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Lane Visitor

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lane Visitor

  1. so they literally just slowed down existing songs? is that it or am i missing something? So you're not missing anything per se, logically, but most heavy sample-based vaporwave is actually much less about musical production/craft/ability, and mostly about presenting selections of altered audio and recycled/found internet-sourced art and packaging it through concepts and atmospheres it would never have otherwise been connected to. Pretentious... Lazy... Adolescent? Maybe, but it's a rich movement nonetheless. If you can try and think of it (at least the heavy sample-based examples) as less of -a music genre with "artists"/"albums", and more of an internet art/sound experiment ... And instead of artists the creators are more "strange djs", or "curators" "editors" etc, putting out "mixes" of slightly warped stuff theyve found and collected to put into one bizzaro mixtape, then youre more likely to appreciate and enjoy vaporwave in all its ego-less dada-ist glory.
  2. Puts it into perspective, doesn't it? He's already accomplished exactly what he wants by having us thinking, talking, about him all day every day, whether positive or negative. In many ways, he's won. He pretty much is our "dear leader". It's all just extra bonus fun for him from here out.
  3. We should create a poll on whether/when he'll be impeached. Would be fun to even place money bets on it.
  4. So a big first world pet peeve of mine is when people talk unnecessarily / excessively / randomly about drinking or drinks. I have zero judgement of drinkers, I drink moderately here and there (used to much more often), and many of my friends are regular drinkers. I don't know what it is, but I just have this thing that makes me wanna to roll my eyes/sigh/curse people out in my mind when they brag about drinking hard or... The worst... When its Friday and your co-worker derails a serious group topic and confesses "uggh I just want a drink now", "omg its Friday, i can't wait for the day to end so i can grab a drink".... All i can think in that moment is OH GAWD SHUTTHEFUCKUPPPPPP. But instead i just fake laugh "haha heh yeeah"
  5. *whom'st Why, yes I am. Damn i wanna listen to some Tamphex now!
  6. Haha, my wife's a fast walker. When i tell her this, she disagrees and says im judging her walking pace :P so i have to tell her "hey sweetie, since im a slooow walker, you should slow down a bit so i can walk side by side with you." Lol
  7. holy FUCK. this literally is inciting violence. this guy is psychotic, and needs to be out of the whitehouse NOW. truly scary.
  8. Azure Sands and OK Oil Company just put out some straight up redneck vaporwave. You need this in your life. 10/10. https://okoilcompany.bandcamp.com/album/american-truck-songs-8
  9. it was a mickey dees day. fish filet, fries, and an unsweetened iced tea. fuckin hit the spot. now listening to vaporwave while in a mcdonalds coma. god i love being an american. tgif yall.
  10. Just watched a snippet of that clip. When we have a POTUS who's getting ripped by one of the well-known reporters of a news agency loyal to his own party, you KNOW he is a fuck-up. And everyone who's still loyal to that bloated gibbon at this point just has a fetish for authoritarians in general. Just an irresistible allure to inept assholes, like insecure girls from high school with daddy issues. I've heard that it's not gonna end well for us. But I'm convinced that it's not gonna end well for him. lolol
  11. False flag? ... http://money.cnn.com/2017/02/14/news/harrison-ford-plane-mishap/index.html
  12. that's brilliant.. keeping trump in will actually allow them to continue doing anything they want and if anything fucks up or causes major outrage, they can just blame it on "incompetent trump". wow. ...makes me wonder if the influencers of trump's campaign (everyone from groups to investors to russian ties) was all planned for that reason, to get someone like him in power as a puppet. *switches to Robbie mode*
  13. clever analysis and that definitely makes sense. they say presidents are just puppets, so what you're saying is soon trump will probably literally become a puppet controlled by the gop. well i guess that would be better than the damage he could cause himself.
  14. Watching the White House briefing right now.. what a mess. This administration's been nothing but on the defensive since Trump became president. It's like literally all meetings about meetings and defending image and knee jerk responses to criticism. There's no efforts to implement real lasting policies or any kind of spirited movement--it's all just a bunch of defending of corruption... IN THE FIRST MONTH OF OFFICE. wtffff This is completely and utterly absurd. The level of incompetency and amount of chaos in the Trump administration is off the charts. I'm literally embarrassed for these people, and becoming embarrassed to call myself an American right now. Certainly he can't avoid impeachment at this point, right?
  15. ^ well said Just discovered that apparently Steve Bannon used to be in a 70s new wave band called... You guys are gonna flip... "Steve Bannon And The Travel Bans"
  16. I sometimes do that if the crust is "meh". If you have 4 slices that "meh" crust is like 300 unnecessary cardboard-y calories. Breakfast: 1.5 scoops of this fair enough, yeah the crust on this one was meh lol
  17. My friend stopped by and we ordered a pizza. Pepperoni on one half (his), tomato on mine. It was good. I ate my four slices in full. Like a 5 year old, he left the crust of his slices in the box.
  18. Ooh I'm loving this so far... Great use of phasing/modulation on that pad... And i really like what im assuming spring reverb its drenched in. Very good vibes and matches the cover art which is one of the best ive seen recently (: We need more of this
  19. Ooh aye, I got one on there too. All the glitched loops in my track were from a faulty copy of Monsters: Dark Continent I downloaded, hah. Good comp. Congrats on the 7", Lane! Didn't know Adhesive were stretching out into vinyl. Been out of the game a bit myself, but have three releases coming up soon: a split tape with MindSpring Memories, my side is a 20 minute slushy sax lullaby; & a 90 minute album on Swamp Circle. And my tape for No Problema is finally in production and should be out soon. Only started the fucker in 2014. He's a long way from vaporwave now, but HKE's new one is pretty solid. OESB is doing a vinyl run of Ferraro's Human Story 3 on the same imprint too. Thanks Purlieu! I'm still waiting for it to ship myself, very stoked. Oh wow congrats on getting a tape out on No Problema, legit for sure. Cool about the rest of your upcoming stuff too. I love the Swamp Circle label, they always put out classic vapor/muzak and have interesting themes to their releases. anyone heard Remember's Welcome To Axico Industries? Cant remember if ive posted this before, but i seriously cant get enough of this album: https://plus100.bandcamp.com/album/welcome-to-axico-industries The evil corporation / cyberpunk theme is strong on this one.. makes me wanna grab some burger king french toast sticks for breakfast.
  20. I just watched Hard Candy for the first time. Well done film, highly disturbing lol. I have to say that was one of the most mentally and physically draining movies I've ever seen.
  21. nice, i love smashburger... though the one that ive been too is hit or miss-- sometimes they make it a bit too greasy. but otherwise, its super good and hits the spot. i like how you can add spinach or any other stuff to it. yes, those smash fries are incredible. i usually order a side of smash oil and just douse the burger in the rosemary and olive oil lol
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