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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I tried the remaster in late 2016 I think, but the controls were broken at the time, so I uninstalled it. But then I just now read that it got a major fix just last month. So I may have to give it a second chance. Still playing Dusk right now though. I'm well into Episode 2 and it keeps getting weirder, but in a good way. Also, turns out that there's a power-up that gives you a timed "Super Hot" effect. It does exactly what you'd expect.
  2. I don't know where my birth certificate is, in case I need to renew my passport. No definite plans yet for international travel again, but if I ever decide on it, I need to figure out where the hell it is.
  3. This guy may be a comedian, but he's absolutely right. You absolutely do NOT put this shit in mac and cheese. You just don't.
  4. If domestic cats were more approximate to our size they would make us their meals
  5. Oprah means well, don't get me wrong. I just don't want another celebrity in politics. On a somewhat unrelated note, I just opted to unfollow every political page on FB. My views haven't changed any, but I've decided that picking fights with Trump supporters in comments sections won't accomplish a damn thing. So I'll just count on voting when the time comes. I think there's a local municipal election in April, and then of course the mid terms on Nov 6th - that'll be the big one.
  6. Kinda sounds like the end of Far Cry 2. All of your expat buddies you develop comradery with over the course of the whole game...only to find yourself killing every last one of them so you can use that case of diamonds that they're guarding to bribe the border guards to allow the refugees to escape the country. And this right before you kill yourself effectively as the only way out of your terminal illness. Talk about a gut punch.
  7. surprised my comment was deleted yet. "you should fly it right into the sun" and yeah.. these people are nuts.. seeing this as a good thing because now jesus owns a plane and can spread the gospel... that guy kenneth whatever.. lives in a multimillion dollar mansion.. and this isn't his 1st plane. he's a total bullshit artist. scammer. like all the others.. Overenthusiastic religious types are guaranteed scammers. Their "devotion" is how they legitimize their existence as frauds.
  8. The backwater evangelical zealots are aspiring to a theocratic nation state it seems. Well, I could be exaggerating, but we all know after the past year that it's a plausible scenario.
  9. Dusk turned out to be a 90s shooter revival done right. The reviews weren't lying. Even has a fake DOS prompt as the initial loading screen. Classy.
  10. I think it's due out by the end of this year, or possibly 2019. I have to admit though, having played the original back in 1995, the remaster looks like it'll be much smoother to play. I just hope they don't "dumb it down" for console ports. This is perhaps one of the grimmest bad endings in video game history.
  11. That's the last time I fall for pre-order hype bullshit
  12. Congrats Jason Just made my first chebureki of 2018. Now I'm stuffed.
  13. I was wondering whether many ppl still play that these days. Gotta love farming the bosses and other unique enemies for legendary loot.
  14. Despite Bernie's age, I wouldn't rule out a 2020 bid for him. What I'm worried about is the DNC not learning their mistake from 2016 by forcing some establishment corporate shill warhawk type into the race. Too early to tell right now though, as the Dems still seem to be licking their wounds and figuring out how to get their shit together.
  15. Fair point. Not blonde enough either for that matter.
  16. SOMA is one of my faves from the last 5 years. Still haven't tried SOMA. Isn't it more or less a survival horror/puzzle/mystery game?
  17. Savage granny, from the 1st Anniversary Women's March yesterday (NSFW language)
  18. You guys are exactly right - for thousands of years the region has been unstable. When referring to "root conflict" I was talking about the intensity post 2003. But what remains the same is that this is their conflict. Not ours. We don't have and never have had any reason to be there in the first place. Oh, I don't disagree with that. didn't they arbitrarily draw up borders after WWII? or before that? i can't recall.. and by "they" i mean the UK and some other nations.. then the US and the brits sank iran's democratically elected president mossedegh to protect british petroleum because mossedegh had nationalized the oil industry which the brits had controlled for a long time. there's a great book about it called "All the Shah's Men" and a longer title to it about the CIA etc etc.. it's a fascinating read. basically spells out how we set the stage for a religious revolt to oust the shah.. ya know.. one of those unintended consequences things.. like iraq and the islamic state.. ISIS or whatever ya wanna call it.. I think it was in 1953 the CIA got involved in that overthrow in Iran. There was an official name for the incident too, I think. And of course the signs of blowback have been evident since 1979. Anyway, in relation to the thread, it's funny how Trumpsters have this xenophobic/isolationist idea about America shutting itself off from immigrants and so-called globalists...yet any notion of the long-standing overseas military intervention (i.e. bombing civilians) that's long underscored US foreign policy is somehow all Obama's doing. Yes, this has been going on throughout the last decade, but it's never stopped since Trump took power a year ago. If anything the stats have become more obscured. In other words, the Pentagon has become even less transparent since then. At least based on all the info I've been following throughout last year.
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