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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Innit? I forgot who posted that McDrivin' animated vid here earlier this year, but if you remember that one it's by the same guy.
  2. It's not all hate. They like to make love to their cousins and livestock every now and then.
  3. I was hoping he'd do a roundhouse kick when he hopped
  4. It's not the first time I've heard "yeah, Donnie's going down!" Because he's still seemingly invincible right now. I just don't wanna get excited about the possibility of him getting ousted until we know for sure.
  5. Direct correlation between diameter of entitlement bouffant and the rank of official whomst (ERROR: MEME EXPIRY DATE: 31 DEC 2017) affiliated with the company against which bouffant wearer files grievance confirmed.
  6. He's lucky he didn't get his ass beat. I probably would've done it myself if I were there.
  7. (2019) When in 2019? I need to know how many RZA fLh burgers to cook up for the next WATMM bqbqbq
  8. Let's just give Donnie a Buzz Lightyear toy to play with and call it a day.
  9. With all this Space Force binnez, I feel like Donnie is making a desperate, hamfisted, half-assed attempt to bring back the days of Reagan. I think it's all about ego when it comes down to it. All talk and no walk. If we really want to do something useful in space, maybe we ought to look into establishing an artificial magnetosphere on Mars to protect against solar and cosmic radiation if we're gonna pave the way for colonization. And our oil reserves on Earth will likely deplete at some point, and we'll have more to worry about than Donnie doing stupid shit all the time. So maybe we could find a way to mine the hydrocarbon-rich Titan, after clearing a very steep hurdle of accomplishing a round trip. This all sounds far-fetched now, but one can dream. Besides, not like we had internet, smartphones, and IDM two centuries ago.
  10. I didn't know you could do non-lethal takedown of the final boss in MD, because I went the non-lethal route with every enemy except him. Using EMP attacks is still garbage compared to HR though. Decided to start a new Prey (2017) playthrough after completing the Mooncrash DLC the night before. Dunno why, but it's starting to grow on me. It really is the closest modern game out there to System Shock.
  11. All end gets hyped a lot here, but there's no way it can be driving music for me. Now falling asleep, that's another story. lol
  12. The amount of smug on that face. You what else it could use? A high-impact coffee mug. they ruined her dinner tonight. bunch of protestors went into the restaurant where she was eating and chanted and yelled at her. what's more fucked up is they don't have a plan to reunite these kids w/their parents. absolutely no plan. a lot them will just be lost in the system here in the US. wtf. The GOP don't go by plans, or logic for that matter. They go by sentiments, grudges, and their deep-seeded racism. Needless to say, they're bankrupt of both rationality and morality. The sooner, the better.
  13. Damn, sorry to hear that. I don't miss having roommates TBH.
  14. Salutations, Sir Felix! I just changed out the bulb to the right headlight of my Nissan Versa and fixed it. No tools were required, except when I dropped the damn new bulb at the bottom of the engine housing and had to run back into the auto parts shop to buy a grabber tool. But it worked!
  15. And I'm physically surrounded by them. I think the "dumbing down" of America was a deliberate attempt behind the scenes for the past couple of decades to make it easier for the populace to fall in line. It seems to have succeeded. If only that actually happened..
  16. We should send Donnie and his lemon party of washed-up old KKK infiltrators on a one-way to Venus. That way it'll be easier for the rest of us to fix Earth.
  17. Maybe that's part of my problem - not doing actual weight training yet. I've been doing strictly cardio. I'm not about to throw in the towel though. Besides, the vest I put on today because it was chilly felt much looser than it did over last winter. Maybe just need to cut back on beer and greasy foods. Damn bqbqbqbbq season.
  18. And now Ann Coulter's saying that children of immigrant families being separated from their parents are actors. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jun/18/ann-coulter-calls-children-weeping-border-child-ac/ Someone shut her filthy whore mouth.
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