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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. ambermonk

    elseq 1-5

    I listened to eastre on Easter this year. No joke.
  2. ^ Because you're using the wrong substance bruh
  3. Apparently Mr. Hawaiian Shirt shouted "America" before he came back for more. These Trump-loving assholes need to stop embarrassing us.
  4. This is the first time I've gotten excited over an upcoming non-PC, non-console game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqPwdEkxCnw AFAIK this is only available on iOS in Russia and other former Soviet bloc countries. But once it's polished up and made available on Android and the rest of the world, most of the War Robots community will probably jump ship. (The developers of Battle Titans were the original War Robots team, before they left Pixonic.)
  5. Pretty much. 2016 just saw the biggest mistake of a presidential election in our history. Even more so than 2000. Being a political amateur and a bully will only get you so far in this job. He can have all the attention he wants, but he won't get the praise.
  6. That beta soliloquy sounds like my early 20s
  7. DJT is Snowflake Prime. We already know that the presidential approval rating this year after the first 100 days is statistically the lowest it's been since Truman at the end of WWII. And about his talk of wanting to consolidate power...he also talked about building that wall, replacing Obamacare, reviving the coal industry, etc. And then he whines about how hard his job as POTUS is after playing golf every weekend. He loves to blow hot air but can't handle the slightest critique. I'm not ruling out a single-term presidency. And Alex Jones is basically Stay Puft.
  8. Just made my first ever RZA burger. The flavor surpassed my expectations. (RZA burger description here: https://rossheutmaker.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/rza-burger/)
  9. AFAIK the Chinese government is pushing harder for wind, solar, and other clean energy industries while this guy thinks he can bring coal back. It's like he's intentionally doing the opposite of everything he should be doing.
  10. And now they're running the show. But maybe there's a direct correlation in term length.
  11. yeah, although there is also a part of me that remembers a time you never always got what you wanted; eg you saw a toy in the argos catalogue or in a shop window and for whatever reason, they never had it for sale when you finally had the money (or convinced your parents) to purchase with that said, this seems to blatantly manufactured by nintendo considering they said they were releasing more to meet the demand Well, I think Nintendo's charm was greater the final 15 years of last millennium than it is now. I think these days they're just recycling old product just to stay afloat. Regardless, 2017 is the year I've become primarily an Android gamer. War Robots just turned 3, I'm almost @ Gold league, and I might get my first Galahad robot in a couple of days, depending on how this imminent anniversary event goes. Are we talkin' console developers, publishers, or game developers? Because with the last one bitchy gamers are so rampant it's like a pandemic.
  12. eitd: God-fearin', pot-bellied, beer helmet-wearin' Murican chants "nuke 'em all" then immediately goes into coughing fit and gets diabeetus...then starts mispronouncin' every foreign word
  13. Having played Rampage (not just N64 but also the NES one), this sounds pretty dope
  14. Trumpty Dumpty built a Great Wall. Trumpty Dumpty had a Great Fall. All the King's horses, and all the King's men citizens pointed and laughed at his fat stupid ass splattered all over the ground. (title pending)
  15. Trump, Spicer, and all those other fascist dumbfucks talk just like these people They literally lack critical thinking, logic, and/or coherent speech. They are overgrown maggots, nothing more. (sorry, buzzed rant)
  16. I've officially spend more time watching HowToBasic now than on politics...except when fuckboy-in-chief throws a fit over poopy diaper on Tweeter
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlU4HTefxmc There's always room for pudding you seee
  18. Dammit. I don't want that prick ruining the friendly childhood aura of Keebler Elf for me.
  19. Now I want one just so I can have a pet that can talk like a circuit-bent Speak & Spell
  20. Had an encounter with a potential FB scammer. He's claiming to be a "System Admin" for the company behind my current top mobile game, and made a "limited time offer" of an in-game purchase via PM. I told him I'd think about it, and then I immediately contacted the company directly with an authentication request regarding this guy. This isn't the first scam attempt on FB I've faced. We'll see what the official company reply is.
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