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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. that awkward moment when you're googling WATMM and forget the second M.... wtf, "We are the mascotte"??

  2. do you need/want to take it? after a couple weeks of daily use he'll def need to take it hmm, the hard-hitting, short-acting 'knock-out' benzo's such as Xanax are not readily prescribed here, except for extreme sleep problems and severe PTSD. for mood-disorders (like the oh-so-american Generalized Anxiety Disorder) it is more common to see milder and longer-acting benzo's such as clonazepam and oxazepam. getting hooked on a short-acting benzo is very very bad news as you likely know, baph, but i hope it helps you in the short-term Just to add to it, fast acting benzos like Ativan can actually lead to permanent seizure conditions, such as epilepsy. I'm not a doctor Baph and not sure how intense your anxiety is, but I have fairly severe anxiety and choose to stay off the medications. The medicine just seems far worse than the anxiety. Many people can learn how to get rid of their anxiety with a bit of research and maybe some counseling. Either way I wish you luck.
  3. You would be surprised by how resilient these things are. It is possible that if you give it a few days/weeks to dry out that it will work again. It may even just need one or two parts as well. You shouldn't fuck your friends. It gets messy. sloppy even
  4. friends off. lol jk. They aren't that amazing. It's good beer, not your typical budweiser or anything, but there ARE far better beers out there, I'm with ya.
  5. Today I saw cream of asparagus soup in my cupboard and I totally thought it said cream of Aspergers on the label. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      what would cream of aspergers soup taste like.,,,?

    3. ambermonk


      It would probably taste like flowers.

    4. Lewps


      Similar texture to neon brown.

  6. I'll preorder it for you if you want. "It" being the BoC.
  7. My cat just knocked my coffee over onto my cost accounting textbook. And to be completely honest I'm not entirely sure which part of my personal budget for this month I'm going to allocate the cost of a new textbook to.... Is it a spoilage cost associated with a specific job? Re-work since it's my second text book? Overhead? What will the journal entries be? Any non-financial data? ah...
  8. Oh, it looks like shit compared to an actual good burger. But it looks like 5 star dining compared to burger king here in my city. lol
  9. what the.... that looks pretty fucking good for burger king? Like it's a real beef patty or something lol
  10. Get out of my brain. I was going to post that earlier. Make me a sandwich! jk I'll see you later.
  11. omg... how did we (as burger lovers) not already think of that?! Going to try it this weekend. We're planning on hickory smoking/slow cooking some beef burgers so I'm going to throw in the ground bacon... mm
  12. yeah I'm glad you're alive... that sounds freaking scary
  13. think I might be developing dry socket. It hurts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ivan Ooze
    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      semen sibian salted salami sandwhich

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      should say sandwich... =/


  14. Do you have an excel spreadsheet or something with the details of what you own? I wouldn't mind buying some stuff off ya
  15. lolll I'm sorry you're in that predicament Stephen. Her co-worker sounds like a real shit-for-brains. Sometimes life feels like walking on eggshells. Yeah it's really not fair! Sounds like she was having a bad day or something because theres absolutely nothing that should have necessitated this! =/
  16. Welcome to the BoC Subforum, be sure to mind your step and please don't feed the trolls, even if they are bored. No need to panic, keep your head held high, and for chrissakes straighten your tinfoil beanie. is tightened. good to go!
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