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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. She certainly has that "I'd like to speak to a manager" hairstyle. I swear self-entitled white people in America are the biggest assholes on Earth.
  2. Decided to give Ruiner a spin. Only got thru the prologue so far. It's like Dark Souls meets Ghost in the Shell I guess. Seems like Devolver is the go-to publisher for Polish indie developers these days.
  3. I'm about to sound like an NRA zealot, but those pieces of shit ought be gunned down with .22s.
  4. I hate dealing with the public directly or with any oral communication. Any verbal communication I'd rather do strictly by text, email, or messaging. I'd probably be better off without vocal chords. And I wish I could be a hermit 24/7. I'm probably borderline autistic or have Ass Burgers or something. But this has been bugging me in the back of my mind for eternity.
  5. If the Assasin finds your ship is it game over or does it just prompt a battle? Good question. Not sure yet, since I'm afraid to check around online, lest possible spoilers be revealed. Either way I prefer to find out on my own. I'm hoping it'll be like one of those missions where a UFO brings the Avenger down and you have to defend it, if the Assassin finds it.
  6. https://forum.watmm.com/topic/83680-the-idm-man-urban-legend/
  7. So glad I didn't enable Ironman Mode on XCOM 2: WotC, having lost faction members on missions more than once. And with the Avatar Project progress squares being enough of a concern, now you gotta worry about that Chosen assassin bitch gaining enough knowledge to find your Avenger. I can't wait to put her down for good. Might check out Ruiner after I'm done with WotC, between now and when the new Wolfenstein drops...
  8. I changed out the fluorescent bulbs in my kitchen ceiling light and got it working again.
  9. wondering if you mean they were promoting the kid rock thing as being awesome cus wearing flag is patriotic af and the commentary is essentially "why can't they be more like this guy smh" i wouldn't really be surprised either way Naw. Fuck Kid Rock. He desecrated the flag by cutting a hole in it because he's a fucking idiot. 똥이 가득하다.
  10. A meme I saw on FB this morning further proved the hypocrisy of the right, comparing the NFL players taking a knee on top to Kid Rock on the bottom, cutting a hole out of the center of the US flag and wearing it like a poncho. And this guy wants to run for senator?? Brought to you by Carl's Jr. I guess.
  11. All I can suggest Squee is that you take holiday ASAP
  12. If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right. I've got a schoolboy crush on FiveThirtyEight's Clare Malone. Word. If you follow AJ+ you've probably seen Francesca Fiorentini. She's my latest crush anyway. John Ehrlichman's sis sorta was for a bit, and Cath Turner was about six years ago. I don't care for rich bimbos. I appreciate independent ladies who are in the know and aren't afraid to rattle the establishment.
  13. I might have a new journalist crush. Is it wrong to have a crush on a journalist? (Not talking about celebs, couldn't give a fuk)
  14. And now he's vowing to boycott the NFL because of all the players "taking a knee" during the anthem today. Not that I care much about the NFL to begin with, but just shows how thin-skinned he is. Never mind his dumbass still-supporters who are condemning the Kaepernick trend. The irony is that I'm seeing more and more veterans defending the kneeling, which is encouraging.
  15. We'd all be better off with neither of them, either way. No amount of ranting can express how embarrassed I am of our demon baby of a president
  16. Really? Haven't had any crashing issues on my end, at least on PC. Took me about two weeks to find out what kept erasing my saves tho. My latest mission was a Supply Raid. I was thinking that it would just be as simple as securing the goods and flatlining anything that tries to stop you. Wrong. The Chosen Assassin appears, then ADVENT snags two of the supply crates, and then a horde of Lost appears, and Central's like "uuhhh better get the rest of 'em before they're gone." Give me a break. At least Retaliation missions have been improved. Some civilians actually fight back against ADVENT now, which is nice.
  17. Fuck this nationalist Hitler-wannabe, his shitty haircut, his greedy, racist friends, and his fragile, inflated ego. Sick of his bullshit.
  18. I'm afraid if I ever get into another Skyrim playthrough that I would get sucked into a gaming black hole like last time. It took me literally two months then, even when I had like two weeks of vacation. TBH I didn't bother a whole lot with magic the first time. As long as you've got a couple of Destruction spells, Daedric armor and sword, and an enhanced Dwarven crossbow, you can pretty much fuck any shit up. Also the skill leveling system made more sense than the one in Fallout 4, because you have to actually practice it in order to hone it.
  19. This is the first Nintendo-related post that's piqued my interest in ages. Metroid is by far my favorite Nintendo series.
  20. Good deal. TBH if I ever make an England visit I'd have much more interest in the north (esp. Manc or Blackpool) than London. No offense to Londoners, but just seems like an unhappy concrete jungle from what I hear.
  21. I accidentally flung a speck of toothpaste into my left eye this morning. It had a brief, minty burn.
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