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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. That double chocolate stout in the back is supposedly great but it's like 16$ a bottle
  2. I really like that banana bread beer. Did you like it?
  3. That's so incredibly disrespectful for her to do that to you! But yeah, I'm with everyone else: get drunk and weird er' out with some like... I don't know, what's weird these days? Autechre? Play her RDJ - Milkman that should make her feel awkward. Theres just something about in-laws and ironic situations involving lactating federal service people's wives that don't mix properly.
  4. new fwp: The place I'm going to vacation is going to be way, WAY TOO FUCKING WARM! http://www.theweathernetwork.com/fourteenday/thxx0002/table?ref=tabs_14day_table highs of 29-39 celcius the whole time? I'm canadian the hottest it gets is like 32 degrees here and even then I'm sweating my balls off =(
  5. All of the Aphex-esque tracks were not on the final release though? Untitled 1, 97, etc..... Seems as though the aphex twin songs were thrown in there during the hype up or whatever. All of the final release tracks sound like just Tom J to me. Not even a hint of Aphex to them. Actually the one track, (is it iyff acid or backyard, the 4:20 length one, I'm still confused on the track naming?) the last two minutes and the skittery nature of the drums sound a bit like aphex. Other than that not at all.
  6. I called but the woman hung up on me when I mentioned gold teeth... screaming something about animal cruelty and I shouldn't have dogs covered in vinyl
  7. Also, jesus fucking hell. I'm trying to buy two releases off of the record label Pedigree Cuts: PEDF018 and PEDF019, both albums by Goldie. I can't figure out how the fuck to buy these things. No shop on their website, searched high and low on google. It's like they don't want to sell any goddamn records. Either that or I'm missing something.. =/
  8. I was at "The Price is Right" game show yesterday and wasn't called up to contestants row. =(
  9. Going to be on "The Price is Right" tonight lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ambermonk


      Congrats! (I think?)

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      I didn't make it to contestants row. =( no big showcase for me!

    4. Soloman Tump
  10. Interesting?! Have you tried it? LOL! So my girlfriend went to COOP wine and spirits today because we heard they were supposed to get a shipment of this Black Jackal. They didn't have it on the shelves, only in the back room. So the woman knows we are regulars there and didn't want to disappoint so she scanned them in as some other beer and charged us 6.99$ each bottle. Mega savings.
  11. fwp. Learning objective 3: use direct and indirect cost pools to calculate cost-allocation rates and assign costs to manufacturing departments.
  12. My preworkout supplement is supposed to taste like grape bubblegum but it doesn't. Also I'm only down to 15.9% b/f and I want to be down around 12% before my trip to Thailand. Not sure if I can make it.
  13. fwp... I don't know peter gabriel and all the cool kids on watmm know peter gabriel and like him. =(
  14. Same here! That's my absolute favorite. I can't make out what the creepy whispering in the background is saying though lol
  15. Hmmm... I will report back with my findings/experiences. Cheers =) Thank you for your help
  16. That's very interesting. I never entertained the notion that I may, when dreaming lucidly, control my emotions/reactions in a way that wasn't representative of my actual persona?! So I may react with "casual interest" in my dreams.... Thus I should realize in my dreams I cannot be hurt/destroyed/killed...?! This presents an interesting development for me. I can't wait! I think now that I am more cognitive of my ability to dream this way that I may have greater control over it.
  17. Yes! I notice that very often when I am having these dreams, part of my thought process in the dream is that.... This is a dream! And I'm living it! So I believe I may be having lucid dreams. Sometimes they are very scary though. Lately they have been very sexy. =)
  18. Hmm Mrs. Lucy I'm proud of you. That sounds like quite the experience. I'm not sure if this is relevant but 100% of my dreams are.. interactive? Is this what everyone means when they say lucid? I have been an alcoholic for 6 years (though I quit a while ago). I think this has changed the way I dream. Any time I dream, I can interact with all the characters and I swear I'm fully conscious and it's like living a double life. Additionally, when I wake up to get a drink of water, and then go back to sleep, the dream resumes where it left off. Theoretically, this is impossible as dreams are the firing of synapses in the seconds/milliseconds?! I promise you this is my experience and I have an extremely involved dream sequence every couple days. It's so strange. I wonder if this is related to my HPPD?!
  19. I don't think there will be. I think it's a one off "social experiment"y kind of thing like the tuss. Doubt we ever see another release.
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