Zebra are each about... 4-6 songs each? They jump all over the place. I did like Along and Cryo though
  11. somewhat, there are moments that are even more energetic, but they are very short - he jumps from an idea to another very quickly Oh... That's what I was worried about. That's why I don't like r+7 at all. My ADD is like level 5, R+7 was about level 9318080983908983981 I'll still probably buy the digital when it comes out to give it a chance.
  12. Got around to hearing the preview tracks on blerp. This actually sounds good. Does it keep the energy of Mutant Standard throughout most of the album?
  13. hmm I'm not trusting that one, 31% safe "http://www.scamadviser.com/is-flacit.com-a-fake-site.html"
  14. It's one of the most alright sounding electronic albums of all time. Most alright is of course Bogdan Raczynski - Alright! Seriously though, that album's like the holy grail of sound design, and once you have it you don't really need anything else by Devine. Do you have any idea where to buy it digitally if there is anywhere? I've looked all over. I grabbed Risp and a few tracks are alright, not wholly my cup o tea but it's solid. I really want the Cautella one.
  15. I couldn't even find a torrent lol, I was considering torrenting it to make sure it was worth spending $40 on the cd. Like I said, not usually a devine fan but what I heard was alright.
  16. I figure it's cause the guy on the right is the father and likely nostalgic for games he had when he was the age of his son, on the left. It's not that weird man! lol
  17. I'm not REALLY a Richard Devine fan, but Cautella sounds alright. I can't find the bloody thing for purchase at a reasonable price anywhere! Generally $40-75 + shipping for the CD.... Why aren't the old sublight albums available for purchase in digital? =(
  18. It's my understanding that usually material from the live tours doesn't end up being on the album in the same form, as in, whatever the next studio album is, likely won't have material from this tour. Is that correct? sry Im still an autechre noob
  19. I was starting to think I was the only person that didn't like OPN! Still not heard this new album though. Will give it a shot soon.
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