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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Seems that way. All this talk about incriminating evidence and not a damn thing being done about it. Or at least that's how it appears in the public eye. could be.. all this stuff takes time. remember when they impeached clinton for covering up a blow job? it took a year. the trump investigation is sprawling. lot's of material witnesses and all kinds of shit figuring out how to prove obstruction of justice or whatever they are going for has got to be a tough thing. it will drag on.. unless they find some smoking gun and trump resigns. it's a shit show. I remember hearing on NPR radio about a week ago from an interview with some legal expert (don't remember who) that the investigation could take as long as three years, but it's too early to tell right now. I just want him, Mitch McConnell, and all of his other asshole Yes Men out of power one way or another. Sick of all the greed and injustice coming from this so-called authority.
  2. Been having a cramp in the lower right side of my neck waking up in the morning the last couple of days. Will try a different pillow.
  3. Seems that way. All this talk about incriminating evidence and not a damn thing being done about it. Or at least that's how it appears in the public eye.
  4. Just watched a video of a Laotian-American getting pulled over by an off-duty cop in Minnesota, then was repeatedly kicked and thrown to the ground. The guy who got stopped is facing jail time, but neither the off-duty cop nor the guy in uniform who was just standing there seem to be facing any kind of punishment. I swear this country is sliding more and more down the shitter every day, with all these greedy sociopath racist assholes in charge. It's almost like we're begging for vigilante groups to keep the thuggish cops in check. Not saying they're all that way, but this power tripping has gotten way out of hand. They probably all voted for the orange puke in the White House too. (sorry for the rant, I'm just sick of this bullshit)
  5. Pizza has to be one of the most versatile dishes ever invented. I got back into RZA burgers lately, but I wonder if it's possible to make a RZA pizza. Probably requires a giant waffle lol
  6. I knew the Olsen twins were in The Dark Crystal!
  7. Nov. 6th next year still seems like a long ways away. Nearly half of the country didn't vote in the atrocity that was last year's presidential election. We didn't have any solid choices, but the least shitty vote is still better than none. Maybe the next midterm will motivate a lot more of us to get off our asses and vote. Apathy is partly the reason we're in this mess now.
  8. I remember Sean's acknowledgement of Blomkamp's work during the AAA in early November 2013. But I'm afraid I must respectfully disagree with your statement. If anything, that mention only reinforces my admiration for him as a director. The fact that he's getting props from one of my favorite artists is further validation. Also it's clear to me that this latest move by Blomkamp means he's breaking from the shackles of Hollywood, which is mostly rampant with tired, recycled crap. I have no idea why he chose the name he did. But it doesn't really bother me.
  9. ^ I saw the Damasu one this morning too. It's a nice jab at those stupid infomercials that seniors get bombarded with on cable TV every morning. Also worth noting that the word "damasu" is Japanese for "to trick" or "to deceive". I get the feeling that this series is going to include a variety of different ideas and settings, not just focused on a single one. More or less a potpourri.
  10. The plot is easy enough to figure out - definitely not the first "aliens invade Earth" setting. But Blomkamp's visual aesthetics are what make it stand out from most Hollywood flicks.
  11. It looks like Blomkamp is taking a more independent, autonomous direction with his latest work. Apparently the intent behind Oats Studios is a "creative sandbox", as he describes in this article: https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/3/15703414/neill-blomkamp-oats-studios-short-films-sci-fi-district-9-chappie-elysium-rakka I've already posted this vid in another thread, but here is Rakka, the first installment of his new series of experimental short films. Well worth a watch.
  12. Blomkamp's latest short film, just released a week ago: I discovered it on Steam yesterday, and just now got done watching it. He's still fucking got it.
  13. My guess is they added the mozzarella on top right at the end. And they slightly browned it somehow, like a crème brûlée. The contents included crab meat, avocado, cucumber, mushroom, scallop, and tobiko. And it was garnished with green onion on top. The rice did feel dry on the sushi. TBH I don't think the mozzarella really damaged the texture of it. I think crab and scallop you can get away with using that kind of cheese, but not with any type of raw fish.
  14. Nuh uh just gtfo with that noiiiiiseeee. Yeah when I read shit like this it reminds me how oblivious people are to the (imo very important) role that heat and moisture have in the enjoyment of food. Sushi quickly gets pretty fucked up and gross as it wanders away from room temp. If I was going for those unctuous cheese vibes I'd go with a cream cheese or maybe some spicy mayo. Melted mozzarella on sushi is just fucked up. It was at a restaurant, granted it was run by non-Japanese. But it looked too intriguing to pass up, so I had to try. I mean, isn't this an IDM forum? I thought most of us here had a fondness for weird shit. Is melted mozzarella over sushi a greater atrocity perpetrated by humanity than pineapple on pizza? We shall see.
  15. Found an eastern European import food shop in my city. First time I've been after living here for 17 years. Decided to try a half liter can of kvass. Tastes very syrupy and malty at the same time, but not bad. A uniquely Russian beverage.
  16. I think Pizza Hut introduced something worse two or three years ago: crust stuffed with hot dog. They're the McDonald's of pizzerias basically. I think I remember the commercials. I of course, never tried it. I like hot dogs, and I like pizza. Maybe it was good? Probably utter dogshite though, I'd put money on it. You should see some of the crazy things Pizza Hut Japan sells! I remember Japanese pizza. Like Domino's and Pizza-La. One pizza I tried had teriyaki chicken on it, and another one shrimp. And I think mayo was used in lieu of tomato sauce. Call me the devil's advocate, but it was tasty.
  17. I think Pizza Hut introduced something worse two or three years ago: crust stuffed with hot dog. They're the McDonald's of pizzerias basically. Relevance of Emo in this decade: (also Mr. Oizo tribute in the game)
  18. Last time I had Little Caesars pizza it gave me excretory problems. Ironic considering I thought there was sentimental value to the franchise from childhood until my latest experience. Eating pizza using silverware is bullshit. Next time that someone gives you flak about it, lob that pizza right at their fucking face - clown style.
  19. "I'd like to order a bigly pizza with extra covfefe for delivery pls"
  20. On mobile: Flipping Legend. Simple yet addictive, with Minecraft-style voxel grafix. My new favorite time killer. Also just got promoted to Gold League II on War Robots last night. Time to upgrade my hangar like a fiend. On PC: Doom 2016. Still holds up well over a year later.
  21. That is something I'd be willing to try. Can't go wrong with fried egg. Cheese please. I discovered last week that melted mozzarella is tasty over sushi as well, as revolting as that might sound.
  22. Not necessarily. What proof do you have that there's any correlation between pizza topping preferences and political affiliation?
  23. I never much cared for pineapples on pizza either, but there are literally far worse acts that humanity has perpetrated. I will not name them because I don't want to make this thread depressing. But you get the idea.
  24. I'm in a similar situation at work. I think I'm usually the only one who empties the trash cans, and there's one girl at work who'd leave food plates just lying around, sometimes only partially eaten. Same thing with paper plates of wet cat food (we have two cats at work), she never fucking throws the shit away.
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