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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. lol lucifer sitting on that kid's shoulder telling him to be an instagram gangsta Instagram. Gangsta. Mutually exclusive IMO byob bbc tbqh bbw
  2. No worries, I didn't take it as rude. I'm largely basing what I see on observations and low level university courses I took in sociology, so it's fairly meaningless. But when almost every violent crime in the paper is being perpetrated by a visible minority, it's hard not to draw a conclusion. That may sound racist or something, but I'm acknowledging these people are systematically funneled into high risk lifestyles. I guess ultimately I don't see a point in flooding a system that is poorly equipped, with that same thing it's poorly equipped to handle. So until Canada can smarten up and handle it's immigration properly (including things like you said about educational equivalency), I don't see a point in taking several tens of thousands of refugees.
  3. You're not telling me anything I don't know boss. Even though the problems are largely systemic, more refugees = more crime. Edit: also my comment RE Somalian's specifically was largely a result of my observations here in Calgary. Several high profile incidents over the last few years. It's largely known that there are huge Somali gangs in Toronto as well.
  4. Do you know the statistics for crime committed in Canada, perpetrated by Somalian refugees? I'm not saying we don't have a duty, but it complicates mine (and probably many other peoples) opinion when refugees come to our country and then commit a high proportion of crime (particularly violent and/or drug related).
  5. The melting point of tungsten is quite high. In fact it's the highest of all metals.
  6. you sure are in a fancy room there bcm boss. that fireplace those chairs roses
  7. I didn't like ground zeroes at all. I didn't like that it was missing the classic ah... radar and shit from all the old games.
  8. soooo is ground zeroes even worth playing or should i just jump into mgs5?
  9. Try CBD for seizure stuff. It works really well in most of the patients I've seen try it! That sucks you won't be able to step away for as long as you want! But on the plus side, your business is booming and there's lots of positives if you're being given critical roles you know? As for CBD, fully agree. My friend has full blown epilepsy and weed is the only thing that keeps him from having seizures daily!
  10. Ah it's all good man, it just has me questioning the expertise of my doctor or doctors in general lol. For some reason I thought you have been with your employer for a long time, they won't grant you any extra time off? Unpaid even?
  11. ffs Did some research into albuterol and apparently it can agitate seizure conditions. My doctor prescribed it to me knowing I have a seizure condition. Been having seizure problems since the smoke from the washington/oregon fires has me back on the albuterol. I almost wonder if using the inhaler when I was a kid predisposed me to a seizure condition.
  12. See if you lived in a third world country, you could have had a chai wallah do you up proper, guvenor. Indeed. The best cup of Chai I had was in Thailand actually. We went rock climbing and this local Thai guy was all.. how do I explain? Apparently there's a decently sized rasta subculture there? Anyway this guy in dreads smoking a joint ground up the spices right in front of us, took about 30 minutes to get a cup. I'll never forget how it tasted.
  13. I think I heated my chai masala too much. It's a tad bitter.
  14. Is it ever a bad review. Guy sounds like a pretentious douchebag bro type. edit: I don't think pretentious douchebag and bro type are a typical combination. This guy pulled it off though.
  15. Do psilocybin fo' real or am I being fooled? No it's good advice. Make sure you're on a bike as well Shrooms actually do help me from time to time. I usually have a good session with my missus' and my brother, we laugh a lot, get some serious shit out, listen to some warped tunes, and generally feel like we're "reset" after that. yep... Need to do that, tho I don't know if gym or another stuff... A bike would be cool, will try to buy one. I really think it's a good angle. I preach, but it's something I should take up too. I already work out on my own but I should take my own advice and get a hobby. =/
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