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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I was bored so I started trolling that's all. I emptied my shit hole a while ago/not full of shit atm. I really want this to come out now. Wasn't really excited before, but the last couple days I've been edgy! ps. thought it was obvious a sucka like me couldn't get promo material!
  2. Sorry to break the bad good (?) news I just don't know any more. haha The good news is it's not nearly as bad as untilted.
  3. favourites so far tuinorizn bladelores t ess xi deco Loc recks on irlite (get 0) rest of it = oversteps
  4. I can just imagine it's covering a vag of the same size/swath as the bikini bottom.
  5. I'll buy you a copy. (CD that is). Send me your info I will preorder it now.
  6. Don't come and eat the shitty cheap sushi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW4ZGO_Hi_8
  7. Victoria is beautiful too. Plus Phillips brewery is in victoria. You should check it out, amazing beer. Hopefully you can try "the puzzler" sometime. Btw they sell 2 liter re-fillable jugs of amazing beer for 5$ if you stop in at the brewery to refill it. http://phillipsbeer.com/home FWP? I can't get my turntable working properly.
  8. I knew you would be accepted! Congrats. Thanks:) Now mu fwp is finding a place to live in vancouver. My brother lives in Edmonton - he's getting a 3 bedroom apartment for around $1100 a month. I might get lucky and find a good 1 bedroom for around that price here. Fuck me sideways! Fuck you sideways, upwards, downwards, and in the 4th dimension.....! As you know Canada is brutally expensive (even Edmonton where 55% of avg income after taxes goes to housing) everywhere! I have been looking to sell my home to move to Vancouver to live closer to my last remaining family, but Vancouver seems to be even more expensive than the rest of Canada... Absolutely beautiful city though. Cheers, contentrate on the positive man... you made it to grad school!
  9. ^ is that from the oversteps tour? why the fuck is oversteps so shit compared to that live set? (I still like oversteps. But doesn't compare to that live madness).
  10. Plus pics! Should we start a zephyrs cat-shit-floor thread I wonder....?
  11. Noted. I was waiting for an update. Do you ever step in it and slip and fall in a comical, three stooges kind of way?
  12. unfortunately I haven't heard anything. Last I heard he was up in the mountains in either Asia or South America (can't remember which) just enjoying life and eating good food. Haven't heard any rumours from him as of late!
  13. awe =( I felt this way for years. I'm lucky my girlfriend now has identical taste in music to me. At least WATMM's here to talk to about music. WATMM is totally tolerant about everyones opinion on music lol.n
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