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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by gmanyo

  1. Well first off, let's make the clear distinction between colloquial 'depression'--you know, the existential shit or the ritual of bad lifestyle habits--and what is called 'clinical depression'--where a person's neurochemical baseline is flawed from the get-go (i.e. where there is a seratonin or dopamine deficiency or whatever confluence of factors it might be). You can't 'get over' clinical depression, in the same way you can't 'get over' sickle-cell anemia. I agree that bipolar's symptoms can be mitigated, but it's not a matter of some triumph of the spirit. You can learn to avoid and cope with stress, you can avoid aggravating factors like caffeine and alcohol and marijuana, you can maintain a healthy diet and sleep schedule, you can stay active and social and productive, but you simply can't 'get over' bipolar with willpower or emotional fortitude or whatever. I still think that a big part of overcoming the illness is to take action against it; I referenced "get over it" because it's a common argument against depression that people have that is terribly oversimplified and just plain wrong, however I think that there is a certain part of conquering depression that is consciously acting differently to how you feel. This is not an easy task and it's a process that can take years, whereas "get over it" implies that it is just a simple problem that can be gotten over in a day or two if just ignored. I completely understand the difference between clinical depression and typical sadness, as I have experienced it myself many times.
  2. The other problem with depression and other emotional disorders is, unfortunately, that the answer to beating it sort of ends up being "get over it". At some point one has to just start to act against the feelings that they have, as painful as it might be. On the other hand, people who do conquer their depression can be even more well balanced emotionally because they have to learn how to handle things even when the feelings don't match. With bipolar disorder, I've gotten pretty good at recognizing and handling mania, and a bit for the depressive swings, but the problem is that I'm left with a bunch of bad habits left over from my procrastination and anxiety so that even when I'm feeling normal I still have a bunch of problems like extreme procrastination and an inability to feel close to people. The only way to really fight this is just to start acting against it, and not just blaming my poor decisions on my emotional problems.
  3. I know someone whose brother just committed suicide. He wasn't my closest friend or anything and I'd never met his brother, but that's I think the third suicide which I have been just a one friend away from in the past year. I don't mean to be an old man, but I do believe that our fast paced and busy modern society has something to do with it, especially the anxiety disorders.
  4. This is not terrible advice. I think that conventional SSRIs can help, but one should be very wary of them. I was on cymbalta for awhile and as soon as I got a better psych he took me off of it. When I first went on it I was in a hospital within 3 days; correlation doesn't mean causation of course but considering that I'm bipolar it was probably not a good idea to put me on this in the first place.
  5. I love their Yin imperial stout. It was made to be a black and tan that goes with their Yang IPA, but I prefer it alone. It has an oddly high amount of carbonation. Also last night I had Accumulation IPA, draught. Really nutty, light, drinkable IPA.
  6. porno music is at almost 5 million dollars right now
  7. You know that Evil Twin and Mikkeller are both gypsy breweries run by twins who can't stand each other?
  8. 21st birthday gift from my parents: Over 80 dollars for all that. The next few weeks will be fun.
  9. lol! so true.. i was thinking same exact thing... would be cool to feature that skeleton horn player in the "stargazing with the company" music video (: yeah, he's a big mover and shaker in the upcoming VaporJazz™ scene.. btw you've seen it already probs, but here's the original gif doot doot
  10. HA look at this fucking bullshit http://www.factmag.com/2014/03/12/whats-your-cut-audience-question-derails-neil-youngs-pono-introduction-at-sxsw/
  11. FLAC will fill up 128GB pretty damn fast, also. This is one of the dumbest things I've heard of in awhile.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ivan Ooze

      Ivan Ooze


    3. hello spiral

      hello spiral

      the ones with the special filling

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Je savais que tout ce temps! feces homme!

  13. i usually just sample rick astley
  14. idgaf as long as it sounds cool
  15. haha oh yeah tonetta! didn't his original account get taken down?
  16. I'm gonna say that Y. Beckhirst is winning this thread so far, but Farrah and Tykylevits are great competition. Edit: Oh, and the OOBE/Snickers guy as well. Shit actually I don't know who my favorite is. Y. Beckhirst is probably the most "outsider".
  17. lol vaporwave death certificate
  18. why didnt i get a pm do u hate me
  19. Lastfm page says Levantis is an Actress alias.
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