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Everything posted by Milwaukeeeee

  1. I ve seen Funny Man. Some of the cheesiest shit in a crappy way, and Christopher Lee role is also shitty
  2. the space is just some top class CGI projected on the dome. Nasa and SpaceX confirmed liars
  3. maybe the best granny pain moans I've heard yet ^
  4. almost every mechanical action or average behaviour is very influenced from sexual energies in form of sexual intentions, desires, expectations or repressions. So sex uses to motivate or drive what we are doing in a default state of conciousness. The problem is we rarely are truly aware of it at the moments it happen, or how to stop an upcoming dumb action driven by this force. Every habit or thing that drives or control our weak will in an easy way, has sex as it root So if I'm drunk and decide on a whim to urinate in the middle of a well lit city street it's the fault of my libido? How did you come to this conclusion? That situation is because of being very drunk, not much sex energy in that case, you are below average state of conciousnes just drunkness of a do not giving a fuck drunk. Sexual energy is the most high and it searchs pure unity of your stuff with something else. The most refined energy a orgaism could make out of digestions. Its potent energy tends to leak to the three main brains or centers, the moving, the emotional and the intelectual, and if not transmuted or being aware of it, it is like leaking kerosene in a diesel or gas engine depending of the center that steals its energy... resulting in imbalances in its functions, for example too much imagination, mental fantasies or morbid desires, strong egoic emotios, fears, masochism, dumb sexual intentions... all of them pretty dumb if analyzed
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