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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Started working out and eating right again as of last Sunday. Not even exaggerating, I'm down 5.5lbs and 0.4% body fat since then! Combination of p90x2 and keto-dieting ftw! My goal is to be 13-15% b/f and 210-215lbs by the end of the second phase (60 days).
  2. why DID they teach us to use two spaces after a period all those years? Uneducated philistine. lol
  3. I hate when this happens. It used to be scary but it's happened so much that now when it's happening at least I know what's going on. I see all kinds of shapes and shadows if I leave my eyes open so I usually don't. shitty buzz... swearing aggressively?! lol. I tend to sleep walk and have whole conversations with people. =(
  4. I have that problem and cover it up with addictions. WATMM group therapy subforum? =) jk. But I hope things start looking up for you =).
  5. Slow cooker man! that's the way I do it. Some really cheap ones that are heavy and go a long way are split pea and ham soup, chili, potato/corn chowder! Cost per serving is super low for those. I make really big pots and then freeze em'. =)
  6. i had to go way in debt to buy a bag of flour so it'll be at least three days before I'm back in the blue good tip though. I was planning on making my next grocery purchase some article of meat I just meant like... if you make it ahead of time and freeze it then it's pretty cost effective per serving. sorry =(
  7. pulled pork is awesomely cheap though! A 12lb pork loin from Costco is $23. Throw in some bullseye bbq sauce and slow cook that bitch and you've got lbs and lbs of meat. I know the bullseye route isn't like gourmet or anything but it'll do. ;)
  8. AH! That makes sense. Thanks man. I don't know why I couldn't piece that together! lol =)
  9. Whoops! That's what I meant to write, the second one is more correct.(x+h)x expands to (x^2 + xh but xh) = zero as h approaches 0 (limits and all that noise) But I still don't understand the steps to divide (-4h) -------------- (x+h)x -------------- h IE why does the top h and the very bottom one cancel out instead of dividing the bottom h out of the middle term (x+h)x
  10. I've forgotten some basic arithmetic.... Can someone explain to me why (-4h/(x+h)x)/h is -4/x2h ? I understand that when you divide out the same variable it = 1... IE -4h/h is simply -4. However the way the question is written is (-4h) -------------- (x+h)x) -------------- h (those are division lines btw). Can someone explain the simplification steps?? Btw I'm supposed to be finding the derivative of (4 - 4 / x ) using the limit (h ---> 0) method, that's why I have the above question.
  11. LoLbot? two Ls? L event? two lower case L = l l.... looks like 11 to me. It's da autechress. FACT.
  12. observational for lolz. that is all. I think you're alright then boss. =) Don't sweat it
  13. now i have a new problem. nobody told me how to turn avatars off Just smoke a couple pissarettes and you're good to go. lol
  14. I had written a response to yek and then retracted it earlier. but yeah Yek boss.... was it observational racism, or direct racism? The difference being... lots of black people eat chicken vs.... LETS RECREATE AUSCHWITZ. There is a big difference. Not saying one or another is right in a practical or applicable sense. Just saying they are both extremely different.
  15. Doesn't it depend if they mark on a curve or on absolutes? I still think you're smart mr smetty.
  16. That's awesome man! Great job! I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm in a calculus course right now and unfortunately it's all about the theory and showing my work on paper. Calculator isn't even allowed in the exam. Sad panda. =(
  17. Seems like a printing error? Don't know what the smudge mess next to the time means. Such specific time usually tells when it was bottled (I think). yeah I think you're right now that you mention it...
  18. Looks like it says NO (November) 06... by 1522hrs (322PM)... but that seems awfully long for milk to last?
  19. Nice!!! Hey I'm having trouble graphing piecewise functions in my ti83 plus... Any clue on how to do that? =(
  20. I understand! Still that's a great accomplishment and you should be proud. =) Most I'll ever have published is my name in the obituaries.
  21. do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?! writing a book. I now have an official deadline for publication (signed a contract), so I really gotta bust my ass. No way?! Wow congrats man that's a major accomplishment. Do you have more details?
  22. do you mean finishing up reading your book, or you're writing a book?!
  23. I washed my cats pee off my keyfob and it works. No 300$ replacement bs for me :)
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